实现类似微信的 webView 导航效果:RxWebViewController

jopen 9年前
实现类似微信的 webView 导航效果,包括进度条,左滑返回上个网页或者直接关闭,就像 UINavigationController。

it's a custom UIWebViewController that navigate like navigationController,just like wechat do.


like the screen shot gif



Install 安装

You just need to drag/copy the "RxWebViewController" folder and drop in your project 将“RxWebViewController”文件夹拖进你的工程中即可

init and push

usage is simple

NSString* urlStr = @"http://github.com";      RxWebViewController* webViewController = [[RxWebViewController alloc] initWithUrl:[NSURL URLWithString:urlStr]];      [self.navigationController pushViewController:webViewController animated:YES];

and if you want to do some custom things with webview,just subclass it 如果你需要webview的更进一步自定义,子类化即可

@interface myWebViewController : RxWebViewController        //do your custom things        @end

navigation bar tint color and back button style 导航栏的颜色和返回按钮样式

导航栏中出现的 返回 和 关闭 ,均会继承你的 navigationController 中对 navigationBar 的设置,比如:

UIColor* tintColor = [UIColor whiteColor];      UIColor* barTintColor = [UIColor blueColor];      self.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = tintColor;      self.navigationController.navigationBar.barTintColor = barTintColor;      [self.navigationController.navigationBar setTitleTextAttributes:@{                                                                      NSForegroundColorAttributeName:tintColor                                                                    }];

这样来自定义你的navigationBar各控件颜色,webViewController中会遵循此设置,如图 image

也可以像微信那样在你的 navigationBar 中使用自定义的 backButtonBackgroundImage,如图

