新一代的Eclipse IDE:Eclipse Che

dfd7 8年前


Cloud IDE

可以使用你的浏览器在任何机器上进行任何语言的编程。编辑,构建,调试和部署项目绑定至源代码仓库。Use Che as an IDE

Workspace Server

利用APIs创建开发者工作平台。添加你的项目类型,嵌入自定义命令和托管在任何基础设施上。 Use Che as a Workspace Server


Use Che's built-in language plug-ins or write packaged extensions that transform Che's IDE into new tools and assemblies. Write Che IDE Plug-Ins

Eclipse Che

Che can be installed on any OS that supports Java 1.8 - desktop, server or cloud, and Maven 3.1.1 or higher. It has been tested on Ubuntu, Linux, MacOS and Windows.


Che is open sourced under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.


  • Docker 1.8+
  • Maven 3.1.1+
  • Java 1.8


git clone https://github.com/codenvy/che.git

If master is unstable, checkout the latest tagged version.

Build and Run

cd che  mvn clean install  ./che.sh [ start | stop ]

Che will be available atlocalhost:8080

This builds an assembly with the Java, git, and maven plugins. The SDK has embedded tools that let you create assemblies that contain other plugins.

