10强大的 Apache Modules模块

jopen 9年前


10强大的 Apache Modules模块

1.SSO Module - LemonLDAP

LemonLdap能够实现强大的Apache’s SSO功能,能够处理超过200,000用户请求。LemonLdap支持Java, PHP, .Net, Perl, Ruby, Python 和其它Web开发技术。也就是说,只要你将WEB应用程序部署到Apache,你可以使用LemonLdap实现单点登录功能。

地址: http://wiki.lemonldap.ow2.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome

2.Concurrent limit module - limitipconn

limitipconn是一个 Apache 模块,用来限制每个IP的并发连接的数目。支持Apache 1.x 和2.x.

地址 : http://dominia.org/djao/limitipconn.html

3.Log monitoring module

Apache Live Log is a developer with Perl in your browser to Apache log files for real-time monitoring via Ajax technologies Apache module. It can be grouped according to recent visitors to IP addresses.

website : http://www.burlaca.com/2009/02/alivelog/

4.Load balancing module


地址: http://www.backhand.org/mod_backhand/

5.The image processing module

mod_gfx Apache 是一个图片处理模块,其中有一系列灵活的,可扩展的接口,并且可以很容易地植入到他们的网站上,目前支持以下功能:

  • 调整大小
  • Resampling
  • 加水印
  • 裁剪


  • Add Text
  • Rotate
  • Draw Polygons

地址: http://nauticaltech.com/software/mod_gfx/

6.Compression Module



gunzip -c mod_gzip_disk-0.5.tar.gz | tar -xvpf -
cd mod_gzip_disk
sudo make module

地址: http://www.usenix.org.uk/code/mod-gzip/

7.Music Module

mod_musicindex is an Apache module, its function is similar to Perl module Apache :: MP3, friendly reality can contain MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, or MP4 / AAC files directory and sort various fields, downloads and online play , build playlists and search, while providing RSS and Podcast seed output, support for multiple CSS and package download.

website : http://hacks.slashdirt.org/sw/musicindex/

8.LDAP authentication module

LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which is based on the X.500 standard, but is much simpler and can be customized according to needs. mod_psldap is an Apache module that performs an LDAP authentication and authorization against the use of the management process several different means server authentication and authorization. This can also be achieved through a Web interface for managing records and verification of an LDAP server, passwords and restricted from reading Kerberos-based authentication implementations of LDAP users to connect to the server itself.

website : http://sourceforge.net/projects/mod-psldap/

9.Bandwidth limitations module


地址: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cband/

10.CGI V8 engine package

v8cgi is a small C ++ and JS files collection, allowing developers to use JS on the server side language, the basic features include IO, GD, MySQL, Sockets, templates, FastCGI and Apache module.

website : code.google.com/p/v8cgi/