Percona XtraDB Cluster 如何在一台服务器上安装两个集群节点

jopen 9年前

我认为在单个物理服务器上运行2个或多个Percona XtraDB Cluster(PXC)节点这样没有什么意义,除了教育和测试目的,但在这种情况下这样做仍然是有用的。最受欢迎的实现方式似乎是服务器的虚拟化,比如利用流浪盒子。但是同样的方式你可以运行多个MySQL实例在并行操作系统级别上,还有并发的mysqld的形成过程,因此你也可以有多个Percona XtraDB Cluster节点。而且实现这一目标的方法是恰恰相同的:使用专用的datadirs和为每个节点设置不同的端口。


Pecona XtraDB Cluster 使用 4 个 TCP 端口:

  • 常规的MySQL端口(默认3306)

  • (Galera)(默认4567)

  • 状态传输端口(默认4444)

  • 增量状态传输端口(默认是:组通信端口(4567)+ 1 = 4568)


安装Percona XtraDB 集群,配置并启动第一个节点

我的测试服务器用的是一个全新的CentOS(社区企业操作系统)6.5 版,系统安装了Percona yum 工具,通过工具我安装了最新的Percona XtraDB集群(5.6.20-25.7.888.el6版本);注意:你可能需要安装EPEL(企业版Linux额外包)和socat(Socket CAT)工具,这两个工具是独立的(见bug)。 为了避免冲突,我已经停止了mysql服务的自启动:

chkconfig --level 3 mysql off  chkconfig --del mysql

我原本计划从压缩包中安装PXC(Percona XtraDB Cluster),但是后来我决定通过yum工具进行安装,这样可以自动下载所有依赖包。 这是我最初的/etc/my.cnf 文件(注意默认值的使用):

[mysqld]  datadir = /var/lib/mysql  port=3306  socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql-node1.sock  pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/  log-error=/var/lib/mysql/mysql-node1.err  binlog_format=ROW  innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2  wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/  wsrep_cluster_name = singlebox  wsrep_node_name = node1  wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://


$ mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --wsrep-new-cluster


$ mysql -S /var/lib/mysql/mysql-node1.sock



[mysqld]  datadir = /var/lib/mysql2  port=3307  socket=/var/lib/mysql2/mysql-node2.sock  pid-file=/var/lib/mysql2/  log-error=/var/lib/mysql2/mysql-node2.err  binlog_format=ROW  innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2  wsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/  wsrep_cluster_name = singlebox  wsrep_node_name = node2  wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://,  wsrep_provider_options = "base_port=5020;"

注意使用base_port:通过它定义的,5020端口是用于组通信和5020(上面)为IST保留着(一样简单的使用gmcast.listen_addr =tcp:/ /。


$ chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql2


$ mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/my2.cnf


$ tail -f /var/log/mysql2/mysql-node2.err


$ mysqladmin -S /var/lib/mysql/mysql-node1.sock shutdown


Using mysqld_multi

My last blog post was on running multiple instances of MySQL with myslqd_multi. It applies here as well, the only exception is that you need to make sure to use “wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://” in the first node whenever you bootstrap the cluster – and pay attention to start it before the other nodes.

The only advantage I see in using mysqld_multi is facilitating the management (start/stop) of the nodes and concentrating all configuration in a single my.cnf file. In any case, you shouldn’t be running a PXC cluster in a single box for any purpose other than educational.

Adding a second Percona XtraDB Cluster node to a production server

What if you have a production cluster composed of multiple physical servers and you want to add a second node to one of them? It works the same way – you’ll just need to use the server’s IP address when configuring it instead of the loopback network interface. Here’s an example of a PXC cluster composed initially by three nodes:,, and I’ve added a 4th node running on the server that is already hosting the 3rd – the wsrep_cluster_address line looks like as follows after the changes:

wsrep_cluster_address = gcomm://,,,

Additional ressources

We have a documentation page on “How to setup 3 node cluster on single box” that contains more details of what I’ve covered above with a slightly different approach.