Apache Struts 2.5 BETA3 发布

jopen 8年前

Apache Struts 2.5 BETA3 发布了,详细改进记录包括:

  • Dropped support for id and name - replaced with var, see WW-2069

  • Dedicated archive with a minimal set of dependencies was introduced, see WW-4570

  • It is possible to use multiple names when defining a result, see WW-4590

  • Rest plugin honors Accept header, see WW-4588

  • New result ‘JSONActionRedirectResult’ in json-plugin was defined, see WW-4591

  • Tiles plugin was upgrade to the latest Tiles 3 and tiles3-plugin was dropped, see WW-4584

  • JasperReports plugins was upgraded to JasperReport 6.0, see WW-4381

  • OGNL was upgraded to version 3.0.11 and it breaks access to properties as it follows Java Bean Specification, see WW-4207 and WW-3909

    • and then OGNL was upgraded to version 3.1.1, see WW-4561

    • and then OGNL was upgraded to version 3.2.1, see WW-4577

来自: http://www.oschina.net//news/70288/apache-struts-2-5-beta3