
jopen 9年前


Examples  --------    Spawn a function within a thread::        from pebble import thread        def function(foo, bar=0):       print foo + bar        thrd = thread.spawn(target=function, args=[1], kwargs={'bar':2})      thrd.join()      Most of the functions work as well as decorators::        from pebble import process        @process.spawn(daemon=True)      def function(foo, bar=0):       print(foo + bar)        proc = function(1, bar=2)      proc.join()      Run a job in a separate process and wait for its results::        from pebble import process        @process.concurrent      def function(foo, bar=0):          return foo + bar        task = function(1, bar=2)      results = task.get()  # blocks until results are ready      Pools allow to execute several tasks without the need of spawning a new worker for each one of them::        from threading import current_thread      from pebble import thread        def task_done(task):          results, thread_id = task.get()       print "Task %s returned %d from thread %s" % (task.id,                                                        results,                                                        thread_id)        def do_job(foo, bar=0):       return foo + bar, current_thread().ident        with thread.Pool(workers=5) as pool:          for i in range(0, 10):              pool.schedule(do_job, args=(i, ), callback=task_done)      Check the documentation for more examples.    EXPERIMENTING:      * asynchronous multiprocessing through asyncio
