
jopen 9年前

AndroidJUnit4 是一个让 JUnit 4 可以直接运行在 Android 设备上的开源工具。


public class HelloActivity extends ActivityUnitTestCase<MyActivity> {         /**       * For Eclipse with ADT       */      public static junit.framework.Test suite() {          // Should use AndroidJUnit4TestAdapter for to running AndroidDependent          // TestCases.          return new AndroidJUnit4TestAdapter(HelloActivity.class);      }         public static class MyActivity extends Activity {          @Override          protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {              super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);              TextView view = new TextView(this);              view.setText("Hello, activity.");              view.setId(android.R.id.text1);              setContentView(view);          }      }         private Intent startIntent;         public HelloActivity() {          super(MyActivity.class);      }         @Override      @Before      public void setUp() throws Exception {          super.setUp();          startIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);      }         @Test      public void assertPreconditions() {          startActivity(startIntent, null, null);          assertNotNull(getActivity());      }         @Test      public void sayHello() {          startActivity(startIntent, null, null);          assertThat(((TextView) getActivity().findViewById(android.R.id.text1)).getText()                                                                        .toString(), equalTo("Hello, activity."));      }     }
