OpenGL4Net - OpenGL的.Net平台简单封装

jopen 11年前

OpenGL4Net是OpenGL的.Net平台简单封装。这个库的语法尽量保持C语言的风格相似。它重载了一些函数来简化.NET应用程序开发。该库还包含一些辅助类来实现快速开发(比如:class RenderContext for opening the OpenGL context; or class Program for loading, compilink and linking shaders).


  • Nicelooking function names (gl.WhateverFunc())
  • C-like constant names (GL.WHATEVER_CONSTANT)
  • A lot of overloads (gl.TexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, 0, "texture.png");)
  • Simple context initialization for OpenGL 3 and higher
  • Helper classes (shader = new Program("", stringVS, stringPS, stringGS))
  • Intellisense OpenGL documentation
