Android: Low Light Theme Switcher

jopen 8年前

Android: Low Light Theme Switcher

This helper library will automatically switches your Activity between Dark/Light themes using the device light sensor and DayNight theme from Support Library 23.2.

The DayNight theme available in Support Library is a really neat feature, but functionally it's not that useful. Even though it's night by time definition, I could still be in a well lit room and it would still show me the night theme.

I beleive that this default behaviour is due to a limitation that not all Android devices will have a light sensor. If the target device does not have a light sensor then it simply falls back to the default behaviour of AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_AUTO.

Requires API 14+.

demo video

Adding it to your project

Add the jitpack repo to your project build.gradle

allprojects {      repositories {          ...          maven { url "" }      }  }

Add the library to your module build.gradle

dependencies {          compile 'com.github.twig:android-low-light-theme-switcher:1.0.1'  }


public class YourApplication extends Application {      @Override      public void onCreate() {      super.onCreate();        // Change between day/night/auto      DayNightSensor.start(this);    }      @Override    public void onTerminate() {      DayNightSensor.stop(this);      super.onTerminate();    }  }


DayNightSensor.start(this, [samplingDelay=3000]);

By default, it checks the light sensor values every 3 seconds. If needed, you can adjust this to your liking.

Technical details

  • Calls Activity.recreate() when a change in brightness is detected.
  • Make sure that your Activity saves and restores instance state data correctly.
