AndFix:阿里巴巴开源Android App线上问题修复工具

jopen 9年前

AndFix这个库为Android App提供了热修复的功能。它能够帮助Android开发人员在线修复App Bug。
Andfix是" And roid hot- fix "首字母缩写。

AndFix支持Android 2.3 至 6.0, arm 和 x86 架构, dalvik runtime 和 art runtime.

AndFix's patch is .apatch file.


The implementation principle of AndFix is method's body replace :

AndFix:阿里巴巴开源Android App线上问题修复工具

bug fix process:

AndFix:阿里巴巴开源Android App线上问题修复工具


How to get?

  1. directly add AndFix aar to your project as compile libraries.
  2. maven dependency:

    <dependency>    <groupId></groupId>    <artifactId>andfix</artifactId>    <version>0.3.0</version>    <type>aar</type>  </dependency>

    or gradle dependency:

    dependencies {      compile ''  }

How to use?

  1. initialize PatchManager:

    patchManager = new PatchManager(context);  patchManager.init(appversion);//current version 
  2. load patch. load patch as early as possible, generally, at the initialization phase of your app (such as application.oncreate()):

  3. add patch. when new patch file has be downloaded,the patch will become effective immediately by add.

    patchManager.addPatch(path);//path of the patch file that be downloaded 


To ensure that these classes can be found after running an obfuscation and static analysis tool like ProGuard add the configuration below to your ProGuard configuration file.

  • native method


  • annotation


    -keep class * extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation  -keepclasseswithmembernames class * {      native <methods>;  }

Developer Tool

The patch make tool is apkpatch.

How to get?

Apkpatch can be foundhere

How to use?

  • generate .apatch file:
usage: apkpatch -f <new> -t <old> -o <output> -k <keystore> -p <***> -a <alias> -e <***> -a,--alias <alias> alias.   -e,--epassword <***> entry password.   -f,--from <loc> new Apk file path.   -k,--keystore <loc> keystore path.   -n,--name <name> patch name.   -o,--out <dir> output dir.   -p,--kpassword <***> keystore password.   -t,--to <loc> old Apk file path.
  • merge .apatch files:
usage: apkpatch -m <apatch_path...> -k <keystore> -p <***> -a <alias> -e <***> -a,--alias <alias> alias.   -e,--epassword <***> entry password.   -k,--keystore <loc> keystore path.   -m,--merge <loc...> path of .apatch files.   -n,--name <name> patch name.   -o,--out <dir> output dir.   -p,--kpassword <***> keystore password.

Running sample

  1. import samples/AndFixDemo to your IDE, set AndFixDemo depend on AndFix(library project or aar).
  2. build project, save the package as 1.apk, and then install on device/emulator.
  3. modify com.euler.test.A, references com.euler.test.Fix.
  4. build project, save the package as 2.apk.
  5. use apkpatch to make a patch.
  6. rename the patch file to out.apatch, and then copy it onto sdcard.
  7. run 1.apk,view logcat.

API Documentation

The libraries javadoc can be found here
