
jopen 9年前

Myth 是一个预处理器,可以让你写纯CSS,而无需担心速度慢的浏览器支持。它就是一个 CSS polyfill。 Myth让你可以编写纯CSS但仍然可以利用LESS和Sass这类工具的优点,仍然可以使用变量和数学函数,就像你在预处理器中使用的一样。



:root {    --green: #a6c776;  }    @custom-media --narrow-window screen and (max-width: 30em);@media (--narrow-window) {    html {      font-size: 1.2rem;    }  }a {    color: var(--green);    font-variant: all-small-caps;    transition: color 1s;  }a:hover {    color: color(var(--green) shade(20%));  }    ::placeholder {    opacity: .4;    transition: opacity 1s;  }:focus::placeholder {    opacity: .2;  }

... Myth为你将其改造成浏览器兼容的CSS::

@media screen and (max-width: 30em) {    html {      font-size: 1.2rem;    }  }a {    color: #a6c776;    -webkit-font-feature-settings: "smcp", "c2sc";    -moz-font-feature-settings: "smcp", "c2sc";    font-feature-settings: "smcp", "c2sc";    font-variant: all-small-caps;    -webkit-transition: color 1s;    transition: color 1s;  }a:hover {    color: rgb(133, 159, 94);  }    ::-webkit-input-placeholder {    opacity: .4;    -webkit-transition: opacity 1s;    transition: opacity 1s;  }    ::-moz-placeholder {    opacity: .4;    transition: opacity 1s;  }    :-ms-input-placeholder {    opacity: .4;    transition: opacity 1s;  }    ::placeholder {    opacity: .4;    -webkit-transition: opacity 1s;    transition: opacity 1s;  }:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder {    opacity: .2;  }:focus::-moz-placeholder {    opacity: .2;  }:focus:-ms-input-placeholder {    opacity: .2;  }:focus::placeholder {    opacity: .2;  }



Using the same syntax as the CSS spec. Just like future CSS, but without the cascade. Thanks to rework-vars.

:root {    --purple: #847AD1;  }a {    color: var(--purple);  }


Using the same syntax as the CSS spec. Just like future CSS, but without runtime interpolation. Thanks to rework-calc.

pre {    margin: calc(50px * 2);  }

Custom media queries

Using the same syntax as the CSS spec. Thanks to rework-custom-media.

@custom-media --narrow-window (max-width: 30em);@media (--narrow-window) {    /* narrow window styles */ }@media (--narrow-window) and (script) {    /* special styles for when script is allowed */ }

Color Manipulation

Using the same syntax as the CSS spec. Thanks to rework-color-function.

a {    color: #847AD1;  }a:hover {    color: color(#847AD1 tint(20%));  }

No Prefixes

The prefixes from the most-common and most-recent browsers are supported, so you never need to worry about what the current browser support landscape is. Big thanks to autoprefixer!

.button {    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, black, white);    transition: transform .25s;  }

And more...
