DilatingDotsProgressBar - 一个自定义的圆点交替扩大效果的进度条

jopen 8年前


Android Arsenal


Coming soon to maven central


<com.zl.reik.dilatingdotsprogressbar.DilatingDotsProgressBar              android:id="@+id/progress"              android:layout_width="wrap_content"              android:layout_height="wrap_content"              android:radius="5dp"              android:color="#8C2323"              app:dd_numDots="3"              app:dd_scaleMultiplier="1.5"              app:dd_animationDuration="500"              app:dd_horizontalSpacing="4dp"              />
  mDilatingDotsProgressBar = (DilatingDotsProgressBar) findViewById(R.id.progress);      // show progress bar and start animating    mDilatingDotsProgressBar.showNow();      // stop animation and hide    mDilatingDotsProgressBar.hideNow();

Field Customization

name format description
android:radius dimension set the radius of each dot
android:color int set the color of each dot
dd_numDots integer set number of dots
dd_scaleMultiplier float set the maximum size the dot will expand to. (scaleMultiplier x radius)
dd_animationDuration int set the length of a single dot's full animation (in milliseconds)
dd_horizontalSpacing dimension set the number of dp between each dot


Thanks to Alessandro Crugnola for his contributions.

项目地址: https://github.com/JustZak/DilatingDotsProgressBar