Simplicity Linux 14.10 发布

jopen 10年前

Simplicity Linux是Puppy Linux的衍生物,它采用LXDE作为缺省桌面环境。它以四种样式提供:Obsidian版、Netbook版、Desktop版、Media版。 Netbook版的特色在于云计算软件,Desktop版提供一套通用软件,Media版则为使用PC机的家宅一族提供对媒体的简便访问。

Simplicity Linux 14.10 is now available for everyone to download.  It uses the 3.15.4 kernel.  Netbook and Desktop Editions both use LXDE as the desktop environment, and X Edition uses KDE 4.12.3.  The download links are as follows:

Netbook 14.10 (MD5: 75815f0d91d5ed4dc7337b92c7d65ba6)
Desktop 14.10 (MD5: 33759d4606a810e331228b923a820e4e)
X Edition 14.10 (MD5: af98b064490f459733b67ab28c59d4b8)

As usual, Netbook is our cutdown version, with mostly web based applications, which are made easily available from the Wbar dock.  Desktop is our more full featured edition which features a host of beautiful wallpaper images preinstalled, as well as a lot of locally based applications such as Firefox, TOR Browser, Thunderbird, LibreOffice and Dropbox.

X Edition is our experimental version, and as such not everything will work.  It is intended as a glimpse into what Simplicity Linux may become in the future.  As mentioned above, it uses KDE 4.12.3 as the desktop environment rather than LXDE.  It also leans more towards locally based applications rather than web based applications.

We hope you enjoy using Simplicity Linux as much as we’ve enjoyed working on it, and the Alpha releases of Simplicity Linux 15.1 will be available towards the end of November.