
jopen 11年前

Nanoweb是一个采用PHP开发的Http服务器。具有快速,健壮,轻量,安全,可扩展等特点。符合 HTTP/1.1规范,强大、易于配置,模块设计,支持FastCGI,CGI,SSI,支持按名称和端口配置虚拟主机,提供访问控制列表,支持 htpasswd、MySQL、PostgreSQL和LDAP验证,支持Filters和gzip等。
- HTTP/1.1 compliance
- Powerful and easy configuration
- Modular architecture
- FastCGI, CGI and Server side includes support
- Name and port based virtual hosts
- Access control lists
- htpasswd, MySQL, PostgreSQL and LDAP authentication support
- Themes for server generated content
- Apache compatible log format, MySQL logging
- Directory browsing
- inetd support and SSL via external helpers
- Denial of Service protection
- Proxy Server extension
- Filters and gzip support
- RBL support (mail-abuse.org)
- Extension Protocols (request methods) support
