Small components used to build projects. An app is anything that is installed by placing in settings.INSTALLED_APPS.

Title Commits Version # Using This Development Status Stars Forks
Django REST Framework 3.15.1 368 Production/Stable 27,495 6,726
ChatterBot 1.0.8 12 Beta 13,892 4,408
django-allauth 0.61.1 141 Production/Stable 8,880 2,934
Fine-uploader 0 Unknown 8,193 1,879
django-debug-toolbar 4.3.0 539 Production/Stable 7,904 1,021
django-extensions 3.2.3 297 Production/Stable 6,419 1,145
Django Ninja 1.1.0 16 Production/Stable 6,213 369
channels 4.1.0 30 Production/Stable 5,936 787
django-cors-headers 4.3.1 14 Production/Stable 5,263 535
drftypegen 0.3.2 0 Unknown 4,994 1,703
django-crispy-forms 2.1 72 Production/Stable 4,917 729
huey 2.5.0 10 Production/Stable 4,892 364
xadmin 0.6.1 24 Beta 4,741 1,407
Stream Framework 1.4.0 19 Production/Stable 4,719 542
django-filter 24.2 34 Production/Stable 4,316 751
silk 5.1.0 5 Production/Stable 4,245 327
graphene-django 3.2.1 12 Production/Stable 4,230 763
Dramatiq 1.16.0 3 Unknown 4,067 288
django-tastypie 0.14.6 93 Beta 3,891 1,172
django-rest-framework-simplejwt 5.3.1 10 Production/Stable 3,808 648
django-grappelli 3.0.8 165 Production/Stable 3,593 657
Django Haystack 3.2.1 183 Production/Stable 3,543 1,301
django-guardian 2.4.0 84 Production/Stable 3,541 556
Django JET 1.0.8 46 Production/Stable 3,532 777
django-oso 0.27.0 4 Beta 3,403 173
Search Weight Package Description Last PyPI release: Repo Forks Stars
{{ item.weight / max_weight * 100 | number:0 }}% {{ item.title }} Grid: {{ item.description }} {{ item.last_released | date: 'mediumDate' }} N/A {{ item.repo_forks }} N/A {{ item.repo_watchers }} N/A