
ne3g 9年前

randomColor.js的一个Swift移植版。这个库可用于在iOS or OSX中生成诱人的随机颜色。

查看示例:demo and site


// Returns a UIColor or NSColor object for an attractive color  let color = randomColor()    // Returns an array of ten green colors  let greenColors = randomColorsCount(10, hue: .Green)    // Returns a color for light blue  let lightBlurColor = randomColor(hue: .Blue, luminosity: .Light)    // Returns a color for a 'truly random' color  let randomColor = randomColor(hue: .Random, luminosity: .Random)    // Returns an array of ten dark pink colors  let darkPinkColors = randomColorsCount(10, hue: .Pink, luminosity: .Dark)    // Returns an array of twenty colors at hue of 120  let colors = randomColorsCount(20, hue: .Value(120), luminosity: .Random)
