15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

jopen 10年前

Ghost 是一个开源的博客平台, 可以把他看作 WordPress 的一个挑战者. 现阶段的 WordPress 已经可以明显感觉到有些臃肿不堪, 无论是构架, 设计, 还是实现处处都显示出这是一个 10 年前就诞生的项目, 尤其是最近几个版本更新, 几乎都只是在功能和交互层面作出改进, 而看不到本质上的进步和优化. 因此我更愿意把 Ghost 看作 WordPress 的继任者. 同时, Ghost 基于 JavasSript 的 Node.js 进行开发, 在可预见的未来里, JS 无疑比 PHP 有着更多的优势.

先简单说一下我认为 Ghost 具备或即将具备的几点优势:

  • 从头写起, 比 WordPress 等现行博客平台少了许多「 历史遗留问题 」;
  • Node.js 本身是一个非常优秀的平台;
  • 采用实时架构, 大大提高访问体验. 而 WordPress 前端完全依靠 jQuery, 任何一个动作都需要重载页面;
  • 非常简洁, Zip 安装包只有 1.7M, 部署完成之后在 30M 之内. 运行效率比 WordPress 高上一个数量级;
  • 专注于博客内容本身, 而不需要用户去关心博客平台的种种问题. 采用了 Markdown 编辑器, 有着非常棒的写字体验;
  • 搭建极其简单( 至少 Windows 下本地搭建是这样的 ), 可以说不需要任何编程基础, 降低了写博客的门槛.

当然咯作为一个新生的博客平台, 现阶段还存在较多的不足. 不过考虑到目前仍处于 0.3.3 版本, 连稳定版第 1 版都算不上, 可见开发者仍然对 Ghost 充满了信心.

  • 目前的功能太少, 后台可以说是简陋不堪. 不过在 Ghost 开发者的博客中提到 0.4 版本中才会加入 Dashboard 的功能, 那么目前的暂时算作迷你后台吧;
  • 目前支持 Node.js 的空间商少之又少, 很难将 Ghost 发布出去. 这个页面有 说明这点, 目前只有Amazon EC2, DigitalOcean, Rackspace Cloud 等云服务商, Webfaction, Dreamhost 等 VPS 服务提供商能够托管 Ghost, 而采用 cPanel 面板的一系列独立主机以及虚拟空间都是为 PHP 服务, 所以无法支持 Ghost;
  • 主题和插件的数量远不及 WordPress, 目前官网只有十个左右的主题供下载或购买, 而且质量不敢恭维.
  • 很多基本功能在现在的 0.3.3 版本中还未出现, 比如多用户登陆, 发起评论等. 目前只能通过 Disqus 等评论系统来实现评论功能. 不过这些不是大问题, 接下来的版本中肯定会给予解决.

1. Ghost Theme Based on PureCSS 

PureCSS is a set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in your various web project.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

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2. Solar Theme by Matt Harzewski

Solar is best Ghost theme based on the Solarized color palette. It includes stylesheets for the default light-on-dark version and for the alternate dark-on-light themes.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

Demo | Download 

3. Albireo by Marco Santonocito

Albireo is a simple theme designed specifically for Ghost which you can download without having to shell extra penny from your pocket.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

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4. Linen by Theme Spectre

Linen is a Ghost starter theme for developers, designers, and theme builders. It provides a solid foundation for building high quality Ghost themes.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

Demo | Download

5. Aura by Tom Kenny 

Aura is a simple, user-friendly blog theme for Ghost that is available for free download.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

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6. Ghostwriter by JollyGoodThemes

Ghostwriter is a simple AJAX driven theme for Ghost that is open source theme. It is available on github for free download.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

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7. The Classy by Theme Spectre

The Classy as the name clearly says is an elegant, clean, and simple That together speak out loud for it being perfectly balanced design between type and illustrations.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

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8. Ghost Theme from Designing Sean

This is a free minimal Ghost theme for personal blog created by Designing Sean who is a web developer, music lover and a gamer.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题


9. Personally by Mr. T. Spectre

Personally is a theme that is designed for the individual blogger for reaching the widest possible audience.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题


10. Magnum by Durgesh Priyaranjan

Magnum is simple and responsive theme for ghost. You can easily download this ghost theme for free and install it to your blog that runs with ghost platform.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

Download | Demo 

11. GhostScroll by Yonatan Wolowelsky

Designed with the aim to bring you the readability and user experience of Medium while using Ghost to the content and host the stuff wherever you choose, GhostScroll is a fully responsive with oodles of user-friendly features.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

 Demo | Download

12. Ghost UiKIT Theme

Ghost UIKit Theme is a stylishly designed Ghost theme that looks little mediocre but is simply brilliant.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题


13. Vapor by Seth Lilly

Vapor is a minimal, typography-focused responsive ghost theme, that comes with a core concept of Ghost and fades into the background thereby bring the entire focus on your content. All in all, Vapor is a pretty nice theme that comes loaded with features which enable the need of customization.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

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14. Ice Breaker Ghost Theme 

Ice breaker is a simple yet cool Ghost theme by Justin Klemm.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

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15. Ghost Theme by Adam Cooke

Ghost Theme is designed by Adam who is a software developer, designer and managing director of aTech Media, Niftyware and Dial 9. It is a fully responsive theme that is worth downloading for it comes loaded with amazing features.

15 个免费的 Ghost 博客主题

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