
jopen 9年前



Examples are provided with the included documentation, found in ./doc.

add(obj, arg)

Adds arg to obj if it is not found in obj

binIndex(obj, arg)

Performs a binary search on obj (must be sorted) for arg

cast(obj[, keys])

Returns an Object (NodeList, etc.) as an Array; if keys is true you will get the keys of the Object

chunk(obj, size)

Transforms an Array to a 2D Array of chunks


Clears an Array without destroying it

clone(obj[, shallow])

Clones an Array, shallow defaults to true

contains(obj, arg)

Determines if obj contains arg

collect(obj, fn)

Creates a new Array of the result of fn executed against every index of obj

compact(obj[, diff])

Compacts a Array by removing null or undefined indices; returns null if diff is true and there is no difference

count(obj, arg)

Counts the occurrence of arg in obj

diff(obj1, obj2)

Finds the difference between two Arrays

each(obj, fn[, async, size])

Iterates obj and executes fn with arguments [value, index]; returning false from fn halts iteration

eachReverse(obj, fn[, async, size])

Like each(), but in reverse


Determines if an Array is empty

equal(obj1, obj2)

Determines if two Arrays are equal

fill(obj, arg[, start, offset])

Fills obj with the evalution of arg, optionally from start to offset


Returns the first index


Flattens a 2D Array

forEach(obj, fn[, async, size])

Like each(), iterates obj and executes fn with arguments [value, index]; returning false from fn halts iteration


Creates a 2D Array from an Object

index(obj, arg)

Facade of indexOf()


Returns an Associative Array as an Indexed Array

intersect(obj1, obj2)

Finds the intersections between two Arrays

keepIf(obj, fn)

Resizes obj by keeping every index which fn evaluates to true


Returns the keys in an Associative Array, e.g. an Object

keySort(obj, clause)

Sorts an Array based on key values, like an SQL ORDER BY clause

last(obj[, offset])

Returns the last index of the Array, with an optional offset from the end to retrieve a range

limit(obj, start, offset)

Returns a limited range of indices from the Array


Finds the maximum value in an Array


Finds the mean of an Array


Finds the median value of an Array

merge(obj1, obj2)

Merges obj2 into obj1, excluding duplicate indices


Finds the minimum value in an Array

mingle(obj1, obj2)

Mingles Arrays and returns a 2D Array, corresponding index positions are paired


Finds the mode value of an Array


Finds the range of the Array

rassoc(obj, arg)

Searches a 2D Array obj for the first match of arg as a second index

reject(obj, fn)

Returns Array containing the items in obj for which fn is not true

remove(obj, start, end)

Removes indices from an Array without recreating it

removeIf(obj, fn)

Deletes every index of obj for which fn evaluates to true

removeWhile(obj, fn)

Deletes indices of obj until fn evaluates to false

replace(obj1, obj2)

Replaces the contents of obj1 with obj2

rest(obj[, offset])

Returns the "rest" of obj, offset defaults to 1

rindex(obj, arg)

Finds the last index of arg in obj

rotate(obj, arg)

Returns new Array with arg moved to the first index

series(start, end[, offset])

Generates a series Array


Sorts the Array by parsing values, to be used with [].sort()


Sorts obj using sort

split(obj, arg)

Splits an Array by divisor arg, e.g. retsu.split(new Array(100), 21)


Finds the standard deviation of an Array


Gets the summation of an Array

take(obj, n)

Takes the first n indices from obj


Casts an Array to Object


Gets the total keys in an Array


Returns an Array of unique indices of obj


Finds the variance of an Array

zip(obj, args)

Converts args to Array, then merges elements of obj with corresponding elements from each argument
