
/**  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or  * (at your option) any later version.  *  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the  * GNU General Public License for more details.  *  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA  *   * � Copyright 2005 Richard Heyes  */        /**      * Global vars      */      __AutoComplete = new Array();        // Basic UA detection      isIE = document.all ? true : false;      isGecko = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('gecko') != -1;      isOpera = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera') != -1;          /**      * Attachs the autocomplete object to a form element. Sets      * onkeypress event on the form element.      *       * @param string formElement Name of form element to attach to      * @param array  data        Array of strings of which to use as the autocomplete data      */      function AutoComplete_Create (id, data)      {          __AutoComplete[id] = {'data':data,                                'isVisible':false,                                'element':document.getElementById(id),                                'dropdown':null,                                'highlighted':null};            __AutoComplete[id]['element'].setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');          __AutoComplete[id]['element'].onkeydown  = function(e) {return AutoComplete_KeyDown(this.getAttribute('id'), e);}          __AutoComplete[id]['element'].onkeyup    = function(e) {return AutoComplete_KeyUp(this.getAttribute('id'), e);}          __AutoComplete[id]['element'].onkeypress = function(e) {if (!e) e = window.event; if (e.keyCode == 13 || isOpera) return false;}          __AutoComplete[id]['element'].ondblclick = function() {AutoComplete_ShowDropdown(this.getAttribute('id'));}          __AutoComplete[id]['element'].onclick    = function(e) {if (!e) e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false;}            // Hides the dropdowns when document clicked          var docClick = function()          {             for (id in __AutoComplete) {                 AutoComplete_HideDropdown(id);             }          }            if (document.addEventListener) {              document.addEventListener('click', docClick, false);          } else if (document.attachEvent) {              document.attachEvent('onclick', docClick, false);          }              // Max number of items shown at once          if (arguments[2] != null) {              __AutoComplete[id]['maxitems'] = arguments[2];              __AutoComplete[id]['firstItemShowing'] = 0;              __AutoComplete[id]['lastItemShowing']  = arguments[2] - 1;          }                    AutoComplete_CreateDropdown(id);                    // Prevent select dropdowns showing thru          if (isIE) {              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'] = document.createElement('iframe');              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].id = id +'_iframe';              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.position = 'absolute';              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.top = '0';              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.left = '0';              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.width = '0px';              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.height = '0px';              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.zIndex = '98';              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.visibility = 'hidden';                            __AutoComplete[id]['element'].parentNode.insertBefore(__AutoComplete[id]['iframe'], __AutoComplete[id]['element']);          }      }          /**      * Creates the dropdown layer      *       * @param string id The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      */      function AutoComplete_CreateDropdown(id)      {          var left  = AutoComplete_GetLeft(__AutoComplete[id]['element']);          var top   = AutoComplete_GetTop(__AutoComplete[id]['element']) + __AutoComplete[id]['element'].offsetHeight;          var width = __AutoComplete[id]['element'].offsetWidth;                __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'] = document.createElement('div');          __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].className = 'autocomplete'; // Don't use setAttribute()                __AutoComplete[id]['element'].parentNode.insertBefore(__AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'], __AutoComplete[id]['element']);                    // Position it          __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.left       = left + 'px';          __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.top        = top + 'px';          __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.width      = width + 'px';          __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.zIndex     = '99';          __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.visibility = 'hidden';      }                  /**      * Gets left coord of given element      *       * @param object element The element to get the left coord for      */      function AutoComplete_GetLeft(element)      {          var curNode = element;          var left    = 0;            do {              left += curNode.offsetLeft;              curNode = curNode.offsetParent;            } while(curNode.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body');            return left;      }                  /**      * Gets top coord of given element      *       * @param object element The element to get the top coord for      */      function AutoComplete_GetTop(element)      {          var curNode = element;          var top    = 0;            do {              top += curNode.offsetTop;              curNode = curNode.offsetParent;            } while(curNode.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body');            return top;      }              /**      * Shows the dropdown layer      *       * @param string id The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      */      function AutoComplete_ShowDropdown(id)      {          AutoComplete_HideAll();            var value = __AutoComplete[id]['element'].value;          var toDisplay = new Array();          var newDiv    = null;          var text      = null;          var numItems  = __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes.length;            // Remove all child nodes from dropdown          while (__AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes.length > 0) {              __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].removeChild(__AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[0]);          }            // Go thru data searching for matches          for (i=0; i<__AutoComplete[id]['data'].length; ++i) {              if (__AutoComplete[id]['data'][i].substr(0, value.length) == value) {                  toDisplay[toDisplay.length] = __AutoComplete[id]['data'][i];              }          }                    // No matches?          if (toDisplay.length == 0) {              AutoComplete_HideDropdown(id);              return;          }                // Add data to the dropdown layer          for (i=0; i __AutoComplete[id]['maxitems'] && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') == -1) {                  newDiv.style.width = __AutoComplete[id]['element'].offsetWidth - 22 + 'px';              }                newDiv.onmouseover = function() {AutoComplete_HighlightItem(__AutoComplete[id]['element'].getAttribute('id'), this.getAttribute('index'));};              newDiv.onclick     = function() {AutoComplete_SetValue(__AutoComplete[id]['element'].getAttribute('id')); AutoComplete_HideDropdown(__AutoComplete[id]['element'].getAttribute('id'));}                            text   = document.createTextNode(toDisplay[i]);              newDiv.appendChild(text);                            __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].appendChild(newDiv);          }                              // Too many items?          if (toDisplay.length > __AutoComplete[id]['maxitems']) {              __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.height = (__AutoComplete[id]['maxitems'] * 15) + 2 + 'px';                    } else {              __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.height = '';          }                      /**          * Set left/top in case of document movement/scroll/window resize etc          */          __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.left = AutoComplete_GetLeft(__AutoComplete[id]['element']);          __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.top  = AutoComplete_GetTop(__AutoComplete[id]['element']) + __AutoComplete[id]['element'].offsetHeight;              // Show the iframe for IE          if (isIE) {              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.top    = __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.top;              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.left   = __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.left;              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.width  = __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].offsetWidth;              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.height = __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].offsetHeight;                            __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.visibility = 'visible';          }              // Show dropdown          if (!__AutoComplete[id]['isVisible']) {              __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.visibility = 'visible';              __AutoComplete[id]['isVisible'] = true;          }                      // If now showing less items than before, reset the highlighted value          if (__AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes.length != numItems) {              __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] = null;          }      }                  /**      * Hides the dropdown layer      *       * @param string id The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      */      function AutoComplete_HideDropdown(id)      {          if (__AutoComplete[id]['iframe']) {              __AutoComplete[id]['iframe'].style.visibility = 'hidden';          }              __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.visibility = 'hidden';          __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] = null;          __AutoComplete[id]['isVisible']   = false;      }                  /**      * Hides all dropdowns      */      function AutoComplete_HideAll()      {          for (id in __AutoComplete) {              AutoComplete_HideDropdown(id);          }      }                  /**      * Highlights a specific item      *       * @param string id    The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      * @param int    index The index of the element in the dropdown to highlight      */      function AutoComplete_HighlightItem(id, index)      {          if (__AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[index]) {              for (var i=0; i<__AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes.length; ++i) {                  if (__AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[i].className == 'autocomplete_item_highlighted') {                      __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[i].className = 'autocomplete_item';                  }              }                            __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[index].className = 'autocomplete_item_highlighted';              __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] = index;          }      }          /**      * Highlights the menu item with the given index      *       * @param string id    The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      * @param int    index The index of the element in the dropdown to highlight      */      function AutoComplete_Highlight(id, index)      {          // Out of bounds checking          if (index == 1 && __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] == __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes.length - 1) {              __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[__AutoComplete[id]['highlighted']].className = 'autocomplete_item';              __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] = null;                    } else if (index == -1 && __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] == 0) {              __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[0].className = 'autocomplete_item';              __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] = __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes.length;          }            // Nothing highlighted at the moment          if (__AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] == null) {              __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[0].className = 'autocomplete_item_highlighted';              __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] = 0;            } else {              if (__AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[__AutoComplete[id]['highlighted']]) {                  __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[__AutoComplete[id]['highlighted']].className = 'autocomplete_item';              }                var newIndex = __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] + index;                if (__AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[newIndex]) {                  __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[newIndex].className = 'autocomplete_item_highlighted';                                    __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] = newIndex;              }          }      }          /**      * Sets the input to a given value      *       * @param string id    The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      */      function AutoComplete_SetValue(id)      {          __AutoComplete[id]['element'].value = __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].childNodes[__AutoComplete[id]['highlighted']].innerHTML;      }                  /**      * Checks if the dropdown needs scrolling      *       * @param string id    The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      */      function AutoComplete_ScrollCheck(id)      {          // Scroll down, or wrapping around from scroll up          if (__AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] > __AutoComplete[id]['lastItemShowing']) {              __AutoComplete[id]['firstItemShowing'] = __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] - (__AutoComplete[id]['maxitems'] - 1);              __AutoComplete[id]['lastItemShowing']  = __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'];          }                    // Scroll up, or wrapping around from scroll down          if (__AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] < __AutoComplete[id]['firstItemShowing']) {              __AutoComplete[id]['firstItemShowing'] = __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'];              __AutoComplete[id]['lastItemShowing']  = __AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] + (__AutoComplete[id]['maxitems'] - 1);          }                    __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].scrollTop = __AutoComplete[id]['firstItemShowing'] * 15;      }          /**      * Function which handles the keypress event      *       * @param string id    The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      */      function AutoComplete_KeyDown(id)      {          // Mozilla          if (arguments[1] != null) {              event = arguments[1];          }            var keyCode = event.keyCode;            switch (keyCode) {                // Return/Enter              case 13:                  if (__AutoComplete[id]['highlighted'] != null) {                      AutoComplete_SetValue(id);                      AutoComplete_HideDropdown(id);                  }                                    event.returnValue = false;                  event.cancelBubble = true;                  break;                // Escape              case 27:                  AutoComplete_HideDropdown(id);                  event.returnValue = false;                  event.cancelBubble = true;                  break;                            // Up arrow              case 38:                  if (!__AutoComplete[id]['isVisible']) {                      AutoComplete_ShowDropdown(id);                  }                                    AutoComplete_Highlight(id, -1);                  AutoComplete_ScrollCheck(id, -1);                  return false;                  break;                            // Tab              case 9:                  if (__AutoComplete[id]['isVisible']) {                      AutoComplete_HideDropdown(id);                  }                  return;                            // Down arrow              case 40:                  if (!__AutoComplete[id]['isVisible']) {                      AutoComplete_ShowDropdown(id);                  }                                    AutoComplete_Highlight(id, 1);                  AutoComplete_ScrollCheck(id, 1);                  return false;                  break;          }      }          /**      * Function which handles the keyup event      *       * @param string id    The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      */      function AutoComplete_KeyUp(id)      {          // Mozilla          if (arguments[1] != null) {              event = arguments[1];          }            var keyCode = event.keyCode;            switch (keyCode) {              case 13:                  event.returnValue = false;                  event.cancelBubble = true;                  break;                case 27:                  AutoComplete_HideDropdown(id);                  event.returnValue = false;                  event.cancelBubble = true;                  break;                            case 38:              case 40:                  return false;                  break;                default:                  AutoComplete_ShowDropdown(id);                  break;          }      }            /**      * Returns whether the dropdown is visible      *       * @param string id    The form elements id. Used to identify the correct dropdown.      */      function AutoComplete_isVisible(id)      {          return __AutoComplete[id]['dropdown'].style.visibility == 'visible';      }
