Crate kirk [] [src]

Pools of generic crews that perform generic jobs, statically or dynamically.


With fewest restrictions, a pool could run any task.

use kirk::{Pool, Task, Deque};
use kirk::crew::deque::Options;

let options = Options::default();
let mut pool = Pool::<Deque<Task>>::new(options);
pool.push(|| { println!("Hello!") });
pool.push(|| { println!("World!") });


Crews abstract the method of sending jobs to workers. Another implementation is Channel.

use kirk::{Pool, Task, Channel};
use kirk::crew::channel::Options;

let options = Options::default();
let mut pool = Pool::<Channel<Task>>::new(options);
pool.push(|| { println!("Hello!") });
pool.push(|| { println!("World!") });

The goal is to support various methods for different workloads, while making it easy to switch from one to another.

Jobs and Tasks

The core abstraction is Job, which has a single, consuming method, perform. Defining a data structure that implements Job allows worker threads to statically dispatch the call to perform.

use kirk::{Pool, Job, Deque};
use kirk::crew::deque::Options;

enum Msg { Hello, World };

impl Job for Msg {
    fn perform(self) {
        match self {
            Msg::Hello => println!("Hello!"),
            Msg::World => println!("World!"),

let options = Options::default();
let mut pool = Pool::<Deque<Msg>>::new(options);

As shown before, however, there's a predefined type Task, a boxed closure. This allows arbitary jobs to be pushed to a pool, but with added costs both to construct the box and to call each dynamically.


Using crossbeam::scope, jobs can safely access data on the stack of the original caller, like so:

extern crate crossbeam;
extern crate kirk;

let mut items = [0usize; 8];
crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
    let options = kirk::crew::deque::Options::default();
    let mut pool = kirk::Pool::<kirk::Deque<kirk::Task>>::scoped(&scope, options);
    for (i, e) in items.iter_mut().enumerate() {
        pool.push(move || *e = i)


pub use crew::{Crew, Parameters, Worker};
pub use crew::channel::Channel;
pub use crew::deque::Deque;



Traits that abstract how to send jobs to workers.



A crew of workers that perform jobs on separate threads.


A boxed closure that can be performed as a job.



An item of work to be executed in a thread pool.