PHP开源WIKI系统 Tikiwiki 8 RC 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p>TikiWiki (Tiki)是一款您的优秀的 Groupware/CMS解决方案.</p>    <p>Tiki 有以下您需要的特征: Wiki,论坛,博客,新闻,图片,地图,链接,多语言支持,Bug跟踪。</p>    <p><img title="开源WIKI系统 Tikiwiki 8 RC 发布" border="0" alt="开源WIKI系统 Tikiwiki 8 RC 发布" src="" width="500" height="400" /></p>    <p>发行说明:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195826242181113" target="_blank"></a></p>    <h3 id="What_s_New" class="showhide_heading">What's New</h3> Some major changes include:    <br />    <ul>     <li>Multiple <a class="wiki" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195827000904459" rel="">improvements</a> to trackers, allowing more flexible trackers. The creation / administration of trackers was much facilitated.</li>     <li><a class="wiki" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195827739370633" rel="">Filtering of advanced preferences from administration panel</a>, making Tiki more accessible without reducing its capabilities</li>     <li><a class="wiki" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195828477788558" rel="">Improvements</a> to the <a class="wiki" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195829222724330" rel="">search infrastructure</a>.</li>     <li>The Smarty template engine was <a class="wiki" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195829955659799" rel="">upgraded from version 2 to 3</a>. Among other benefits, this makes it easier for administrators to create custom modules.</li>     <li>The translation to German has reached 100% completion, mainly thanks to the work of Gregor Adamczyk.</li>    </ul> See    <a class="wiki" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195830696243835" rel=""></a> for complete details.    <p><br /> 下载地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195831427540900" target="_blank"></a></p>