基于 WebRTC 和云技术的视频会议平台:licode

jopen 9年前

licode基于 WebRTC 和云技术实现视频会议系统的快速开发。

基于 WebRTC 和云技术的视频会议平台:licode

构建在 WebRTC之上.

Licode是基于WebRTC 技术。它 100% 兼容最新的稳定版本的 Google Chrome。用户只需要通过Web浏览器就可以进行通信,不需要任何安装。

基于 WebRTC 和云技术的视频会议平台:licode

Easy, fast and scalable.

You don't need to care about complicated real-time infrastructures. It provides a fast development of videoconference features based on HTML5. And we make it 100% scalable.

基于 WebRTC 和云技术的视频会议平台:licode 基于 WebRTC 和云技术的视频会议平台:licode

Videoconference, Streaming, Recording.

Licode allows you to include videoconference rooms on your web. But you can also implement streaming, recording and any other real-time multimedia features you dreamt of!


Building your own conference provider.


It's the WebRTC Multipoint Control Unit (MCU). It's written in C++ and is 100% compatible with WebRTC standard and its protocols.

Erizo API

A Node.js addon wrapper for Erizo. It configures and manages all aspects of Erizo from your Node.js applications!

Erizo Controller

It's the core of the service. It provides Rooms to users in order to make multiconference sessions. It also supplies enough security mechanisms and additional capabilities: data, user lists, events, and so on.


This is our first Videoconference as a Service API, implemented in 2007, it offers Room management, Users access control and service registration to third-party applications. It also provides Cloud scalability to the service.

