
MicSharman 8年前









<com.daimajia.numberprogressbar.NumberProgressBar      android:id="@+id/number_progress_bar"      style="@style/NumberProgressBar_Default"  />













reached area和unreached area

  • 颜色

  • 高度


  • 颜色

  • 字体大小

  • 是否可见

  • 和reached area与unreached area之间的距离


  • 最大进度 max progress

  • 当前进度 current progress


<com.daimajia.numberprogressbar.NumberProgressBar          android:layout_width="wrap_content"          android:layout_height="wrap_content"          custom:progress_unreached_color="#CCCCCC"          custom:progress_reached_color="#3498DB"          custom:progress_unreached_bar_height="0.75dp"          custom:progress_reached_bar_height="1.5dp"          custom:progress_text_size="10sp"          custom:progress_text_color="#3498DB"          custom:progress_text_offset="1dp"          custom:progress_text_visibility="visible"          custom:max="100"          custom:progress="80"           />



final NumberProgressBar bnp = (NumberProgressBar)findViewById(;  counter = 0;  timer = new Timer();  timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {      @Override      public void run() {          runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {              @Override              public void run() {                  bnp.incrementProgressBy(1);                  counter ++;                  if (counter == 110) {                      bnp.setProgress(0);                      counter=0;                  }              }          });      }  }, 1000, 100);





package com.daimajia.numberprogressbar;  import android.content.Context;  import android.content.res.TypedArray;  import;  import;  import;  import;  import android.os.Bundle;  import android.os.Parcelable;  import android.util.AttributeSet;  import android.view.View;  /**   * Created by daimajia on 14-4-30.   */  public class NumberProgressBar extends View {      private Context mContext;      /**       * The max progress, default is 100       */      private int mMax = 100;      /**       * current progress, can not exceed the max progress.       */      private int mProgress = 0;      /**       * the progress area bar color       */      private int mReachedBarColor;      /**       * the bar unreached area color.       */      private int mUnreachedBarColor;      /**       * the progress text color.       */      private int mTextColor;      /**       * the progress text size       */      private float mTextSize;      /**       * the height of the reached area       */      private float mReachedBarHeight;      /**       * the height of the unreached area       */      private float mUnreachedBarHeight;      private final int default_text_color = Color.rgb(66, 145, 241);      private final int default_reached_color = Color.rgb(66,145,241);      private final int default_unreached_color = Color.rgb(204, 204, 204);      private final float default_progress_text_offset;      private final float default_text_size;      private final float default_reached_bar_height;      private final float default_unreached_bar_height;      /**       * for save and restore instance of progressbar.       */      private static final String INSTANCE_STATE = "saved_instance";      private static final String INSTANCE_TEXT_COLOR = "text_color";      private static final String INSTANCE_TEXT_SIZE = "text_size";      private static final String INSTANCE_REACHED_BAR_HEIGHT = "reached_bar_height";      private static final String INSTANCE_REACHED_BAR_COLOR = "reached_bar_color";      private static final String INSTANCE_UNREACHED_BAR_HEIGHT = "unreached_bar_height";      private static final String INSTANCE_UNREACHED_BAR_COLOR = "unreached_bar_color";      private static final String INSTANCE_MAX = "max";      private static final String INSTANCE_PROGRESS = "progress";      private static final int PROGRESS_TEXT_VISIBLE = 0;      private static final int PROGRESS_TEXT_INVISIBLE = 1;      /**       * the width of the text that to be drawn       */      private float mDrawTextWidth;      /**       * the drawn text start       */      private float mDrawTextStart;      /**       *the drawn text end       */      private float mDrawTextEnd;      /**       * the text that to be drawn in onDraw()       */      private String mCurrentDrawText;      /**       * the Paint of the reached area.       */      private Paint mReachedBarPaint;      /**       * the Painter of the unreached area.       */      private Paint mUnreachedBarPaint;      /**       * the Painter of the progress text.       */      private Paint mTextPaint;      /**       * Unreached Bar area to draw rect.       */      private RectF mUnreachedRectF = new RectF(0,0,0,0);      /**       * reached bar area rect.       */      private RectF mReachedRectF = new RectF(0,0,0,0);      /**       * the progress text offset.       */      private float mOffset;      /**       * determine if need to draw unreached area       */      private boolean mDrawUnreachedBar = true;      private boolean mDrawReachedBar = true;      private boolean mIfDrawText = true;      public enum ProgressTextVisibility{          Visible,Invisible      };      public NumberProgressBar(Context context) {          this(context, null);      }      public NumberProgressBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {          this(context, attrs, R.attr.numberProgressBarStyle);      }      public NumberProgressBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {          super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);          mContext = context;          default_reached_bar_height = dp2px(1.5f);          default_unreached_bar_height = dp2px(1.0f);          default_text_size = sp2px(10);          default_progress_text_offset = dp2px(3.0f);          //load styled attributes.          final TypedArray attributes = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.NumberProgressBar,                  defStyleAttr, 0);          mReachedBarColor = attributes.getColor(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_progress_reached_color, default_reached_color);          mUnreachedBarColor = attributes.getColor(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_progress_unreached_color,default_unreached_color);          mTextColor = attributes.getColor(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_progress_text_color,default_text_color);          mTextSize = attributes.getDimension(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_progress_text_size, default_text_size);          mReachedBarHeight = attributes.getDimension(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_progress_reached_bar_height,default_reached_bar_height);          mUnreachedBarHeight = attributes.getDimension(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_progress_unreached_bar_height,default_unreached_bar_height);          mOffset = attributes.getDimension(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_progress_text_offset,default_progress_text_offset);          int textVisible = attributes.getInt(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_progress_text_visibility,PROGRESS_TEXT_VISIBLE);          if(textVisible != PROGRESS_TEXT_VISIBLE){              mIfDrawText = false;          }          setProgress(attributes.getInt(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_progress,0));          setMax(attributes.getInt(R.styleable.NumberProgressBar_max, 100));          //          attributes.recycle();          initializePainters();      }      @Override      protected int getSuggestedMinimumWidth() {          return (int)mTextSize;      }      @Override      protected int getSuggestedMinimumHeight() {          return Math.max((int)mTextSize,Math.max((int)mReachedBarHeight,(int)mUnreachedBarHeight));      }      @Override      protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {          setMeasuredDimension(measure(widthMeasureSpec,true), measure(heightMeasureSpec,false));      }      private int measure(int measureSpec,boolean isWidth){          int result;          int mode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec);          int size = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec);          int padding = isWidth?getPaddingLeft()+getPaddingRight():getPaddingTop()+getPaddingBottom();          if(mode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY){              result = size;          }else{              result = isWidth ? getSuggestedMinimumWidth() : getSuggestedMinimumHeight();              result += padding;              if(mode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST){                  if(isWidth) {                      result = Math.max(result, size);                  }                  else{                      result = Math.min(result, size);                  }              }          }          return result;      }      @Override      protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {          if(mIfDrawText){              calculateDrawRectF();          }else{              calculateDrawRectFWithoutProgressText();          }          if(mDrawReachedBar){              canvas.drawRect(mReachedRectF,mReachedBarPaint);          }          if(mDrawUnreachedBar) {              canvas.drawRect(mUnreachedRectF, mUnreachedBarPaint);          }          if(mIfDrawText)              canvas.drawText(mCurrentDrawText,mDrawTextStart,mDrawTextEnd,mTextPaint);      }      private void initializePainters(){          mReachedBarPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);          mReachedBarPaint.setColor(mReachedBarColor);          mUnreachedBarPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);          mUnreachedBarPaint.setColor(mUnreachedBarColor);          mTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);          mTextPaint.setColor(mTextColor);          mTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize);      }      private void calculateDrawRectFWithoutProgressText(){          mReachedRectF.left = getPaddingLeft(); = getHeight()/2.0f - mReachedBarHeight / 2.0f;          mReachedRectF.right = (getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight() )/(getMax()*1.0f) * getProgress() + getPaddingLeft();          mReachedRectF.bottom = getHeight()/2.0f + mReachedBarHeight / 2.0f;          mUnreachedRectF.left = mReachedRectF.right;          mUnreachedRectF.right = getWidth() - getPaddingRight(); = getHeight()/2.0f +  - mUnreachedBarHeight / 2.0f;          mUnreachedRectF.bottom = getHeight()/2.0f  + mUnreachedBarHeight / 2.0f;      }      private void calculateDrawRectF(){          mCurrentDrawText = String.format("%d%%",getProgress()*100/getMax());          mDrawTextWidth = mTextPaint.measureText(mCurrentDrawText);          if(getProgress() == 0){              mDrawReachedBar = false;              mDrawTextStart = getPaddingLeft();          }else{              mDrawReachedBar = true;              mReachedRectF.left = getPaddingLeft();     = getHeight()/2.0f - mReachedBarHeight / 2.0f;              mReachedRectF.right = (getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight() )/(getMax()*1.0f) * getProgress() - mOffset + getPaddingLeft();              mReachedRectF.bottom = getHeight()/2.0f + mReachedBarHeight / 2.0f;              mDrawTextStart = (mReachedRectF.right + mOffset);          }          mDrawTextEnd =  (int) ((getHeight() / 2.0f) - ((mTextPaint.descent() + mTextPaint.ascent()) / 2.0f)) ;          if((mDrawTextStart + mDrawTextWidth )>= getWidth() - getPaddingRight()){              mDrawTextStart = getWidth() - getPaddingRight() - mDrawTextWidth;              mReachedRectF.right = mDrawTextStart - mOffset;          }          float unreachedBarStart = mDrawTextStart + mDrawTextWidth + mOffset;          if(unreachedBarStart >= getWidth() - getPaddingRight()){              mDrawUnreachedBar = false;          }else{              mDrawUnreachedBar = true;              mUnreachedRectF.left = unreachedBarStart;              mUnreachedRectF.right = getWidth() - getPaddingRight();     = getHeight()/2.0f +  - mUnreachedBarHeight / 2.0f;              mUnreachedRectF.bottom = getHeight()/2.0f  + mUnreachedBarHeight / 2.0f;          }      }      /**       * get progress text color       * @return progress text color       */      public int getTextColor() {          return mTextColor;      }      /**       * get progress text size       * @return progress text size       */      public float getProgressTextSize() {          return mTextSize;      }      public int getUnreachedBarColor() {          return mUnreachedBarColor;      }      public int getReachedBarColor() {          return mReachedBarColor;      }      public int getProgress() {          return mProgress;      }      public int getMax() {          return mMax;      }      public float getReachedBarHeight(){          return mReachedBarHeight;      }      public float getUnreachedBarHeight(){          return mUnreachedBarHeight;      }      public void setProgressTextSize(float TextSize) {          this.mTextSize = TextSize;          mTextPaint.setTextSize(mTextSize);          invalidate();      }      public void setProgressTextColor(int TextColor) {          this.mTextColor = TextColor;          mTextPaint.setColor(mTextColor);          invalidate();      }      public void setUnreachedBarColor(int BarColor) {          this.mUnreachedBarColor = BarColor;          mUnreachedBarPaint.setColor(mReachedBarColor);          invalidate();      }      public void setReachedBarColor(int ProgressColor) {          this.mReachedBarColor = ProgressColor;          mReachedBarPaint.setColor(mReachedBarColor);          invalidate();      }      public void setMax(int Max) {          if(Max > 0){              this.mMax = Max;              invalidate();          }      }      public void incrementProgressBy(int by){          if(by > 0){              setProgress(getProgress() + by);          }      }      public void setProgress(int Progress) {          if(Progress <= getMax()  && Progress >= 0){              this.mProgress = Progress;              invalidate();          }      }      @Override      protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {          final Bundle bundle = new Bundle();          bundle.putParcelable(INSTANCE_STATE,super.onSaveInstanceState());          bundle.putInt(INSTANCE_TEXT_COLOR,getTextColor());          bundle.putFloat(INSTANCE_TEXT_SIZE, getProgressTextSize());          bundle.putFloat(INSTANCE_REACHED_BAR_HEIGHT,getReachedBarHeight());          bundle.putFloat(INSTANCE_UNREACHED_BAR_HEIGHT,getUnreachedBarHeight());          bundle.putInt(INSTANCE_REACHED_BAR_COLOR,getReachedBarColor());          bundle.putInt(INSTANCE_UNREACHED_BAR_COLOR,getUnreachedBarColor());          bundle.putInt(INSTANCE_MAX,getMax());          bundle.putInt(INSTANCE_PROGRESS,getProgress());          return bundle;      }      @Override      protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) {          if(state instanceof Bundle){              final Bundle bundle = (Bundle)state;              mTextColor = bundle.getInt(INSTANCE_TEXT_COLOR);              mTextSize = bundle.getFloat(INSTANCE_TEXT_SIZE);              mReachedBarHeight = bundle.getFloat(INSTANCE_REACHED_BAR_HEIGHT);              mUnreachedBarHeight = bundle.getFloat(INSTANCE_UNREACHED_BAR_HEIGHT);              mReachedBarColor = bundle.getInt(INSTANCE_REACHED_BAR_COLOR);              mUnreachedBarColor = bundle.getInt(INSTANCE_UNREACHED_BAR_COLOR);              initializePainters();              setMax(bundle.getInt(INSTANCE_MAX));              setProgress(bundle.getInt(INSTANCE_PROGRESS));              super.onRestoreInstanceState(bundle.getParcelable(INSTANCE_STATE));              return;          }          super.onRestoreInstanceState(state);      }      public float dp2px(float dp) {          final float scale = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;          return  dp * scale + 0.5f;      }      public float sp2px(float sp){          final float scale = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity;          return sp * scale;      }      public void setProgressTextVisibility(ProgressTextVisibility visibility){          if(visibility == ProgressTextVisibility.Visible){              mIfDrawText = true;          }else{              mIfDrawText = false;          }          invalidate();      }  }