
jopen 9年前

基于Web的ssh控制台执行命令并同时管理多个系统。 KeyBox可以让你分享终端命令和文件上传到您的所有系统。一旦会话已经打开,您可以选择单个系统或任意组合来运行你的命令。可以添加额外的系统管理员并且它们的终端会话和历史可以进行审计。另外,KeyBox可以管理和分发已设置和定义的公共密钥。687474703a2f2f7373686b6579626f782e636f6d2f696d672f73637265656e73686f74732f6d656469756d2f7465726d732e706e67.png


FreeOTP Link
Android Google Play
iOS iTunes
Google Authenticator Link
Android Google Play
iOS iTunes

To Run Bundled with Jetty

If your not big on the idea of building from source...

Download keybox-jetty-vXX.XX.tar.gz


Export environment variables

for Linux/Unix/OSX

 export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk   export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

for Windows

 set JAVA_HOME=C:\path\to\jdk   set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

Start KeyBox

for Linux/Unix/OSX


for Windows


How to Configure SSL in Jetty (it is a good idea to add or generate your own unique certificate)


To Build from Source

Export environment variables

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk  export M2_HOME=/path/to/maven  export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$M2_HOME/bin:$PATH

In the directory that contains the pom.xml run

mvn package jetty:run

**Note: Doing a mvn clean will delete the H2 DB and wipe out all the data.

Supplying a Custom SSH Key Pair

KeyBox generates its own public/private SSH key upon initial startup for use when registering systems. You can specify a custom SSH key pair in the KeyBoxConfig.properties file. This file is located in the jetty/keybox/WEB-INF/classes directory. (or the src/main/resources directory if building from source)

For example:

#set to true to regenerate and import SSH keys  --set to true  resetApplicationSSHKey=true    #SSH Key Type 'dsa' or 'rsa'  sshKeyType=rsa    #private key  --set pvt key  privateKey=/Users/kavanagh/.ssh/id_rsa    #public key  --set pub key  publicKey=/Users/kavanagh/.ssh/id_rsa.pub    #default passphrase  --leave blank if passphrase is empty  defaultSSHPassphrase=myPa$$w0rd

Using KeyBox

Open browser to https://<whatever ip>:8443

Login with

username:admin  password:changeme


  1. Create systems
  2. Create profiles
  3. Assign systems to profile
  4. Assign profiles to users
  5. Users can login to create sessions on assigned systems
  6. Start a composite SSH session or create and execute a script across multiple sessions
  7. Add additional public keys to systems
  8. Audit session history




More Terminals

Upload Files

Manage Systems

Manage Users

Define SSH Keys
