基于原生的MediaPlayer API Android 视频播放器

bonzaivyg 8年前
   <p>基于原生的MediaPlayer API,支持本地和远程视频播放器。</p>    <p><img alt="" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/6b8eba718a92f56cad31ebad714fbd50.png"></p>    <h2>特点</h2>    <ul>     <li> <p>基于原生的MediaPlayer API,支持本地和远程视频。</p> </li>     <li> <p>简单。极少的代码就可以完成。</p> </li>     <li> <p>易配置。有许多选项可以让你制作满足自己需求的播放器。</p> </li>     <li> <p>自适应。播放器自动使用你的Activity的主题颜色。</p> </li>    </ul>    <p>你可以在这里下载 <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4959673258108967837">sample APK</a>。</p>    <h3>Dependency</h3>    <p>Add this in your module's <code>build.gradle</code> file:</p>    <pre>  dependencies {      // ... other dependencies        compile 'com.afollestad:easyvideoplayer:0.2.5'  }</pre>    <h2>Getting Started</h2>    <p>Configuring a Player Activity</p>    <p>You will need an <code>Activity</code> in your app that will hold the <code>EasyVideoPlayer</code> view and playback content. There's only a bit of configuration required.</p>    <p><em>First, the Activity needs to use a theme from Google AppCompat. Here's an example from the sample project:</em></p>    <pre>  <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar">        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/primary</item>      <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/primary_dark</item>      <item name="colorAccent">@color/accent</item>    </style></pre>    <p><em>Second, the Activity should disable recreation on orientation changes. This allows playback to continue when the device orientation changes. The player will adapt the aspect ratio accordingly. You just need to set <code>android:configChanges</code> values to your <code>Activity</code> in <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>:</em></p>    <pre>  <activity      android:name=".MyPlayerActivity"      android:label="@string/my_player_activity"      android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden|screenLayout|screenSize"      android:theme="@style/AppTheme" />   <!-- Don't need to set the theme here if it's set on your <application /> tag already --></pre>    <p>Layouts</p>    <p>The layout for your player Activity can be very simple. You only need a <code>EasyVideoPlayer</code> view, all the controls and everything else are created by the player view itself.</p>    <pre>  <com.afollestad.easyvideoplayer.EasyVideoPlayer xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"      android:id="@+id/player"      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent" /></pre>    <p>Code Setup</p>    <p>Since your <code>Activity</code> is using an AppCompat theme, make sure it extends <code>AppCompatActivity</code>.</p>    <p>Initializing the player is very simple. You just set a callback listener to receive notifications of important events, and a source.</p>    <pre>  public class MyPlayerActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements EasyVideoCallback {        private static final String TEST_URL = "http://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4";        private EasyVideoPlayer player;        @Override      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {          super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);          setContentView(R.layout.activity_myplayer);            // Grabs a reference to the player view          player = (EasyVideoPlayer) findViewById(R.id.player);            // Sets the callback to this Activity, since it inherits EasyVideoCallback          player.setCallback(this);            // Sets the source to the HTTP URL held in the TEST_URL variable.          // To play files, you can use Uri.fromFile(new File("..."))          player.setSource(Uri.parse(TEST_URL));            // From here, the player view will show a progress indicator until the player is prepared.          // Once it's prepared, the progress indicator goes away and the controls become enabled for the user to begin playback.      }        @Override      public void onPause() {          super.onPause();          // Make sure the player stops playing if the user presses the home button.          player.pause();      }        // Methods for the implemented EasyVideoCallback        @Override      public void onPreparing(EasyVideoPlayer player) {          // TODO handle if needed      }        @Override      public void onPrepared(EasyVideoPlayer player) {          // TODO handle      }        @Override      public void onBuffering(int percent) {          // TODO handle if needed      }        @Override      public void onError(EasyVideoPlayer player, Exception e) {          // TODO handle      }        @Override      public void onCompletion(EasyVideoPlayer player) {          // TODO handle if needed      }        @Override      public void onRetry(EasyVideoPlayer player, Uri source) {          // TODO handle if used      }        @Override      public void onSubmit(EasyVideoPlayer player, Uri source) {          // TODO handle if used      }  }</pre>    <p>You can see almost identical code in action in the sample project.</p>    <h2>Programmatic Control</h2>    <p>Here's a list of methods that can be used to control the <code>EasyVideoPlayer</code> view programatically. Methods used to change behavior are discussed in the next section.</p>    <pre>  EasyVideoPlayer player = // ...    // Sets a video source to be played.  player.setSource(Uri);    // Sets a callback to receive normal player events.  player.setCallback(EasyVideoCallback);    // Sets a callback that can be used to retrieve updates of the current playback position.  player.setProgressCallback(EasyVideoProgressCallback);    // Starts or resumes playback.  player.start();    // Seeks to a position in the video.  player.seekTo(int);    // Pauses playback.  player.pause();    // Stops playback.  player.stop();    // Resets the player, allowing a new source to be set.  player.reset();    // Releases the underlying MediaPlayer and cleans up resources.  player.release();    // Shows the default controls. They can be hidden again if the user taps the player.  player.showControls();    // Hides the default controls. They can be shown again if the user taps the player.  player.hideControls().    // Shows the controls if they're hidden, hides them if they're shown.  player.toggleControls();    // Returns true if the default controls are currently shown.  player.isControlsShown();    // Hide the default controls and prevents them from being shown.  player.disableControls();    // Undoes disableControls()  player.enableControls();    // Returns true if the player has prepared for playback entirely  player.isPrepared();    // Returns true if the player is NOT paused.  player.isPlaying();    // Returns the current position of playback.  player.getCurrentPosition();    // Returns the total duration of the video.  player.getDuration();</pre>    <h2>Programmatic Configuration</h2>    <p>There are a options that can be used to change the default behavior of the <code>EasyVideoPlayer</code>:</p>    <pre>  EasyVideoPlayer player = // ...    // EasyVideoPlayer.LEFT_ACTION_NONE:     hides all left actions.  // EasyVideoPlayer.LEFT_ACTION_RESTART:  the default, shows the skip back to beginning button.  // EasyVideoPlayer.LEFT_ACTION_RETRY:    shows a textual 'Retry' button, invokes the onRetry() callback method.  player.setLeftAction(int);    // EasyVideoPlayer.RIGHT_ACTION_NONE:    the default, hides all right actions.  // EasyVideoPlayer.RIGHT_ACTION_SUBMIT:  shows a textual 'Submit' button, invokes the onSubmit() callback method.  // EasyVideoPlayer.RIGHT_ACTION_LABEL:   shows a textual label that can be customized with setCustomLabelText(CharSequence) and setCustomLabelTextRes(int);  player.setRightAction(int);    // Defaults to true. The controls fade out when playback starts.  player.setHideControlsOnPlay(boolean);    // Defaults to false. Immediately starts playback when the player becomes prepared.  player.setAutoPlay(boolean);    // Sets a position that will be skipped to right when the player becomes prepared. Only happens once when set.  player.setInitialPosition(int);    // Sets a custom string for the left retry action.  player.setRetryText(CharSequence);  player.setRetryTextRes(int);    // Sets a custom string for the right submit action.  player.setSubmitText(CharSequence);  player.setSubmitTextRes(int);    // Sets a custom drawable for the left restart action.  player.setRestartDrawable(Drawable);  player.setRestartDrawableRes(int);    // Sets a custom drawable for the play button.  player.setPlayDrawable(Drawable);  player.setPlayDrawableRes(int);    // Sets a custom drawable for the pause button.  player.setPauseDrawable(Drawable);  player.setPauseDrawableRes(int);    // Sets a theme color used to color the controls and labels. Defaults to your activity's primary theme color.  player.setThemeColor(int);  player.setThemeColorRes(int);    // Sets the left and right volume levels. The player must be prepared first.  player.setVolume(float, float);</pre>    <h2>XML 配置</h2>    <p>The programmatic configuration options shown above can also be configured directly from your layout:</p>    <pre>  <com.afollestad.easyvideoplayer.EasyVideoPlayer xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"      xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"      android:id="@+id/player"      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent"      app:evp_autoPlay="false"      app:evp_customLabelText="Custom label text if rightAction is customLabel"      app:evp_disableControls="false"      app:evp_hideControlsOnPlay="true"      app:evp_leftAction="restart"      app:evp_pauseDrawable="@drawable/evp_action_pause"      app:evp_playDrawable="@drawable/evp_action_play"      app:evp_restartDrawable="@drawable/evp_action_restart"      app:evp_retryText="@string/evp_retry"      app:evp_rightAction="none"      app:evp_source="http://clips.vorwaerts-gmbh.de/big_buck_bunny.mp4"      app:evp_submitText="@string/evp_submit"      app:evp_themeColor="@color/color_primary" /></pre>