
jopen 9年前

适用于iOS的富文本WYSIWYG编辑器,支持语法高亮和源码查看。ZSSRichTextEditor包含所有WYSIWYG标准的编辑器工具。 测试环境:Xcode 6.2,iOS 6.0以上。

// HTML Content to set in the editor  NSString *html = @"<!-- This is an HTML comment -->"  "<p>This is a test of the <strong>ZSSRichTextEditor</strong> by <a title=\"Zed Said\" href=\"\">Zed Said Studio</a></p>";    // Set the base URL if you would like to use relative links, such as to images.  self.baseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];    // If you want to pretty print HTML within the source view.  self.formatHTML = YES;    // set the initial HTML for the editor  [self setHTML:html];
