
jopen 9年前

MetricsGraphics.js 是一个构建在D3之上,优化用于时间序列数据的可视化和布局。它提供一种简单的方式来生成常见的图形。.该库目前支持折线图,散点图和直方图,以及功能,如地毯图和基本的线性回归。

data_graphic({      title: "Downloads",      description: "This graphics shows Firefox GA downloads for the past six months."      data: downloads_data, \\ an array of objects, such as [{value:100,date:...},...]      width: 600,      height: 250,      target: '#downloads', \\ the html element that the graphic is inserted in      x_accessor: 'date',  \\ the key that accesses the x value      y_accessor: 'value', \\ the key that accesses the y value  })
