PeekAndPop 一个模仿iOS中3D Touch效果的库

万年老5 8年前

PeekAndPop是一个开源的Android 库,模仿iOS中3D Touch效果的库。因为安卓本身不支持3D Touch,所以事件的触发是用长按点击来替代。

Peek and pop allows you to long click on a view to "peek" and see a larger view in the centre of the screen. The pop feature can be imitated using fling to action gestures or from a hold and release event.


  • Create a basic peek and pop that shows on long click and is dismissed on touch up.
  • Fling to action, where flinging the view upwards or downwards (sidewards in landscape) triggers an event.
  • Specify views within the peek view layout that can listen to long hold events (if the user holds the view for a certain amount of time).
  • Specify views within the peek view layout that can listen to hold and release events (where the user holds the view and then releases).



这个库托管在,所以在根 build.gradle文件中添加:

allprojects {      repositories {        ...          maven { url "" }      }  }

然后在application的 build.gradle文件中添加如下依赖:

dependencies {      compile 'com.github.shalskar:PeekAndPop:v0.1.1'  }

基本的使用很简单,只需一个activity实例,一个为 peek and pop准备的布局文件,一个或者多个在长按之后显示的 peek and pop视图。

PeekAndPop peekAndPop = new PeekAndPop.Builder(this)                  .peekLayout(R.layout.peek_view)                  .longClickViews(view)                  .build();

你可以调用PeekAndPop对象的getPeekView()来得到 peek view ,并使用 findViewById() 来得到 peek layout中的任意视图。

View peekView = peekAndPop.getPeekView();  ImageView imageView = peekView.findViewById(;  TextView textView = peekView.findViewById(;

通常你可能还会想在列表中的某个item被点击时显示peek and pop ,为了让peek and pop正常工作,你需要添加这行代码:


