
jopen 10年前

GCViewer是一个小工具,用于可视化查看由Sun / Oracle, IBM, HP 和 BEA Java 虚拟机产生的垃圾收集器的日志。对性能调优很有帮助。

支持verbose:GC的格式有:    - Oracle JDK 1.8 (experimental support) -Xloggc:<file> [-XX:+PrintGCDetails] [-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps]  - Sun / Oracle JDK 1.7 with option -Xloggc:<file> [-XX:+PrintGCDetails] [-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps]  - Sun / Oracle JDK 1.6 with option -Xloggc:<file> [-XX:+PrintGCDetails] [-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps]  - Sun JDK 1.4/1.5 with the option -Xloggc:<file> [-XX:+PrintGCDetails]  - Sun JDK 1.2.2/1.3.1/1.4 with the option -verbose:gc  - IBM JDK 1.3.1/1.3.0/1.2.2 with the option -verbose:gc  - IBM iSeries Classic JVM 1.4.2 with option -verbose:gc  - HP-UX JDK 1.2/1.3/1.4.x with the option -Xverbosegc  - BEA JRockit 1.4.2/1.5/1.6 with the option -verbose:memory [-Xverbose:gcpause,gcreport] [-Xverbosetimestamp]
