Typescript version of Wes Bos' popular reactjs tutorial series

moewrkwq 8年前

来自: https://github.com/ryanluker/typed-catch-of-the-day


typescript reactjs version of Wes Bos' reactjs for beginners tutorial series!

Follow the flow of the tutorial series by watching the videos and then looking at the relevant PRs.

starter files || course site || Start


  • Node v4 +
  • NPM
  • Linux, MacOSX or Windows


1) clone this repo

2) go to project root

3) npm install

4) npm install typings -g then typings install (if you want typings)


1) npm install webpack@1.12.6 -g

2) npm install typescript@1.7.5 -g

3) run webpack from the project root to build the app


1) npm install webpack-dev-server@1.12.1 -g

2) use webpack-dev-server --content-base build/ --inline --hot to serve the reactjs app

3) navigate to localhost:8080


1) npm test