
jopen 11年前

MapDB提供了并发的Maps,Sets 和 Queues,基于磁盘存储或off-heap-memory。这是一个快速,可扩展的和易于使用的嵌入式Java数据库引擎。非常微小(jar只有160KB),但功能强大,如事务,空间高效的序列化,实例缓存和透明压缩/加密。


  • 并发 - MapDB has record level locking and state-of-art concurrent engine. Its performance scales nearly linearly with number of cores. Data can be written by multiple parallel threads.

  • 快速 - MapDB has outstanding performance rivaled only by native DBs. It is result of more than a decade of optimizations and rewrites.

  • ACID事务 - MapDB optionally supports ACID transactions with full MVCC isolation. MapDB uses write-ahead-log or append-only store for great write durability.

  • 灵活 - MapDB can be used everywhere from in-memory cache to multi-terabyte database. It also has number of options to trade durability for write performance. This makes it very easy to configure MapDB to exactly fit your needs.

  • Hackable - MapDB is component based, most features (instance cache, async writes, compression) are just class wrappers. It is very easy to introduce new functionality or component into MapDB.

  • SQL Like - MapDB was developed as faster alternative to SQL engine. It has number of features which makes transition from relational database easier: secondary indexes/collections, autoincremental sequential ID, joints, triggers, composite keys...

  • 低磁盘空间使用情况 - MapDB has number of features (serialization, delta key packing...) to minimize disk used by its store. It also has very fast compression and custom serializers. We take disk-usage seriously and do not waste single byte.

import org.mapdb.*;    //Configure and open database using builder pattern.  DB db = DBMaker      .newFileDB(new File("testdb"))      .closeOnJvmShutdown()      .make();    //create new collection (or open existing)  ConcurrentNavigableMap map = db.getTreeMap("collectionName");  map.put(1,"one");  map.put(2,"two");    //persist changes into disk, there is also rollback() method  db.commit();    db.close();
