针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

jopen 9年前

1. Webstorm


针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

2. SublimeText

As one of the favorite AngularJS tools, SublimeText has gained popularity based on its customized properties. The fact that it can adapt to various environments and allows one to work with Angular has made it an even bigger hit.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

3. Karma

Karma is one of the most beloved JavaScript testing AngularJS tools. Karma allows the developer to test codes on actual browsers. It also performs E2E testing, midway testing, unit testing on a number of browsers and devices and also helps debug the problems.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

4. Jasmine

Jasmine is a Behavior-driven development tool primarily meant for websites and Node.js projects. Jasmine doesn’t rely on any browsers.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

5. Protractor

Developed by the Angular team, Protractor is one of the most powerful E2E Angular testing tools. Protractor is made from a combination of tools including Jasmine, Mocha, webDriver, and Selenium and allows flexible and accurate testing.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

6. Angular Batrang

This chrome extension helps you debug the code after testing. Angular Batrang shows testing results in three different bars of performance, dependence, mode, and also lets you control the inspection.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

7. ng-inspector

ng-inspector is a Chrome and Safari extension that helps in development, debugging and understanding of AngularJS.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

8. Mocha.JS

Mocha.JS是一个灵活的测试和调试工具 is a flexible testing and debugging tool that can be operated with frameworks like snion.js or Chai.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

9. AngularUI

This tool helps build Angular applications faster with its UI components and raw directives. UI-Bootstrap is the most popular directive among others.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

10. Restangular

Restangular is different than other AngularJS tools for it contains features like HTTP method support and self linking elements.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

11.  Angular Gettext

This tool helps with translation; all you need to do is write the code in English and highlight the areas that need translation and the AngularJS tools will do the rest.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

12. Ment.io

Ment.io watches changes in the ngModel, and provides type head menu for any sequence of non-white spaced characters starting with a trigger character.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

13. Generator Angular

This tool helps speed up the Angular development with few terminal commands. This tool can also automatically develop, test and more.

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

14. ngDocs


针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具

15. LumX

LumX是一个构建在Sass, Neat, Bourbon 和一些 jQuery 之上的一个AngularJS工具。它是一个响应式前端框架。

针对Web开发人员的14 个实用的 AngularJS 工具