
cm54 9年前

MoqJS 是一个受.NET Moq 框架启发的 JavaScript 测试库。


  • Strong-typed: was developed in TypeScript.
  • Unsurpassed VS intellisense integration: everything supports full VS intellisense, from setting expectations, to specifying method call arguments, return values, etc.
  • Use setup/setupPrivate/verify/verifyPrivate to change and check the moles behavior.
  • VERY low learning curve as a consequence of the previous three points.
  • Control over mock behavior with a simple callBase/isStrict properties
  • Find moles by instance of the moled object.
// Create some object instance  var dog = new Dog();     // Create a mole for the object  var mole = new Mole(dog);     // Setup behavior  mole.setup(_dog =>'meat')).returns('Yum yum yum');     // Invoke  var result = dog.eath('meat');     // Verify the given method was indeed called with the expected value exactly once  var isVerified = mole.verify(_dog =>'meat'), Times.exact(1));
