
jopen 9年前

本文作者Nate Cook是一位独立的Web及移动应用开发者,是继Mattt大神之后NSHipster的主要维护者,也是非常知名活跃的Swift博主,并且还是支持 自动生成Swift在线文档的SwiftDoc.org网站创造者。在本文中,他介绍了在Swift中使用JavaScript的方法和技巧,对于iOS 和Web应用工程师有着非常实用的价值,以下为译文:



而早在2013年苹果发布的OS X Mavericks和iOS 7两大系统中便均已加入了JavaScriptCore框架,能够让开发者轻松、快捷、安全地使用JavaScript语言编写应用。不论叫好叫 骂,JavaScript霸主地位已成事实。开发者们趋之若鹜,JS工具资源层出不穷,用于OS


JSContext即JavaScript代码的运行环境。一个Context就是一个JavaScript代码执行的环境,也叫作用域。当在浏览 器中运行JavaScript代码时,JSContext就相当于一个窗口,能轻松执行创建变量、运算乃至定义函数等的JavaScript代码:

//Objective-C  JSContext *context = [[JSContext alloc] init];  [context evaluateScript:@"var num = 5 + 5"];  [context evaluateScript:@"var names = ['Grace', 'Ada', 'Margaret']"];  [context evaluateScript:@"var triple = function(value) { return value * 3 }"];  JSValue *tripleNum = [context evaluateScript:@"triple(num)"];
//Swift  let context = JSContext()  context.evaluateScript("var num = 5 + 5")  context.evaluateScript("var names = ['Grace', 'Ada', 'Margaret']")  context.evaluateScript("var triple = function(value) { return value * 3 }")  let tripleNum: JSValue = context.evaluateScript("triple(num)")

像JavaScript这类动态语言需要一个动态类型(Dynamic Type), 所以正如代码最后一行所示,JSContext里不同的值均封装在JSValue对象中,包括字符串、数值、数组、函数等,甚至还有Error以及null和undefined。

JSValue包含了一系列用于获取Underlying Value的方法,如下表所示:

JavaScript Type
JSValue method
Objective-C Type
Swift Type
string toString NSString String!
boolean toBool BOOL Bool
number toNumbertoDoubletoInt32






Date toDate NSDate NSDate!
Array toArray NSArray [AnyObject]!
Object toDictionary NSDictionary [NSObject : AnyObject]!
Object toObjecttoObjectOfClass: custom type custom type


//Objective-C  NSLog(@"Tripled: %d", [tripleNum toInt32]);  // Tripled: 30
//Swift  println("Tripled: \(tripleNum.toInt32())")  // Tripled: 30

下标值(Subscripting Values)


//Objective-C  JSValue *names = context[@"names"];  JSValue *initialName = names[0];  NSLog(@"The first name: %@", [initialName toString]);  // The first name: Grace
//Swift  let names = context.objectForKeyedSubscript("names")  let initialName = names.objectAtIndexedSubscript(0)  println("The first name: \(initialName.toString())")  // The first name: Grace


函数调用(Calling Functions)


//Objective-C  JSValue *tripleFunction = context[@"triple"];  JSValue *result = [tripleFunction callWithArguments:@[@5] ];  NSLog(@"Five tripled: %d", [result toInt32]);
//Swift  let tripleFunction = context.objectForKeyedSubscript("triple")  let result = tripleFunction.callWithArguments([5])  println("Five tripled: \(result.toInt32())")

异常处理(Exception Handling)

JSContext还有一个独门绝技,就是通过设定上下文环境中exceptionHandler的属性,可以检查和记录语法、类型以及出现的运行 时错误。exceptionHandler是一个回调处理程序,主要接收JSContext的reference,进行异常情况处理。

//Objective-C  context.exceptionHandler = ^(JSContext *context, JSValue *exception) {     NSLog(@"JS Error: %@", exception);  };  [context evaluateScript:@"function multiply(value1, value2) { return value1 * value2 "];  // JS Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of script
//Swift  context.exceptionHandler = { context, exception in      println("JS Error: \(exception)")  }  context.evaluateScript("function multiply(value1, value2) { return value1 * value2 ")  // JS Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of script


了解了从JavaScript环境中获取不同值以及调用函数的方法,那么反过来,如何在JavaScript环境中获取Objective-C或者 Swift定义的自定义对象和方法呢?要从JSContext中获取本地客户端代码,主要有两种途径,分别为Blocks和JSExport协议。

  • Blocks (块)

在JSContext中,如果Objective-C代码块赋值为一个标识符,JavaScriptCore就会自动将其封装在 JavaScript函数中,因而在JavaScript上使用Foundation和Cocoa类就更方便些——这再次验证了 JavaScriptCore强大的衔接作用。现在CFStringTransform也能在JavaScript上使用了,如下所示:

//Objective-C  context[@"simplifyString"] = ^(NSString *input) {     NSMutableString *mutableString = [input mutableCopy];     CFStringTransform((__bridge CFMutableStringRef)mutableString, NULL, kCFStringTransformToLatin, NO);     CFStringTransform((__bridge CFMutableStringRef)mutableString, NULL, kCFStringTransformStripCombiningMarks, NO);     return mutableString;  };  NSLog(@"%@", [context evaluateScript:@"simplifyString('안녕하새요!')"]);
//Swift  let simplifyString: @objc_block String -> String = { input in      var mutableString = NSMutableString(string: input) as CFMutableStringRef      CFStringTransform(mutableString, nil, kCFStringTransformToLatin, Boolean(0))      CFStringTransform(mutableString, nil, kCFStringTransformStripCombiningMarks, Boolean(0))      return mutableString  }  context.setObject(unsafeBitCast(simplifyString, AnyObject.self), forKeyedSubscript: "simplifyString")    println(context.evaluateScript("simplifyString('안녕하새요!')"))  // annyeonghasaeyo!

需要注意的是,Swift的speedbump只适用于Objective-C block,对Swift闭包无用。要在一个JSContext里使用闭包,有两个步骤:一是用@objc_block来声明,二是将Swift的 knuckle-whitening unsafeBitCast()函数转换为 AnyObject。

  • 内存管理(Memory Management)

代码块可以捕获变量引用,而JSContext所有变量的强引用都保留在JSContext中,所以要注意避免循环强引用问题。另外,也不要在代码 块中捕获JSContext或任何JSValues,建议使用[JSContext currentContext]来获取当前的Context对象,根据具体需求将值当做参数传入block中。

  • JSExport协议



我们可以通过一些例子更好地了解上述技巧的使用方法。先定义一个遵循JSExport子协议PersonJSExport的Person model,再用JavaScript在JSON中创建和填入实例。有整个JVM,还要NSJSONSerialization干什么?

  • PersonJSExports和Person

Person类执行的PersonJSExports协议具体规定了可用的JavaScript属性。,在创建时,类方法必不可少,因为 JavaScriptCore并不适用于初始化转换,我们不能像对待原生的JavaScript类型那样使用var person = new Person()。

//Objective-C  // in Person.h -----------------  @class Person;  @protocol PersonJSExports <JSExport>      @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *firstName;      @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *lastName;      @property NSInteger ageToday;      - (NSString *)getFullName;      // create and return a new Person instance with `firstName` and `lastName`      + (instancetype)createWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName lastName:(NSString *)lastName;  @end  @interface Person : NSObject <PersonJSExports>      @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *firstName;      @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *lastName;      @property NSInteger ageToday;  @end  // in Person.m -----------------  @implementation Person  - (NSString *)getFullName {      return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", self.firstName, self.lastName];  }  + (instancetype) createWithFirstName:(NSString *)firstName lastName:(NSString *)lastName {      Person *person = [[Person alloc] init];      person.firstName = firstName;      person.lastName = lastName;      return person;  }  @end
//Swift  // Custom protocol must be declared with `@objc`  @objc protocol PersonJSExports : JSExport {      var firstName: String { get set }      var lastName: String { get set }      var birthYear: NSNumber? { get set }      func getFullName() -> String      /// create and return a new Person instance with `firstName` and `lastName`      class func createWithFirstName(firstName: String, lastName: String) -> Person  }  // Custom class must inherit from `NSObject`  @objc class Person : NSObject, PersonJSExports {      // properties must be declared as `dynamic`      dynamic var firstName: String      dynamic var lastName: String      dynamic var birthYear: NSNumber?      init(firstName: String, lastName: String) {          self.firstName = firstName          self.lastName = lastName      }      class func createWithFirstName(firstName: String, lastName: String) -> Person {          return Person(firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName)      }      func getFullName() -> String {          return "\(firstName) \(lastName)"      }  }
  • 配置JSContext

创建Person类之后,需要先将其导出到JavaScript环境中去,同时还需导入Mustache JS库,以便对Person对象应用模板。

//Objective-C  // export Person class  context[@"Person"] = [Person class];  // load Mustache.js  NSString *mustacheJSString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:... encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];  [context evaluateScript:mustacheJSString];
//Swift  // export Person class  context.setObject(Person.self, forKeyedSubscript: "Person")  // load Mustache.js  if let mustacheJSString = String(contentsOfFile:..., encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding, error:nil) {      context.evaluateScript(mustacheJSString)  }
  • JavaScript数据&处理


注 意:JavaScriptCore实现了Objective-C/Swift的方法名和JavaScript代码交互。因为JavaScript没有命名 好的参数,任何额外的参数名称都采取驼峰命名法(Camel-Case),并附加到函数名称上。在此示例中,Objective-C的方法 createWithFirstName:lastName:在JavaScript中则变成了 createWithFirstNameLastName()。

//JSON  [      { "first": "Grace",     "last": "Hopper",   "year": 1906 },      { "first": "Ada",       "last": "Lovelace", "year": 1815 },      { "first": "Margaret",  "last": "Hamilton", "year": 1936 }  ]
//JavaScript  var loadPeopleFromJSON = function(jsonString) {      var data = JSON.parse(jsonString);      var people = [];      for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {          var person = Person.createWithFirstNameLastName(data[i].first, data[i].last);          person.birthYear = data[i].year;          people.push(person);      }      return people;  }
  • 动手一试


//Objective-C  // get JSON string  NSString *peopleJSON = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:... encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];  // get load function  JSValue *load = context[@"loadPeopleFromJSON"];  // call with JSON and convert to an NSArray  JSValue *loadResult = [load callWithArguments:@[peopleJSON]];  NSArray *people = [loadResult toArray];  // get rendering function and create template  JSValue *mustacheRender = context[@"Mustache"][@"render"];  NSString *template = @"{{getFullName}}, born {{birthYear}}";  // loop through people and render Person object as string  for (Person *person in people) {     NSLog(@"%@", [mustacheRender callWithArguments:@[template, person]]);  }  // Output:  // Grace Hopper, born 1906  // Ada Lovelace, born 1815  // Margaret Hamilton, born 1936
//Swift  // get JSON string  if let peopleJSON = NSString(contentsOfFile:..., encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil) {      // get load function      let load = context.objectForKeyedSubscript("loadPeopleFromJSON")      // call with JSON and convert to an array of `Person`      if let people = load.callWithArguments([peopleJSON]).toArray() as? [Person] {            // get rendering function and create template          let mustacheRender = context.objectForKeyedSubscript("Mustache").objectForKeyedSubscript("render")          let template = "{{getFullName}}, born {{birthYear}}"            // loop through people and render Person object as string          for person in people {              println(mustacheRender.callWithArguments([template, person]))          }      }  }  // Output:  // Grace Hopper, born 1906  // Ada Lovelace, born 1815  // Margaret Hamilton, born 1936