

Indices and tables

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Unix-like command line utilities. Filters (read from stdin/write to stdout) for files

Installation should put these in your path. To see help, do -h









  • Wrappers for Python multiprocessing that add ease of use
  • Memory-friendly multiprocessing


Functions to assist in parallel processing with Python 2.7.

  • Memory-friendly iterator functionality (wrapping Pool.imap).
  • Exit with Ctrl-C.
  • Easy use of n_jobs. (e.g. when n_jobs == 1, processing is serial)
  • Similar to joblib.Parallel but with the addition of imap functionality and a more effective way of handling Ctrl-C exit (we add a timeout).
rosetta.parallel.parallel_easy.imap_easy(func, iterable, n_jobs, chunksize, ordered=True)[source]

Returns a parallel iterator of func over iterable.

Worker processes return one “chunk” of data at a time, and the iterator allows you to deal with each chunk as they come back, so memory can be handled efficiently.


func : Function of one variable

You can use functools.partial to build this. A lambda function will not work

iterable : List, iterator, etc...

func is applied to this

n_jobs : Integer

The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used.

chunksize : Integer

Jobs/results will be sent between master/slave processes in chunks of size chunksize. If chunksize is too small, communication overhead slows things down. If chunksize is too large, one process ends up doing too much work (and large results will up in memory).

ordered : Boolean

If True, results are dished out in the order corresponding to iterable. If False, results are dished out in whatever order workers return them.


>>> from functools import partial
>>> from rosetta.parallel.parallel_easy import imap_easy
>>> def abfunc(x, a, b=1):
...     return x * a * b
>>> some_numbers = range(3)
>>> func = partial(abfunc, 2, b=3)
>>> results_iterator = imap_easy(func, some_numbers, 2, 5)
>>> for result in results_iterator:
...     print result
rosetta.parallel.parallel_easy.map_easy(func, iterable, n_jobs)[source]

Returns a parallel map of func over iterable. Returns all results at once, so if results are big memory issues may arise


func : Function of one variable

You can use functools.partial to build this. A lambda function will not work

iterable : List, iterator, etc...

func is applied to this

n_jobs : Integer

The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used.


>>> from functools import partial
>>> from rosetta.parallel.parallel_easy import map_easy
>>> def abfunc(x, a, b=1):
...     return x * a * b
>>> some_numbers = range(5)
>>> func = partial(abfunc, 2, b=3)
>>> map_easy(func, some_numbers)
[0, 6, 12, 18, 24]
rosetta.parallel.parallel_easy.map_easy_padded_blocks(func, iterable, n_jobs, pad, blocksize=None)[source]

Returns a parallel map of func over iterable, computed by splitting iterable into padded blocks, then piecing the result together.


func : Function of one variable

You can use functools.partial to build this. A lambda function will not work

iterable : List, iterator, etc...

func is applied to this

n_jobs : Integer

The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used.

pad : Nonnegative Integer

Each block is processed with pad extra on each side.

blocksize : Nonnegative Integer

If None, use 100 * pad


result : List

Equivalent to list(func(iterable))


>>> numbers = [0, 0, 2, -1, 4, 2, 6, 7, 6, 9]
>>> pad = 1
>>> n_jobs = -1
>>> def rightmax(mylist):
...     return [max(mylist[i: i+2]) for i in range(len(mylist))]
>>> result = map_easy_padded_blocks(rightmax, numbers, n_jobs, pad)
>>> benchmark = rightmax(numbers)
>>> result == benchmark
rosetta.parallel.parallel_easy.parallel_apply(func, iterable, n_jobs, sep='\n', out_stream=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>)[source]

Writes the result of applying func to iterable using n_jobs to out_stream


Functions for helping make pandas parallel.

rosetta.parallel.pandas_easy.groupby_to_scalar_to_series(df_or_series, func, n_jobs, **groupby_kwargs)[source]

Returns a parallelized, simplified, and restricted version of: df_or_series.groupby(**groupby_kwargs).apply(func)

Works ONLY for the simple case that .apply(func) would yield a Series of length equal to the number of groups, in other words, func applied to each group is a scalar.


df_or_series : DataFrame or Series

This is what is grouped

func : Function

Applied to each group using func(df_or_series) Should return one single value (e.g. string or number) Must be picklable: A lambda function will not work!

groupby_kwargs : Keyword args

Passed directly to DataFrame.groupby to determine groups. The most common one is “by”, e.g.

by=’a’ by=my_grouper_function by=my_grouping_list_of_labels


result : Series

Index is the group names Values are func(group) iterated over every group


>>> from rosetta.parallel.pandas_easy import groupby_to_series
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [6, 2, 2], 'b': [4, 5, 6]})
>>> df
   a  b
0  6  4
1  2  5
2  2  6
>>> groupby_to_series(df, max, n_jobs, by='a')
2    b
6    b
>>> s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> s
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
>>> labels = ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b']
>>> groupby_to_series(s, max, 1, by=labels)
a    2
b    4
rosetta.parallel.pandas_easy.groupby_to_series_to_frame(frame, func, n_jobs, use_apply=True, **groupby_kwargs)[source]

A parallel function somewhat similar DataFrame.groupby.apply(func).

For each group in df_or_series.groupby(**groupby_kwargs), compute func(group) or group.apply(func) and, assuming each result is a series, flatten each series then paste them together.


frame : DataFrame

func : Function

Applied to each group using func(df_or_series) Must be picklable: A lambda function will not work!

use_apply : Boolean

If True, use group.apply(func) If False, use func(group)

groupby_kwargs : Keyword args

Passed directly to DataFrame.groupby to determine groups. The most common one is “by”, e.g.

by=’a’ by=my_grouper_function by=my_grouping_list_of_labels


result : DataFrame

Index is the group names Values are func(group) iterated over every group, then pasted together


>>> from rosetta.parallel.pandas_easy import groupby_to_series_to_frame
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [6, 2, 2], 'b': [4, 5, 6]})
>>> labels = ['g1', 'g1', 'g2']
# Result and benchmark will be equal...despite the fact that you can't
# do df.groupby(labels).apply(np.mean)
>>> benchmark = df.groupby(labels).mean()
>>> result = groupby_to_series_to_frame(
...    df, np.mean, 1, use_apply=True, by=labels)
>>> print result
    a    b
g1  4  4.5
g2  2  6.0


Text-processing specific

  • Stream text from disk to formats used in common ML processes
  • Write processed text to sparse formats
  • Helpers for ML tools (e.g. Vowpal Wabbit, Gensim, etc...)
  • Other general utilities


Contains a collection of function that clean, decode and move files around.

class rosetta.text.filefilter.PathFinder(text_base_path=None, file_type='*', name_strip='\..*', limit=None)[source]

Find and access paths in a directory tree.

rosetta.text.filefilter.get_paths(base_path, file_type='*', relative=False, get_iter=False, limit=None)[source]

Crawls subdirectories and returns an iterator over paths to files that match the file_type.


base_path : String

Path to the directory that will be crawled

file_type : String

String to filter files with. E.g. ‘*.txt’. Note that the filenames will be converted to lowercase before this comparison.

relative : Boolean

If True, get paths relative to base_path If False, get absolute paths

get_iter : Boolean

If True, return an iterator over paths rather than a list.

rosetta.text.filefilter.path_to_name(path, strip_ext=True)[source]

Takes one path and returns the filename, excluding the extension.

rosetta.text.filefilter.path_to_newname(path, name_level=1)[source]

Takes one path and returns a new name, combining the directory structure with the filename.


path : String

name_level : Integer

Form the name using items this far back in the path. E.g. if path = mydata/1234/3.txt and name_level == 2, then name = 1234_3


name : String


Classes for streaming tokens/info from files/sparse files etc...

class rosetta.text.streamers.BaseStreamer[source]

Base class...don’t use this directly.



Abstract method. All derived classes will implement to return an interator over the text documents with processing as appropriate.

single_stream(item, cache_list=None, **kwargs)[source]

Stream a single item from source.


item : String

The single item to pull from info and stream.

cache_list : List of strings

Cache these items on every iteration

kwargs : Keyword args

Passed on to self.info_stream

to_scipysparse(cache_list=None, **kwargs)[source]

Returns a scipy sparse matrix representing the collection of documents as a bag of words, one (sparse) row per document. Translation from column to token are stored into the cache


cache_list : List of strings.

Cache these items as they appear E.g. self.token_stream(‘doc_id’, ‘tokens’) caches info[‘doc_id’] and info[‘tokens’] (assuming both are available).

kwargs : Keyword args

Passed on to self.info_stream

to_vw(out_stream=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>, n_jobs=1, raise_on_bad_id=True, cache_list=None)[source]

Write our filestream to a VW (Vowpal Wabbit) formatted file.


out_stream : stream, buffer or open file object

n_jobs : Integer

number of CPU jobs

cache_list : List of strings.

Cache these items as they appear E.g. self.token_stream(‘doc_id’, ‘tokens’) caches info[‘doc_id’] and info[‘tokens’] (assuming both are available).

Notes: :

—– :

self.info_stream must have a ‘doc_id’ field, as this is used to index :

the lines in the vw file. :

token_stream(cache_list=None, **kwargs)[source]

Returns an iterator over tokens with possible caching of other info.


cache_list : List of strings.

Cache these items as they appear E.g. self.token_stream(‘doc_id’, ‘tokens’) caches info[‘doc_id’] and info[‘tokens’] (assuming both are available).

kwargs : Keyword args

Passed on to self.info_stream

class rosetta.text.streamers.DBStreamer(db_setup, tokenizer=None, tokenizer_func=None)[source]

Database streamer base class



Open connection to database. sets the classes cursor object.


Close connection to database


Yields a dict from self.executing the query as well as “tokens”.


Return an iterator over query result. We suggest that the entire query result not be returned and that iteration is controlled on server side, but this method does not guarantee that. This method must return a dictionary, which at least has the key ‘text’ in it, containing the next to be tokenized.

class rosetta.text.streamers.MongoStreamer(db_setup, tokenizer=None, tokenizer_func=None)[source]

Subclass of DBStreamer to connect to a Mongo database and iterate over query results. db_setup is expected to be a dictionary containing host, database, collection, query, and text_key. Additionally an optional limit parameter is allowed. The query itself must return a column named text_key which is passed on as ‘text’ to the iterator. In addition, because it is difficult to rename mongo fields (similar to the SQL ‘AS’ syntax), we allow a translation dictionary to be passed in, which translates keys in the mongo dictionary result names k to be passed into the result as v for key value pairs {k : v}. Currently we don’t deal with nested documents.


db_setup = {} db_setup[‘host’] = ‘localhost’ db_setup[‘database’] = ‘places’ db_setup[‘collection’] = ‘opentable’ db_setup[‘query’] = {} db_setup[‘limit’] = 5 db_setup[‘text_key’] = ‘desc’ db_setup[‘translations’] = {‘_id’ : ‘doc_id’}

# In this example, we assume that the collection has a field named # desc, holding the text to be analyzed, and a field named _id which # will be translated to doc_id and stored in the cache.

my_tokenizer = TokenizerBasic() stream = MongoStreamer(db_setup=db_setup, tokenizer=my_tokenizer)

for text in stream.info_stream(cache_list=[‘doc_id’]):
print text[‘doc_id’], text[‘tokens’]


class rosetta.text.streamers.MySQLStreamer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Subclass of DBStreamer to connect to a MySQL database and iterate over query results. db_setup is expected to be a dictionary containing host, user, password, database, and query. The query itself must return a column named text.


db_setup = {} db_setup[‘host’] = ‘hostname’ db_setup[‘user’] = ‘username’ db_setup[‘password’] = ‘password’ db_setup[‘database’] = ‘database’ db_setup[‘query’] = ‘select

id as doc_id, body as text

from tablename where length(body) > 100’

my_tokenizer = TokenizerBasic() stream = MySQLStreamer(db_setup=db_setup, tokenizer=my_tokenizer)

for text in stream.info_stream(cache_list=[‘doc_id’]):
print text[‘doc_id’], text[‘tokens’]


class rosetta.text.streamers.TextFileStreamer(text_base_path=None, path_list=None, file_type='*', name_strip='\..*', tokenizer=None, tokenizer_func=None, limit=None, shuffle=True)[source]

For streaming from text files.


info_stream(paths=None, doc_id=None, limit=None)[source]

Returns an iterator over paths yielding dictionaries with information about the file contained within.


paths : list of strings

doc_id : list of strings or ints

limit : Integer

Use limit in place of self.limit.

to_vw(outfile, n_jobs=1, chunksize=1000, raise_on_bad_id=True)[source]

Write our filestream to a VW (Vowpal Wabbit) formatted file.


outfile : filepath or buffer

n_jobs : Integer

Use n_jobs different jobs to do the processing. Set = 4 for 4 jobs. Set = -1 to use all available, -2 for all except 1,...

chunksize : Integer

Workers process this many jobs at once before pickling and sending results to master. If this is too low, communication overhead will dominate. If this is too high, jobs will not be distributed evenly.

raise_on_bad_id : Boolean

If True, raise DocIDError when the doc_id (formed by self) is not a valid VW “Tag”. I.e. contains :, |, ‘, or whitespace. If False, print warning.

class rosetta.text.streamers.TextIterStreamer(text_iter, tokenizer=None, tokenizer_func=None)[source]

For streaming text.



Yields a dict from self.streamer as well as “tokens”.


Yields a dict from self.streamer

class rosetta.text.streamers.VWStreamer(sfile=None, cache_sfile=False, limit=None, shuffle=False)[source]

For streaming from a single VW file. Since the VW file format does not preserve token order, all tokens are unordered.



Returns an iterator over info dicts.


doc_id : Iterable over Strings

Return info dicts iff doc_id in doc_id


Returns an iterator over record dicts.


doc_id : Iterable over Strings

Return record dicts iff doc_id in doc_id



Classes with a .text_to_token_list method (and a bit more). Used by other modules as a means to convert stings to lists of strings.

If you have a function that converts strings to lists of strings, you can make a tokenizer from it by using MakeTokenizer(my_tokenizing_func).


Classes for converting text to sparse representations (e.g. VW or SVMLight).


Classes for filtering words/rows from a sparse formatted file.

class rosetta.text.text_processors.BaseTokenizer[source]

Base class, don’t use directly.



Return a counter associated to tokens in text. Filter/transform words according to the scheme this Tokenizer uses.


text : String


tokens : Counter

keys = the tokens values = counts of the tokens in text

class rosetta.text.text_processors.MakeTokenizer(tokenizer_func)[source]

Makes a subclass of BaseTokenizer out of a function.


class rosetta.text.text_processors.SFileFilter(formatter, bit_precision=18, sfile=None, verbose=True)[source]

Filters results stored in sfiles (sparsely formattted bag-of-words files).



Removes “gaps” in the id values in self.token2id. Every single id value will (probably) be altered.

filter_extremes(doc_freq_min=0, doc_freq_max=inf, doc_fraction_min=0, doc_fraction_max=1, token_score_min=0, token_score_max=inf, token_score_quantile_min=0, token_score_quantile_max=1)[source]

Remove extreme tokens from self (calling self.filter_tokens).


doc_freq_min : Integer

Remove tokens that in less than this number of documents

doc_freq_max : Integer

doc_fraction_min : Float in [0, 1]

Remove tokens that are in less than this fraction of documents

doc_fraction_max : Float in [0, 1]

token_score_quantile_min : Float in [0, 1]

Minimum quantile that the token score (usually total token count) can be in.

token_score_quantile_max : Float in [0, 1]

Maximum quantile that the token score can be in


self :

filter_sfile(infile, outfile, doc_id_list=None, enforce_all_doc_id=True, min_tf_idf=0, filters=None)[source]

Alter an sfile by converting tokens to id values, and removing tokens not in self.token2id. Optionally filters on doc_id, tf_idf and user-defined filters.


infile : file path or buffer

outfile : file path or buffer

doc_id_list : Iterable over strings

Keep only rows with doc_id in this list

enforce_all_doc_id : Boolean

If True (and doc_id is not None), raise exception unless all doc_id in doc_id_list are seen.

min_tf_idf : int or float

Keep only tokens whose term frequency-inverse document frequency is greater than this threshold. Given a token t and a document d in a corpus of documents D, tf_idf is given by the following formula:

tf_idf(t, d, D) = tf(t, d) x idf(t, D),

  1. tf(t, d) is the number of times the term t shows up in the document d,
  2. idf(t, D) = log (N / M), where N is the total number of documents in D and M is the number of documents in D which contain the token t. The logarithm is base e.

filters : iterable over functions

Each function must take a record_dict as a parameter and return a boolean. The record_dict may (and usually should) be altered in place. If the return value is False, the record_dict (corresponding to a document) is filtered out of the sfile. Both the doc_id_list and min_tf_idf parameters are implemented in this style internally. If the doc_id_list or min_tf_idf flags are set, those filters will run before the those found in filters. See


in the rosetta repository for the implementation details of the record_dict and built-in filters as well as explanations of how to define more filters.


Remove tokens from appropriate attributes.


tokens : String or iterable over strings

E.g. a single token or list of tokens


self :


Load an sfile, building self.token2id


sfile : String or open file

The sparse formatted file we will load.


self :

save(savepath, protocol=-1, set_id2token=True)[source]

Pickle self to outfile.


savefile : filepath or buffer

protocol : 0, 1, 2, -1

0 < 1 < 2 in terms of performance. -1 means use highest available.

set_id2token : Boolean

If True, set self.id2token before saving. Used to associate tokens with the output of a VW file.


Sets self.bit_precision_required to the minimum bit precision b such that all token id values are less than 2^b.

The idea is that only compactification can change this, so we only (automatically) call this after compactification.


Sets self.id2token, resolving collisions as needed (which alters self.token2id)


Return a dataframe representation of self.

class rosetta.text.text_processors.SVMLightFormatter[source]

For formatting in/out of SVM-Light format (info not currently supported)

<line> .=. <target> <feature>:<value> <feature>:<value> ... <target> .=. +1 | -1 | 0 | <float> <feature> .=. <integer> | “qid” <value> .=. <float> <info> .=. <string>


get_sstr(feature_values=None, target=1, importance=None, doc_id=None)[source]

Return a string reprsenting one record in SVM-Light sparse format <line> .=. <target> <feature>:<value> <feature>:<value>


feature_values : Dict-like

{hash1: value1,...}

target : Real number

The value we are trying to predict.


formatted : String

Formatted in SVM-Light

class rosetta.text.text_processors.SparseFormatter[source]

Base class for sparse formatting, e.g. VW or svmlight. Not meant to be directly used.


sfile_to_token_iter(filepath_or_buffer, limit=None)[source]

Return an iterator over filepath_or_buffer that returns, line-by-line, a token_list.


filepath_or_buffer : string or file handle / StringIO.

File should be formatted according to self.format.


token_iter : Iterator

E.g. gets the next line as a list of tokens.


Returns a dict representation of sparse record string.


sstr : String

String representation of one record.


record_dict : Dict

possible keys = ‘target’, ‘importance’, ‘doc_id’, ‘feature_values’


rstrips newline characters from sstr before parsing.


Returns the full info dictionary corresponding to a sparse record string. This holds “everything.”


sstr : String

String representation of one record.


info : Dict

possible keys = ‘tokens’, ‘target’, ‘importance’, ‘doc_id’,

‘feature_values’, etc...


Convertes a sparse record string to a list of tokens (with repeats) corresponding to sstr.

E.g. if sstr represented the dict {‘hi’: 2, ‘bye’: 1}, then token_list = [‘hi’, ‘hi’, ‘bye’] (up to permutation).


sstr : String

Formatted according to self.format_name Note that the values in sstr must be integers.


token_list : List of Strings

class rosetta.text.text_processors.TokenizerBasic[source]

A simple tokenizer. Extracts word counts from text.

Keeps only non-stopwords, converts to lowercase, keeps words of length >=2.



Return a list of tokens. Filter/transform words according to the scheme this Tokenizer uses.


text : String


tokens : List

Tokenized text, e.g. [‘hello’, ‘my’, ‘name’, ‘is’, ‘ian’]

class rosetta.text.text_processors.TokenizerPOSFilter(pos_types=[], sent_tokenizer=<function sent_tokenize>, word_tokenizer=<rosetta.text.text_processors.TokenizerBasic object>, word_tokenizer_func=None, pos_tagger=<function pos_tag>)[source]

Tokenizes, does POS tagging, then keeps words that match particular POS.



Tokenize a list of text that (possibly) includes multiple sentences.

class rosetta.text.text_processors.VWFormatter[source]

Converts in and out of VW format (namespaces currently not supported). Many valid VW inputs are possible, we ONLY support

[target] [Importance [Tag]]| feature1[:value1] feature2[:value2] ...

Every single whitespace, pipe, colon, and newline is significant.



get_sstr(feature_values=None, target=None, importance=None, doc_id=None)[source]

Return a string reprsenting one record in sparse VW format:


feature_values : Dict-like

{feature1: value1,...}

target : Real number

The value we are trying to predict.

importance : Real number

The importance weight to associate to this example.

doc_id : Number or string

A name for this example.


formatted : String

Formatted in VW format

rosetta.text.text_processors.collision_probability(vocab_size, bit_precision)[source]

Approximate probability of at least one collision (assuming perfect hashing). See the Wikipedia article on “The birthday problem” for details.


vocab_size : Integer

Number of unique words in vocabulary

bit_precision : Integer

Number of bits in space we are hashing to


rosetta.text.nlp.bigram_tokenize(text, word_tok=<function word_tokenize>, skip_regex='\\.|, |:|;|\\?|!', **word_tok_kwargs)[source]

Same as bigram_tokenize_iter, except returns a list.

Bigram tokenizer generator function.

rosetta.text.nlp.bigram_tokenize_iter(text, word_tok=<function word_tokenize>, skip_regex='\\.|, |:|;|\\?|!', **word_tok_kwargs)[source]

Bigram tokenizer generator function.

rosetta.text.nlp.word_tokenize(text, L=1, numeric=True)[source]

Word tokenizer to replace the nltk.word_tokenize()


Wrappers to help with Vowpal Wabbit (VW).

class rosetta.text.vw_helpers.LDAResults(topics_file, predictions_file, sfile_filter, num_topics=None, alpha=None, verbose=False)[source]

Facilitates working with results of VW lda runs. Only useful when you’re following the workflow outlined here:


cosine_similarity(frame1, frame2)[source]

Computes doc-doc similarity between rows of two frames containing document topic weights.


frame1, frame2 : DataFrame or Series

Rows are different records, columns are topic weights. self.pr_topic_g_doc is an example of a (large) frame of this type.


sims : DataFrame

sims.ix[i, j] is similarity between frame1[i] and frame2[j]

predict(tokenized_text, maxiter=50, atol=0.001, raise_on_unknown=False)[source]

Returns a probability distribution over topics given that one (tokenized) document is equal to tokenized_text.

This is NOT equivalent to prob_token_topic(c_token=tokenized_text), since that is an OR statement about the tokens, and this is an AND.


tokenized_text : List of strings

Represents the tokens that are in some document text.

maxiter : Integer

Maximum iterations used in updating parameters.

atol : Float

Absolute tolerance for change in parameters before converged.

raise_on_unknown : Boolean

If True, raise TokenError when all tokens are unknown to this model.


prob_topics : Series

self.pr_topic_g_doc is an example of a (large) frame of this type.


Treats this as a new document and figures out topic weights for it using the existing token-topic weights. Does NOT update previous results/weights.

print_topics(num_words=5, outfile=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>, show_doc_fraction=True)[source]

Print the top results for self.pr_token_g_topic for all topics


num_words : Integer

Print the num_words words (ordered by P[w|topic]) in each topic.

outfile : filepath or buffer

Write results to this file.

show_doc_fraction : Boolean

If True, print doc_fraction along with the topic weight

prob_doc_topic(doc=None, topic=None, c_doc=None, c_topic=None)[source]

Return joint probabilities of (doc, topic), restricted to subsets, conditioned on variables.


doc : list-like or string

Restrict returned probabilities to these doc_ids

topic : list-like or string

Restrict returned probabilities to these topics

c_doc : list-like or string

Condition on doc_id in c_doc

c_topic : list-like or string

Condition on topic in c_topic


= P(doc, topic | topic in [‘topic_0’]) for all possible (doc, topic) pairs
prob_doc_topic(doc=[‘doc0’, ‘doc1’], c_topic=[‘topic_0’])
= P(doc, topic | topic in [‘topic_0’]) for all (doc, topic) pairs with doc in [‘doc0’, ‘doc1’]
prob_doc_topic(doc=[‘doc0’, ‘doc1’], topic=[‘topic_0’])
= P(doc, topic) for all (doc, topic) pairs with doc in [‘doc0’, ‘doc1’] and topic in [‘topic_0’]
prob_token_topic(token=None, topic=None, c_token=None, c_topic=None)[source]

Return joint densities of (token, topic), restricted to subsets, conditioned on variables.


token : list-like or string

Restrict returned probabilities to these tokens

topic : list-like or string

Restrict returned probabilities to these topics

c_token : list-like or string

Condition on token in c_token

c_topic : list-like or string

Condition on topic in c_topic


= P(token, topic | topic in [‘topic_0’]) for all possible (token, topic) pairs
prob_token_topic(token=[‘war’, ‘peace’], c_topic=[‘topic_0’])
= P(token, topic | topic in [‘topic_0’]) for all (token, topic) pairs with token in [‘war’, ‘peace]
prob_token_topic(token=[‘war’, ‘peace’], topic=[‘topic_0’])
= P(token, topic) for all (token, topic) pairs with token in [‘war’, ‘peace] and topic in [‘topic_0’]
rosetta.text.vw_helpers.find_start_line_lda_predictions(predictions_file, num_topics)[source]

Return the line number (zero indexed) of the start of the last set of predictions in predictions_file.


predictions_file : filepath or buffer

The -p output of a VW lda run

num_topics : Integer

The number of topics you should see


The predictions_file contains repeated for every pass. We parse out and include only the last predictions by looking for repeats of the first lines doc_id field. We thus, at this time, require the VW formatted file to have, in the last column, a unique doc_id associated with the doc.

rosetta.text.vw_helpers.parse_lda_predictions(predictions_file, num_topics, start_line, normalize=True, get_iter=False)[source]

Return a DataFrame representation of a VW prediction file.


predictions_file : filepath or buffer

The -p output of a VW lda run

num_topics : Integer

The number of topics you should see

start_line : Integer

Start reading the predictions file here. The predictions file contains repeated predictions, one for every pass. You generally do not want every prediction.

normalize : Boolean

Normalize the rows so that they represent probabilities of topic given doc_id.

get_iter : Boolean

if True will return a iterator yielding dict of doc_id and topic probs

rosetta.text.vw_helpers.parse_lda_topics(topics_file, num_topics, max_token_hash=None, normalize=True, get_iter=False)[source]

Returns a DataFrame representation of the topics output of an lda VW run.


topics_file : filepath or buffer

The –readable_model output of a VW lda run

num_topics : Integer

The number of topics in every valid row

max_token_hash : Integer

Reading of token probabilities from the topics_file will ignore all token with hash above this value. Useful, when you know the max hash value of your tokens.

normalize : Boolean

Normalize the rows of the data frame so that they represent probabilities of topic given hash_val.

get_iter : Boolean

if True will return a iterator yielding dict of hash and token vals


The trick is dealing with lack of a marker for the information printed on top, and the inconsistant delimiter choice.


Uses the output of the vw-varinfo utility to get a DataFrame with variable info.


varinfo_file : Path or buffer

The output of vw-varinfo


Helper objects/functions specifically for use with Gensim.

class rosetta.text.gensim_helpers.StreamerCorpus(streamer, dictionary, doc_id=None, limit=None)[source]

A “corpus type” object built with token streams and dictionaries.

Depending on your method for streaming tokens, this could be slow... Before modeling, it’s usually better to serialize this corpus using:

self.to_corpus_plus(fname) or gensim.corpora.SvmLightCorpus.serialize(path, self)



Save to svmlight (plus) format, generating files: fname, fname.index, fname.doc_id

class rosetta.text.gensim_helpers.SvmLightPlusCorpus(fname, doc_id=None, doc_id_filter=None, limit=None)[source]

Extends gensim.corpora.SvmLightCorpus, providing methods to work with (e.g. filter by) doc_ids.


classmethod from_streamer_dict(streamer, dictionary, fname, doc_id=None, limit=None)[source]

Initialize from a Streamer and gensim.corpora.dictionary, serializing the corpus (to disk) in SvmLightPlus format, then returning a SvmLightPlusCorpus.


streamer : Streamer compatible object.

Method streamer.token_stream() returns a stream of lists of words.

dictionary : gensim.corpora.Dictionary object

fname : String

Path to save the bag-of-words file at

doc_id : Iterable over strings

Limit all streaming results to docs with these doc_ids

limit : Integer

Limit all streaming results to this many


corpus : SvmLightCorpus

serialize(fname, **kwargs)[source]

Save to svmlight (plus) format, generating files: fname, fname.index, fname.doc_id


fname : String

Path to save the bag-of-words file at

kwargs : Additional keyword arguments

Passed to SvmLightCorpus.serialize

rosetta.text.gensim_helpers.get_topics_df(corpus, lda)[source]

Creates a delimited file with doc_id and topics scores.


Returns a df with token id, doc freq as columns and words as index.


  • General ML modeling utilities


rosetta.modeling.eda.get_labels(series, bins=10, quantiles=False)[source]

Divides series into bins and returns labels corresponding to midpoints of bins.


series : Pandas.Series of numeric data

bins : Positive Integer, optional

Number of bins to divide series

quantiles : Boolean, optional

If True, bin data using quantiles rather than an evenly divided range

rosetta.modeling.eda.hist_cols(df, cols_to_plot, num_cols, num_rows, figsize=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots histograms of columns of a DataFrame as subplots in one big plot. Handles nans and extreme values in a “graceful” manner by removing them and reporting their occurance.


df : Pandas DataFrame

cols_to_plot : List

Column names of df that will be plotted

num_cols, num_rows : Positive integers

Number of columns and rows in the plot

figsize : (x, y) tuple, optional

Size of the figure

**kwargs : Keyword args to pass on to plot


Plots a histogram one column. Handles nans and extreme values in a “graceful” manner.

rosetta.modeling.eda.plot_corr_dendrogram(corr, cluster_method='weighted', **dendrogram_kwargs)[source]

Plot a correlation matrix as a dendrogram (on the current axes). Uses scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage to compute clusters based on distance between samples.

Since correlation is passed in, this correlation must be converted to a distance (using distance_fun). The default distance_fun makes highly correlated points have low distance, and vice versa.


corr : numpy ndarray or pandas DataFrame

corr[i, j] is the correlation (should be between -1 and 1) of samples i and j.

cluster_method : String

Method to use to amalgomate clusters. Either ‘single’, ‘complete’, ‘average’, or ‘weighted’. See scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage for details.

dendrogram_kwargs : Additional kwargs

Pass to the call of scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram()

rosetta.modeling.eda.plot_corr_grid(corr, cluster=True, cluster_method='weighted', distance_fun=None, ax=None, **fig_kwargs)[source]

Plot a correlation matrix as a grid. Uses scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage to compute clusters based on distance between samples.

Since correlation is passed in, this correlation must be converted to a distance (using distance_fun). The default distance_fun makes highly correlated points have low distance, and vice versa.


corr : numpy ndarray or pandas DataFrame

corr[i, j] is the correlation (should be between -1 and 1) of samples i and j.

cluster : Boolean

If True, reorder the matrix putting correlated entries nearby.

distance_fun : Function

inter-variable distance = distance_fun(corr). If None, use (1 - corr) / 2.

ax : matplotlib AxesSubplot instance

If None, use pl.gca()

cluster_method : String

Method to use to amalgomate clusters. Either ‘single’, ‘complete’, ‘average’, or ‘weighted’. See scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage for details.


fig : matplotlib figure instance

rosetta.modeling.eda.plot_reducedY_vs_binnedX(x, y, Y_reducer=<function mean>, X_reducer=<function mean>, bins=10, quantiles=False, plot_count_X=False, **plt_kwargs)[source]

Bin X and, inside every bin, apply Y_reducer to the Y values. Then plot.


x : Pandas.Series with numeric data

y : Pandas.Series with numeric data = 0 or 1

Y_reducer : function

Used to aggregate the Y values in every bin

X_reducer : function

Used to aggregate the X values in every bin. This gives us the bin labels that are used as the indices.

bins : Positive Integer, optional

Number of bins to divide series

quantiles : Boolean, optional

If True, bin data using quantiles rather than an evenly divided range

plot_count_X : Boolean, optional

If True, plot count_X versus x in a separate subplot

**kwargs : Extra keywordargs passed to plot


Suppose Y is binary. Then to plot P[Y=1|X=x] (for x inside the bins), as well as #[X=x], use:

eda.plot_reducedY_vs_binnedX(x, y, Y_reducer=np.mean, plot_count_X=True)

rosetta.modeling.eda.plot_scatterXY(x, y, stride=1, plot_XequalsY=False, ax=None, **plt_kwargs)[source]

Plot a XY scatter plot of two Series.


x, y : Pandas.Series

stride : Positive integer

If stride == n, then plot only every nth point

plot_XequalsY : Boolean

If True, plot the line X = Y in red.

plt_kwargs : Additional kwargs to pass to plt.scatter

rosetta.modeling.eda.reducedY_vs_binnedX(x, y, Y_reducer=<function mean>, X_reducer='midpoint', bins=10, quantiles=False, labels=None)[source]

Bin X and, inside every bin, apply Y_reducer to the Y values.


x : Pandas.Series with numeric data

y : Pandas.Series with numeric data = 0 or 1

Y_reducer : function

Used to aggregate the Y values in every bin

X_reducer : function or ‘midpoint’

Used to aggregate the X values in every bin. This gives us the bin labels that are used as the indices. If ‘midpoint’, then use the bin midpoint.

bins : Positive Integer, optional

Number of bins to divide series

quantiles : Boolean, optional

If True, bin data using quantiles rather than an evenly divided range

labels : List-like, with len(labels) = len(x), optional

If given, use these labels to bin X rather than bins.


y_reduced : Series

The reduced y values with an index equal to the reduced X

count_X : Series

The number of X variables in each bin. Index is the reduced value.


Suppose Y is binary. Then to compute P[Y=1|X=x] (for x inside the bins), as well as #[X=x], use:

P_Y_g_X, count_X = eda.reducedY_vs_binnedX(x, y, Y_reducer=np.mean)


Helpful module for plotting predictions

class rosetta.modeling.prediction_plotter.BasePlotter2D[source]

Abstract base class for 2D plotters. Not to be used directly.


plot(clf, X, y, mode='predict', contourf_kwargs={}, scatter_kwargs={})[source]

Plot levelsets of clf then plot the X/y data.


clf : Trained sklearn classifier

mode : ‘predict’, ‘predict_proba’

If ‘predict’, plot the 0/1 levelsets using clf.predict If ‘predct_proba’, plot a contour plot of clf.predict_proba.

contourf_kwargs : Dict

kwargs passed to pylab.contourf

scatter_kwargs : Dict

kwargs passed to pylab.scatter

plot_levelsets(clf, box_ends=None, mode='predict', **contourf_kwargs)[source]

Plot level sets of the model clf.


clf : Trained sklearn model

box_ends : 4-tuple

xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax plot levelsets within box defined by box_ends

box_ends : 4-tuple

xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax plot levelsets within box defined by box_ends Over-rides self.box_ends if self.box_ends is not set.

mode : ‘predict’, ‘predict_proba’

If ‘predict’, plot the levelsets using clf.predict If ‘predct_proba’, plot a contour plot of clf.predict_proba.

contourf_kwargs : Keyword arguments

Passed to pylab.contourf

class rosetta.modeling.prediction_plotter.ClassifierPlotter2D(y_markers=None, y_names=None, x_names=None, cmap='PuBu', box_ends=None)[source]

For plotting 2D classifiers.

Initialize the ClassifierPlotter2D, then train different (2-d) classifiers on different data sets and plot the data and level sets of the classifier.


plot_data(X, y, **scatter_kwargs)[source]

Plot the (X, y) data as a bunch of labeled markers.


X : np.ndarray

y : np.ndarray

Numeric data only

scatter_kwargs : Keyword arguments

Passed to pylab.scatter()

class rosetta.modeling.prediction_plotter.RegressorPlotter2D(x_names=None, y_name=None, cmap='PuBu', box_ends=None)[source]

For plotting 2D regressors.

Initialize the RegressorPlotter2D, then train different (2-d) regressors on different data sets and plot the data and level sets of the regressor.


plot_data(X, y, **scatter_kwargs)[source]

Plot the (X, y) data as filled in circles.


X : np.ndarray

y : np.ndarray

Numeric data only

scatter_kwargs : Keyword arguments

Passed to pylab.scatter()


rosetta.modeling.var_create.build_xy_for_linearize(x, y, bins=10, Y_reducer=<function mean>, x_lims=None, endpoints=None)[source]

Return x and y for use in linearization. Use with var_create.interp.


x : Pandas.Series

y : Pandas.Series

bins : positive integer

Number of bins for x

Y_reducer : Function

Used to reduce Y in each of the bins. E.g np.mean, logit_of_mean.

x_lims : 2-tuple, (xmin, xmax)

Rescaled x will be constant outside of this range. Choose xmin, xmax such that you have enough data in the interval (xmin, xmax)

endpoints : Array-like

[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]. Makes sure F(xmin) = ymin, etc...


x : Array

The bin midpoints (with adjunstments at the ends)

y : Array

y reduced in the bins

rosetta.modeling.var_create.interp(x, y, t=1, scaling=None)[source]

Return interpolation helpers for x and y. See build_xy_for_linearize for use in linearization.


x : Array-like

y : Array-like

t : Real number in [0, 1]

With F(x) the linearization function, re-set F(x) = t*F(x) + (1-t)*x

scaling : String

If None, the output is not rescaled and Y_reducer(bin_j) = x_j where

x_j is the midpoint of bin_j.

If ‘standardize’, then output will have zero mean and unit variance If ‘unit’, then output will be on the interval [0, 1]


F_x : Pandas.Series

A rescaled version of x.

F : Function that will rescale x

Cannot be pickled... :(


x4linear, y4linear = vc.build_xy_for_linearize(y_score, y) F_x, F = interp(x4linear, y4linear)


Logit for Pandas.Series


Logit of the mean of a pandas series

rosetta.modeling.var_create.sigmoidize((x - mid) / scale) sig(z) = exp(z) / (1 + exp(z))[source]

x : np.ndarray, ndim=1

scale : positive real number

mid : real number

If None, use the mean


Standardizes a Series or DataFrame.


Common functions for fitting regression and classification models.

class rosetta.modeling.fitting.CoefficientConverter(df, ones_column=None, dont_standardize=[], dont_winsorize=[], lower_quantile=0, upper_quantile=1, max_std=inf)[source]

For [un]standardizing/winsorizing coefficients and data. CoefficientConverter is initialized with one dataset, from this the standardization/winsorization rules are learned. The functions can be applied to other datasets.

Standardization part of module provides the fundamental relation: = self.standardize(X).dot(w_st)

WORKFLOW 1 1) Initialize with a DataFrame. From this frame we learn the rules. 2) To fit, we use self.transform to transform a (possibly) new DataFrame.

This fit results in a set of “transformed params” w_tr
  1. To predict Y_hat corresponding to new input X, we first compute X_tr = self.transform(X), and then use

WORKFLOW 2 (standardization only!!) 1) Initialize with a dataframe. From this frame we learn the

standardization rules.
2a) To fit, we use self.standardize to standardize a (possibly) new
DataFrame. This fit results in a set of “standardized params” w_st.
2b) We obtain the “unstandardized params”
w = self.unstandardized_params(w_st)
  1. To predict Y_hat corresponding to new input X, we use



Returns a standardized version of data.

Parameters:data : pandas Series or DataFrame


data is standardized according to the rules that self was initialized with, i.e. the rules implicit in self.stats.


Winsorize then standardize data. Returns a copy.


Returns “w”, an unstandardized version of w_st so that = self.standardize(X).dot(w_st)


w_st : Pandas.Series

Index is names of variables Values are the fitted parameter values


Winsorize the data using the rules determined during initialization.

rosetta.modeling.fitting.get_MSerr(Y, Y_hat)[source]

Gets the mean square error

rosetta.modeling.fitting.get_R2(Y, Y_hat)[source]

Gets the coefficient of determination R^2.

rosetta.modeling.fitting.get_relative_error(reality, estimate)[source]

Compares estimate to reality and returns the the mean-square error:

|estimate - reality|_F / |reality|_F where F is the Frobenius norm.

rosetta.modeling.fitting.standardize(df, dont_standardize=None)[source]

df : pandas DataFrame

Contains independent variables

dont_standardize : List

Names of variables to not standardize


Tuple of DataFrames: standardized_df, stats_df :

standardized_df is the standardized version of df stats_df contains the mean and std of the variables

rosetta.modeling.fitting.winsorize(series, lower_quantile=0, upper_quantile=1, max_std=inf)[source]

Truncate all items in series that are in extreme quantiles.


series : pandas.Series. Real valued.

upper_quantile : Real number in [0, 1]

The upper quantile above which we trim

lower_quantile : Real number in [0, 1]

The lower quantile below which we trim

max_std : Non-negative real

Trim values that are more than max_std standard deviations away from the mean


winsorized_series : pandas.Series


Trimming according to max_std is done AFTER quantile trimming. I.e. the std is computed on the series that has already been trimmed by quantile.


Various functions for fitting categorical models. Put functions specific to logistic regression in multinomial_fitter

rosetta.modeling.categorical_fitter.predict_proba_cv(clf, X, y, n_folds=5)[source]

Returns an out-of-sample clf.predict_proba(X, y).


clf : sklearn classifier with a predict_proba method

X : 2-D numpy array or DataFrame

y : 1-D numpy array or Series

Use this along with StratifiedKFold to determine splits.

n_folds: int :


probas : np.ndarray or series

shared modules

Shared by other modules.


Common functions/classes for dataprep.

exception rosetta.common.BadDataError[source]

Dummy class that is exactly like the Exception class. Used to make sure people are raising the intended exception, rather than some other wierd one.

exception rosetta.common.ConfigurationSyntaxError[source]

Dummy class that is exactly like the Exception class. Used to deal with syntax issues config files.

exception rosetta.common.TokenError[source]

Raise when tokens are passed to a method/function and you don’t know how to deal with them.


Returns a list generated from rows of a file.


infile : File buffer or path

Lines starting with # are comments Blank lines and leading/trailing whitespace are ignored Other lines will be converted to a string and appended to a list.

rosetta.common.get_structured_array(listoflists, schema, dropmissing=False)[source]

Uses schema to convert listoflists to a structured array.


listoflists : List of lists

schema : List of tuples

E.g. [(var1, type1),...,(varK, typeK)]

dropmissing : Boolean

If True, drop rows that contain missing values

rosetta.common.grouper(iterable, chunksize, fillvalue=None)[source]

Group iterable into chunks of length n, with fillvalue for the (possibly) smaller last chunk.

grouper(‘ABCDEFG’, 3, ‘x’) –> ABC DEF Gxx


iterable : Iterable

chunksie : Integer

fillvalue : Anything

Fill missing values with this


Use as a decorator to get lazily evaluated properties.

rosetta.common.nested_defaultdict(default_factory, levels=1)[source]

Creates nested defaultdicts with the lowest level having default factory.


default_factory : Callable

Called without arguments to produce a new value when a key is not present.

levels : Positive Integer

The number of nesting levels to use. If levels == 1, this is just an ordinary defaultdict.


>>> mydict = nested_defaultdict(int, levels=2)
>>> mydict['columbia']['undergrads'] += 1
rosetta.common.nested_keysearch(ndict, key_list)[source]

Returns True if ndict[key_list[0]][key_list[1]]...[key_list[-1]] exists.


ndict : Nested dictionary

E.g. {‘a’: {‘b’: 2}}

key_list : List of strings

rosetta.common.pickleme(obj, pkl_file, protocol=2)[source]

Save obj to disk using cPickle.


obj : Serializable Python object

pkl_file : filepath or buffer

File to store obj to

protocol : 0, 1, or 2

2 is fastest

class rosetta.common.smart_open(filename, *args)[source]

Context manager that opens a filename and closes it on exit, but does nothing for file-like objects.


Returns unpickled version of object.


pkl_file : filepath or buffer

We will attempt to unpickle this file.

rosetta.common.write_list_to_filerows(outfile, mylist)[source]

The inverse of get_list_from_filerows.


outfile : filepath or buffer

mylist : List


Common math functions.

rosetta.common_math.choice(a, size=None, replace=True, p=None)

Generates a random sample from a given 1-D array

New in version 1.7.0.


a : 1-D array-like or int

If an ndarray, a random sample is generated from its elements. If an int, the random sample is generated as if a was np.arange(n)

size : int or tuple of ints, optional

Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. Default is None, in which case a single value is returned.

replace : boolean, optional

Whether the sample is with or without replacement

p : 1-D array-like, optional

The probabilities associated with each entry in a. If not given the sample assumes a uniform distribution over all entries in a.


samples : 1-D ndarray, shape (size,)

The generated random samples


ValueError :

If a is an int and less than zero, if a or p are not 1-dimensional, if a is an array-like of size 0, if p is not a vector of probabilities, if a and p have different lengths, or if replace=False and the sample size is greater than the population size

See also

randint, shuffle, permutation


Generate a uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3:

>>> np.random.choice(5, 3)
array([0, 3, 4])
>>> #This is equivalent to np.random.randint(0,5,3)

Generate a non-uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3:

>>> np.random.choice(5, 3, p=[0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0])
array([3, 3, 0])

Generate a uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3 without replacement:

>>> np.random.choice(5, 3, replace=False)
>>> #This is equivalent to np.random.permutation(np.arange(5))[:3]

Generate a non-uniform random sample from np.arange(5) of size 3 without replacement:

>>> np.random.choice(5, 3, replace=False, p=[0.1, 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0])
array([2, 3, 0])

Any of the above can be repeated with an arbitrary array-like instead of just integers. For instance:

>>> aa_milne_arr = ['pooh', 'rabbit', 'piglet', 'Christopher']
>>> np.random.choice(aa_milne_arr, 5, p=[0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3])
array(['pooh', 'pooh', 'pooh', 'Christopher', 'piglet'],

If DataFrame, return columns, if Series, return index.

rosetta.common_math.pandas_to_ndarray_wrap(X, copy=True)[source]

Converts X to a ndarray and provides a function to help convert back to pandas object.


X : Series/DataFrame/ndarray

copy : Boolean

If True, return a copy.


Xvals : ndarray

If X is a Series/DataFrame, then Xvals = X.values, if ndarray, Xvals = X

F : Function

F(Xvals) = X


If length(N) Series, return an N x 1 Frame with name equal to the series name. If frame, passthrough.

Parameters:data : pandas Series or DataFrame.
rosetta.common_math.subsample_arr(arr, N=None, frac_keep=None)[source]

Subsample a Series, DataFrame, or ndarray along axis 0.


arr : Series, DataFrame, or ndarray

N : Integer

Number of samples to keep

frac_keep : Real in [0, 1]

Fraction of samples to keep


subsampled : Series, DataFrame, or ndarray

A copy


modeling examples

prediction_plotter examples

An example script plotting some classifiers using prediction_plotter.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as pl

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

from rosetta.modeling import prediction_plotter

# Make training data
# X data
N = 50 # Number of data points
x1min, x1max, x2min, x2max = 0., 200., 1., 20.
x1 = np.random.randint(x1min, x1max+1, size=N)
x2 = np.random.randint(x2min, x2max+1, size=N)
X = np.c_[x1, x2]

# y data
# Probability y = 1 is highest near the mid-points of X
x1mid = (x1max - x1min) / 2.
x2mid = (x2max - x2min) / 2.
center = np.array([x1mid, x2mid])
width1, width2 = x1mid/2, x2mid/2

product = (
    ((X[:, 0] - center[0]) / width1)**4 + ((X[:, 1] - center[1]) / width2)**4)
pdf_arr = np.exp(- product / 2. )
y = (np.random.rand(N) < pdf_arr).astype('int')

# Names
x_names = ['doc-length', 'num-recipients']
y_names = ['non-relevant', 'relevant']
y_markers = ['x', 'o']

# Initialize the plotter
plotter = prediction_plotter.ClassifierPlotter2D(
    y_markers=y_markers, y_names=y_names, x_names=x_names)

# Decision Tree

clf = DecisionTreeClassifier().fit(X, y)

plotter.plot(clf, X, y)

# Random Forest

clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, max_features=None).fit(X, y)

plotter.plot(clf, X, y, mode='predict_proba', contourf_kwargs={'alpha':0.8})

# Logistic Regression

clf = LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1000).fit(X, y)

plotter.plot(clf, X, y, mode='predict_proba')


clf = svm.SVC(gamma=0.01).fit(X, y)

plotter.plot(clf, X, y)

# K Nearest Neighbors

clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=N/10).fit(X, y)

plotter.plot(clf, X, y)

(Source code)

An example script plotting some regressors using prediction_plotter.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as pl

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess

from rosetta.modeling import prediction_plotter

# Make training data
# X data
N = 10 # Number of data points
x1min, x1max, x2min, x2max = 0., 200., 1., 20.
x1 = np.random.randint(x1min, x1max+1, size=N)
x2 = np.random.randint(x2min, x2max+1, size=N)
X = np.c_[x1, x2]

# y data
# y is bigger near the center of the support of X
# noise is added to y
x1mid = (x1max - x1min) / 2.
x2mid = (x2max - x2min) / 2.
center = np.array([x1mid, x2mid])
width1, width2 = x1mid/2, x2mid/2

noise_level = 0.2
product = ((X[:, 0] - center[0]) / width1)**4 + ((X[:, 1] - center[1]) / width2)**4
y = np.exp(- product / 2. ) + noise_level * np.random.randn(N)

# Initialize the plotter
plotter = prediction_plotter.RegressorPlotter2D(
    x_names=['age', 'height'], y_name='measured-data')

# Linear Regression

clf = LinearRegression().fit(X, y)

plotter.plot(clf, X, y)

# K Nearest Neighbors

n_neighbors = max(2, N/10)
clf = KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=n_neighbors).fit(X, y)

plotter.plot(clf, X, y)

# Support Vector Regressor (SVR, a.k.a. RVM)

clf = svm.SVR(gamma=0.01).fit(X, y)

plotter.plot(clf, X, y)

# Gaussian Process Models

clf = GaussianProcess(regr='linear', theta0=2).fit(X, y)

plotter.plot(clf, X, y)

(Source code)

eda examples

Examples using rosetta.modeling.eda
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as pl

from numpy.random import randn, rand

from rosetta.modeling import eda

# X-Y plotting
N = 1000

# Make a linear income vs. age relationship.
age = pd.Series(100 * rand(N)) = 'age'
income = 10 * age + 10 * randn(N) = 'income'

# The relationship E[Y | X=x] is linear
pl.figure(1); pl.clf()
eda.plot_reducedY_vs_binnedX(age, income)

# Make a sigmoidal P[is_manager | X=x] relationship
def sigmoid(x):
    x_st = 5 * (x - x.mean()) / x.std()
    return np.exp(x_st) / (1 + np.exp(x_st))

is_manager = (rand(N) < sigmoid(age)).astype('int') = 'is_manager'
pl.figure(2); pl.clf()
eda.plot_reducedY_vs_binnedX(age, is_manager)

# Correlation matrix plotting

# P[has_porsche] is higher for young rich people
has_porsche = (rand(N) < sigmoid(income - 0.5 * age)).astype('int') = 'has_porsche'

has_hotwheels = (rand(N) < sigmoid(-age)).astype('int') = 'has_hotwheels'

all_vars = pd.concat(
    [age, income, is_manager, has_porsche, has_hotwheels], axis=1)
corr = all_vars.corr()

fig = pl.figure(3); pl.clf()

fig = pl.figure(4); pl.clf()

(Source code)