
jopen 9年前


import kayak  import numpy.random as npr    X = ... your feature matrix ...  Y = ... your label matrix ...    # Create Kayak objects for features and labels.  inputs  = kayak.Inputs(X)  targets = kayak.Targets(Y)    # Create Kayak objects first-layer weights and biases.  Initialize  # them with random Numpy matrices.  weights_1 = kayak.Parameter(npr.randn( input_dims, hidsize_1 ))  biases_1  = kayak.Parameter(npr.randn( 1, hidsize_1 ))    # Create Kayak objects that implement a network layer.  First,  # multiply the features by weights and add biases.  hiddens_1a = kayak.ElemAdd(kayak.MatMult( inputs, weights_1 ), biases_1)    # Then, apply a "relu" (rectified linear) nonlinearity.  # Alternatively, you can apply your own favorite nonlinearity, or  # add one for an idea that you want to try out.  hiddens_1b = kayak.HardReLU(hiddens_1a)    # Now, apply a "dropout" layer to prevent co-adaptation.  Got a  # new idea for dropout?  It's super easy to extend Kayak with it.  hiddens_1 = kayak.Dropout(hiddens_1b, drop_prob=0.5)    # Okay, with that layer constructed, let's make another one the  # same way: linear transformation + bias with ReLU and dropout.  # First, create the second-layer parameters.  weights_2 = kayak.Parameter(npr.randn(hidsize_1, hidsize_2))  biases_2  = kayak.Parameter(npr.randn(1, hidsize_2))    # This time, let's compose all the steps, just to show we can.  hiddens_2 = kayak.Dropout( kayak.HardReLU( kayak.ElemAdd( \                  kayak.MatMult( hiddens_1, weights_2), biases_2)), drop_prob=0.5)    # Make the output layer linear.  weights_out = kayak.Parameter(npr.randn(hidsize_2, 1))  biases_out  = kayak.Parameter(npr.randn())  out         = kayak.ElemAdd( kayak.MatMult( hiddens_2, weights_out), biases_out)    # Apply a loss function.  In this case, we'll just do squared loss.  loss = kayak.MatSum( kayak.L2Loss( out, targets ))    # Maybe roll in an L1 norm for the first layer and an L2 norm for the others?  objective = kayak.ElemAdd(loss,                            kayak.L1Norm(weights_1, weight=100.0),                            kayak.L2Norm(weights_2, weight=50.0),                            kayak.L2Norm(weights_out, weight=3.0))    # This is the fun part and is the whole point of Kayak.  You can  # now get the gradient of anything in terms of anything else.  # Probably, if you're doing neural networks, you want the gradient  # of the parameters in terms of the overall objective. That way  # you can go off and do some kind of optimization.  weights_1_grad   = objective.grad(weights_1)  biases_1_grad    = objective.grad(biases_1)  weights_2_grad   = objective.grad(weights_2)  biases_2_grad    = objective.grad(biases_2)  weights_out_grad = objective.grad(weights_out)  biases_out-grad  = objective.grad(biases_out)    ... use the gradients for learning ...  ... probably this whole thing would be in a loop ...  ... in practice you'd probably also use minibatches ...
