Android Studio/Eclipse ADT模板用在项目引入material design图标资源

jopen 9年前

Android Studio / Eclipse ADT模板用于在项目中引入来自 的图标资源。

Android Studio/Eclipse ADT模板用在项目引入material design图标资源 Android Studio/Eclipse ADT模板用在项目引入material design图标资源


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run git submodule update --init in the root folder to download the material-design-icons submodule
  3. Copy the MaterialDesignIcons folder to your IDE templates folder:
    • Android Studio: /plugins/android/lib/templates/other
    • Eclipse: /extras/templates/other


  • Android Studio: Right click on your application module and select New > Other > Material Design Icons
  • Eclipse: Right click on your project and select New > Other... > Android > Android Object > Material Design Icons
