单位转换测量 GNU Units

jopen 12年前

GNU 单位转换测量到其等值的其他测量系统的各种系统中表达量。像许多类似的方案,它可以处理乘法规模的变化。它还能处理如非线性转换到华氏摄氏度或线规,它可以转换和单位的款项,如米,英尺加英寸之间的转换。

GNU Units converts quantities expressed in various systems of measurement to their equivalents in other systems of measurement. Like many similar programs, it can handle multiplicative scale changes. It can also handle nonlinear conversions such as Fahrenheit to Celsius or wire gauge, and it can convert from and to sums of units, such as converting between meters and feet plus inches.

    You have: mile      You want: km              * 1.609344              / 0.62137119        You have: furlongs per fortnight      You want: m/s                * 0.00016630986              / 6012.8727
