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JS Rocks

How to contribute is a collaborative website about the latest JavaScript features and tools.
Anyone can contribute by writing an article, making a layout change, suggesting new sections, reporting issues, etc.
Contributing to JS Rocks is super easy, choose the type of contribution you want.

Writing an article

The JS Rocks website is built with Harmonic, our static site generator.

  • First thing you need to do is to install Harmonic.
npm install harmonic -g

You'll need Node.js >= 0.10 (or io.js) and npm already installed.
Check out the main Harmonic documentation if you're in trouble.

  • Fork and clone the repository
# replace YOUR_USERNAME with your GitHub username below
git clone
git remote add upstream
  • Create a new branch using upstream/src as base and checkout to it
git fetch upstream
git checkout -b my-awesome-post upstream/src
  • Create a new post
harmonic new_post "My awesome post"

This command will create a new markdown file in /src/posts/[LANG].

  • Run Harmonic to check if your post is ready
harmonic run

This command will build and run the JS Rocks website in the default port 9356.

  • Commit your changes
git add .
git commit -m "my awesome article"
  • Push your new branch to your forked repository
git push origin HEAD

Go to your forked repository's page on and create a pull request for the src branch.


You can help JS Rocks by finding a bug in the website, a typo in an article or even an incorrect sentence.
File an issue, and we will solve it ASAP.