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============================ Neo4j GraphGist Browser

This repository is a GraphGist content browser powered by Neo4j. All GraphGist content is consumed from a Neo4j REST API endpoint built using Neo4j Swagger.

Neo4j GraphGist Template



Follow the directions below for each component of the platform.


  • Extract the Neo4j store files located in database/ to your Neo4j data directory neo4j/data
  • Start the Neo4j server (either at http://localhost:7474 or use the NEO4J_URL environment variable)

GraphGist API

  • From the terminal, go to the graphgist-cms project directory and run npm install. After node_modules are installed, run node listen. The GraphGist web site will be started at http://localhost:5000



This project is deployed via Codeship to Heroku. To deploy, do NOT push to Heroku directly, but rather simply push to Github and Codeship will deploy (if the specs pass)

Client-side Javascript

The client side is minified and concatenated using gulp.js. If you make any changes to client-side javascripts you need to run this process for your changes to take effect. This can be done with the command:

gulp scripts

You may need to either add ./node_modules/.bin to your $PATH or run ./node_modules/.bin/gulp scripts


This application has some tests written with mocha.js under the test/ directory.

To run the specs:

npm test

Also, since some of these specs connect to various internet sites (to test the downloading of graphgists), the sepia package is used to record these HTTP interactions as test fixtures. Consult the sepia package for details


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  • JavaScript 94.7%
  • HTML 2.8%
  • Ruby 2.5%