ElasticSearch for Logging

14 minute read Published: 2012-12-26

We use ElasticSearch at my job for web front-end searches. Performance is critical, and for our purposes, the data is mostly static. We update the search indexes daily, but have no problems running on old indexes for weeks. The majority of the traffic to this cluster is search; it is a "read heavy" cluster. We had some performance hiccups at the beginning, but we worked closely with Shay Bannon of ElasticSearch to eliminate those problems. Now our front end clusters are very reliable, resilient, and fast.

I am now working to implement a centralized logging infrastructure that meets compliance requirements, but is also useful. The goal of the logging infrastructure is to emulate as much of the Splunk functionality as possible. My previous write-up on logging explains why we decided against Splunk.

After evaluating a number of options, I've decided to utilize ElasticSearch as the storage back-end for that system. This type of cluster is very different from the cluster we've implemented for heavy search loads.


A Russian translation of this post provided by EveryCloud.
A Chinese translation of this post provided by FangPeishi.
A Ukrainian translation of this post provided by Open Source Initiative.

Index Layouts

The two popular open source log routing systems are Graylog2 and LogStash. As of this writing, the stable Graylog2 release supports only writing/reading from a single index. As I pointed out in a prior article, this presents enormous scaling issues for Graylog2. The 0.10.0 release of Graylog2 will include the ability to index to multiple indexes. However, my experience has been with LogStash indexes as that was the only scalable option in the past.

In order to get the most out of ElasticSearch for logging, you need to use multiple indexes. There are a few ways to handle when to rollover the index, but LogStash's default automatic daily rotation turns out to make the most sense. So, you'll have something like:

You could keep track of how many documents are in each index. Then roll after after a million or billion or whatever arbitrary number you decide, but you're just creating more work for yourself later. There are some edge cases where other indexing schemes maybe more efficient, but for most users, an index a day is the simplest, most efficient use of your resources.

Get serious, or go home.

Both LogStash and Graylog2 ship with built-in ElasticSearch implementations. This is great for demonstration or development purposes. DO NOT USE THIS BUILT-IN SERVER FOR REAL PURPOSES! I am surprised by the number of LogStash and Graylog2 users ending up in #elasticsearch on irc.freenode.org who are using the built-in ElasticSearch storage engine and surprised that it falls over!

Run a standalone ElasticSearch Cluster!

You will need separate hardware for this. Java applications like LogStash and ElasticSearch are memory and disk-cache intensive. Commit the hardware to the log processing boxes and separate boxes to the ElasticSearch cluster. Java has some weird issues with memory. We've found that you don't want to go past 32 GB of RAM dedicated to ElasticSearch and reserve atleast 8 GB to the OS for file-system caching.

My cluster is handling ~60 GB of log data a day in my development environment with 3 search nodes at 24 GB of RAM each and is underwhelmed. This brings up the next question, how many servers for my cluster? Start with 3 servers in your ElasticSearch cluster. This gives you the flexibility to shutdown a server and maintain full use of your cluster. You can always add more hardware!

Installing ElasticSearch

I'm not going to cover installing ElasticSearch, you can read more about it on the documentation site. You may even decided to utilize the .deb or possibly roll an rpm and create a recipe for managing ElasticSearch with Puppet or Chef. The only thing I will say about installation, is despite how much it hurts, it's best to run ElasticSearch under the Sun JVM. This is how the developers of ElasticSearch run ElasticSearch and so can you!

ElasticSearch Configuration: OS and Java

There are some things you really need to configure on the host system. I'm assuming you're running Linux as the host system here. You should run ElasticSearch as an unprivileged user. My cluster runs as the 'elasticsearch' user, so we tweak the kernel limits on processes and memory in '/etc/security/limits.conf':

# Ensure ElasticSearch can open files and lock memory!
elasticsearch   soft    nofile          65536
elasticsearch   hard    nofile          65536
elasticsearch   -       memlock         unlimited

You should also configure ElasticSearch's minimum and maximum pool of memory be set to the same value. This takes care of all the memory allocation at startup, so you don't have threads waiting to get more memory from the kernel. I've built ElasticSearch on a RedHat system and have this in my '/etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch' which sets environment variables for the daemon at startup:

# Allocate 14 Gigs of RAM

This file is managed by Puppet and sets the memory equal to 50% of the RAM + 2 gigs. This isn't rocket science, and it's covered in every ElasticSearch tuning guide.

ElasticSearch Configuration: elasticsearch.yml

There are some things we can tune in the 'elasticsearch.yml' file which will dramatically improve performance for write-heavy nodes. The first is to set bootstrap.mlockall to true. This forces the JVM to allocate all of ES_MIN_MEM immediately. This means Java has all the memory it needs at start up! Another concern of a write heavy cluster is the imbalance of memory allocating to the indexing/bulk engine.

ElasticSearch is assuming you're going to be using it mostly for searches, so the majority of your memory allocation is safe guarded for those searches. This isn't the case with this cluster, so by tweaking indices.memory.index_buffer_size to 50% we can restore the balance we need for this use case. In my setup, I also up the refresh interval and the transaction count for log flushing. Otherwise, ElasticSearch would be flushing the translog nearly every second.

The other thing we need to tweak to avoid catastrophic fail is the threadpool settings. ElasticSearch will do what it believes is best to achieve the best performance. We've found out, in production, that this can mean spawning thousands upon thousands of threads to handle incoming requests. This will knock your whole cluster over quickly under heavy load. To avoid this, we set the max number of threads per pool; search, index, and bulk. The majority of our operations will be bulks, so we give that 60 threads, and other operations 20. We also set the maximum number of requests that can queue for processing to 200 for bulk, and 100 for everything else. This way, if the cluster becomes overloaded it will turn down new requests, but it will leave you enough file descriptors and PID's to ssh into the boxes and figure out what went wrong.

Pulling that all together, here's my config file:

# /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
# Base configuration for a write heavy cluster

# Cluster / Node Basics
cluster.name: logng

# Node can have abritrary attributes we can use for routing
node.name: logsearch-01
node.datacenter: amsterdam

# Force all memory to be locked, forcing the JVM to never swap
bootstrap.mlockall: true

## Threadpool Settings ##

# Search pool
threadpool.search.type: fixed
threadpool.search.size: 20
threadpool.search.queue_size: 100

# Bulk pool
threadpool.bulk.type: fixed
threadpool.bulk.size: 60
threadpool.bulk.queue_size: 300

# Index pool
threadpool.index.type: fixed
threadpool.index.size: 20
threadpool.index.queue_size: 100

# Indices settings
indices.memory.index_buffer_size: 30%
indices.memory.min_shard_index_buffer_size: 12mb
indices.memory.min_index_buffer_size: 96mb

# Cache Sizes
indices.fielddata.cache.size: 15%
indices.fielddata.cache.expire: 6h
indices.cache.filter.size: 15%
indices.cache.filter.expire: 6h

# Indexing Settings for Writes
index.refresh_interval: 30s
index.translog.flush_threshold_ops: 50000

# Minimum nodes alive to constitute an operational cluster
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2

# Unicast Discovery (disable multicast)
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: [ "logsearch-01", "logsearch-02", "logsearch-03" ]

ElasticSearch Configuration: Index Templates

As I stated, I developed this cluster based on LogStash due to the short comings of the Graylog2 implementation at the time. This section will contain the word "logstash", but you can easily adapt this to a Graylog2 or homemade index mapping.

Since we've decided to create an index a day, there's two ways to configure the mapping and features of each index. We can either create the indexes explicitly with the settings we want, or we can use a template such that any index created implicitly by writing data to it, has the features and configurations we want! Templates make the most sense in this case, you we'll create them on the now running cluster!

My template settings are:

    "template": "logstash-*",
    "settings" : {
        "index.number_of_shards" : 3,
        "index.number_of_replicas" : 1,
        "index.query.default_field" : "@message",
        "index.routing.allocation.total_shards_per_node" : 2,
        "index.auto_expand_replicas": false
    "mappings": {
        "_default_": {
            "_all": { "enabled": false },
            "_source": { "compress": false },
            "dynamic_templates": [
                    "fields_template" : {
                        "mapping": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" },
                        "path_match": "@fields.*"
                    "tags_template" : {
                        "mapping": { "type": "string", "index": "not_analyzed" },
                        "path_match": "@tags.*"
            "properties" : {
                "@fields": { "type": "object", "dynamic": true, "path": "full" },
                "@source" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
                "@source_host" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
                "@source_path" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
                "@timestamp" : { "type" : "date", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
                "@type" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
                "@message" : { "type" : "string", "analyzer" : "whitespace" }


To apply the settings to the cluster, we create or update the template with a PUT:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_template/template_logstash/' -d @logstash-template.json

Setting to the template to logstash-* means all new indexes created that start with 'logstash-' will have these settings applied. I override the default search behavior by disabling the _all fields search and set the default attribute to @message. This field will be the raw syslog message. It's also the only field that doesn't have the analyzer disabled. Don't freak out. This is saving space and indexing time. It means searching other fields in the document will match using exact matches rather than fuzzy searches, but that's O.K. We can still get that warm fuzzy feeling by searching the @message field! This will dramatically reduce the storage size.

In previous write-ups, before ElasticSearch 0.19, you may have seen the "_source": { "compress": true } attribute set. This is not recommended for logging data. This attribute determines whether each document (read: log message) is stored using compression. As these documents tend to be very small, compression doesn't really save much space. It does cost extra processing at the time of indexing and retrieval. It's best to explicitly disable compression for a logging cluster. The setting which enabled store compression in our elasticsearch.yml uses block level compression which is much more efficient.

Index Settings

The index settings are tuned to a 3 node cluster. We can change everything but the index.number_of_shards on the fly if we need to grow or shrink the cluster. This setup isn't exactly perfect, as we sometimes end up with orphaned (unallocated) shards. This is easy enough to correct by moving shards around with the ElasticSearch API.

Instead of replicating the entire index to the entire cluster, we add storage capacity as we add nodes. This way we have a "RAID like" setup for shard allocation. I have a 3 node cluster, and I create 3 shards per index. This means the master or "write" shard can be balanced to one on each node. For redundancy, I set the number of replicas to one. This means there are 6 shards for each index. Each node is only allowed to have 2 shards per index.

You'll need to experiment with these settings for your needs. Take into account how many nodes you can afford to lose before you lose functionality. You'll need to adjust the number of replicas based on that. I've gone with a simple recipe here of simply having 1 shard replica. This means I can only spare to have a single node out of the cluster. So far, I've found that having number_of_replicas equal to ( 2/3 * number of nodes) - 1 to be a good number, YMMV.

Automatically Expand Replicas

It's also best to disable ElasticSearch's default behavior to automatically expand the number of replicas based on how many nodes are in the cluster. We assume responsibility for managing this manually and gain performance, especially when we need to stop or restart a node in the cluster. Auto-expansion is a great feature for search-heavy indexes with small to medium data sets. Without reconfiguring, adding another node will increase performance. However, if you have a lot of data in your indexes and this feature is enabled here's what happens when a node restarts:

As you can see, this is less than desirable, especially with a busy cluster. Please be aware of this behavior in production and watch your network graphs when you add/remove nodes from your cluster. If you see spikes, you may want to manage this manually. You lose some of the magic, but you may find it to be black magic anyways. By disabling the auto expansion of replicas, this happens:

This is what most people expect the cluster to do by default, but the logic involved in determining cluster state makes it difficult to accomplish. Again, the magic behavior of auto_expand_replicas makes sense in most use cases, but not in our case.

Maintenance and Monitoring

I wrote a few scripts for working with ElasticSearch in a production environment. It includes exporting metrics to Graphite and Cacti. There is also a Nagios monitoring check which is very configurable. We use these utilities to keep track of the performance and health of our various clusters including the logging cluster. I'll be updating that in the next few days to include my logstash index maintenance script.

As you write your data to the log cluster, ElasticSearch is creating Lucence indexes of the log messages in the background. There is a buffer of incoming documents and based on your settings, that data is flushed to a Lucene index. Lucene indexes are expensive to create/update, but fast to search. This means a single shard may contain hundreds of Lucence indexes, often referred to as segments. These segments can each be searched quickly, but only one can be processed per thread. This can begin to have negative effect on performance. We have seen a 10% degradation in search speed with indexes with 20+ segments.

Luckily, ElasticSearch provides an API for optimizing the Lucene segments. You shouldn't optimize an index that's currently indexing data. The new data will just create more segments on those shards. So how do we know that we're done writing to an index? Well, if you remember, I recommended using daily indexes. This means, you can run a cron job daily (or hourly) to check for any indexes with yesterday's date or older and make sure they're optimized (or max_num_segments = 1). If you've chosen some other schema for creating index names, you've just created more work for yourself.

Future explorations

This post is substantially longer than I expected. I'm just scratching the surface on the design and implementation of ElasticSearch clusters for logging data. My cluster will be moving from development into production soon (thought it currently provides production functionality). When I do, I'm going to face some additional challenges and I have a notebook full of ideas on how to structure indexes and the cluster to handle the load and some of the privacy-related problems that arise when you suddenly provide simple, fast access to massive amounts of data.

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