
jopen 10年前


 <?php    // It may take a whils to crawl a site ...  set_time_limit(10000);    // Inculde the phpcrawl-mainclass  include("libs/PHPCrawler.class.php");    // Extend the class and override the handleDocumentInfo()-method   class MyCrawler extends PHPCrawler   {    function handleDocumentInfo($DocInfo)     {      // Just detect linebreak for output ("\n" in CLI-mode, otherwise "<br>").      if (PHP_SAPI == "cli") $lb = "\n";      else $lb = "<br />";        // Print the URL and the HTTP-status-Code      echo "Page requested: ".$DocInfo->url." (".$DocInfo->http_status_code.")".$lb;            // Print the refering URL      echo "Referer-page: ".$DocInfo->referer_url.$lb;            // Print if the content of the document was be recieved or not      if ($DocInfo->received == true)        echo "Content received: ".$DocInfo->bytes_received." bytes".$lb;      else        echo "Content not received".$lb;             // Now you should do something with the content of the actual      // received page or file ($DocInfo->source), we skip it in this example             echo $lb;            flush();    }   }    // Now, create a instance of your class, define the behaviour  // of the crawler (see class-reference for more options and details)  // and start the crawling-process.     $crawler = new MyCrawler();    // URL to crawl  $crawler->setURL("");    // Only receive content of files with content-type "text/html"  $crawler->addContentTypeReceiveRule("#text/html#");    // Ignore links to pictures, dont even request pictures  $crawler->addURLFilterRule("#\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$# i");    // Store and send cookie-data like a browser does  $crawler->enableCookieHandling(true);    // Set the traffic-limit to 1 MB (in bytes,  // for testing we dont want to "suck" the whole site)  $crawler->setTrafficLimit(1000 * 1024);    // Thats enough, now here we go  $crawler->go();    // At the end, after the process is finished, we print a short  // report (see method getProcessReport() for more information)  $report = $crawler->getProcessReport();    if (PHP_SAPI == "cli") $lb = "\n";  else $lb = "<br />";        echo "Summary:".$lb;  echo "Links followed: ".$report->links_followed.$lb;  echo "Documents received: ".$report->files_received.$lb;  echo "Bytes received: ".$report->bytes_received." bytes".$lb;  echo "Process runtime: ".$report->process_runtime." sec".$lb;   ?> 
