
jopen 11年前

Pygments支持超过100种语言, 并且支持多种输出格式,比如HTML, RTF等等。Pygments提供了多种样式,比如’native’, ‘emacs’, ‘vs’等等,可以在 Pygments Demo中选择某种语言的例子,体验不同的样式。


  • a wide range of common languages and markup formats is supported
  • special attention is paid to details that increase highlighting quality
  • support for new languages and formats are added easily; most languages use a simple regex-based lexing mechanism
  • a number of output formats is available, among them HTML, RTF, LaTeX and ANSI sequences
  • it is usable as a command-line tool and as a library
  • ... and it highlights even Brainf*ck!
