
cmb2 9年前



  • Lightweight: small but sharp knife
    • cxxnet contains concise implementation of state-of-art deep learning models
    • The project maintains a minimum dependency that makes it portable and easy to build
  • Scale beyond single GPU and single machine
    • The library works on multiple GPUs, with nearly linear speedup
    • THe library works distributedly backed by disrtibuted parameter server
  • Easy extensibility with no requirement on GPU programming
    • cxxnet is build on mshadow
    • developer can write numpy-style template expressions to extend the library only once
    • mshadow will generate high performance CUDA and CPU code for users
    • It brings concise and readable code, with performance matching hand crafted kernels
  • Convenient interface for other languages
    • Python interface for training from numpy array, and prediction/extraction to numpy array
    • Matlab interface (TODO)
