MIHTool 7.4

MIHTool helps Front-End Engineers to debug and optimize their webpages on iPad and iPhone

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MIHTool helps Front-End Engineers to debug and optimize their webpages on iPad and iPhone

1.Action Extension for Safari, brings remote Web Inspector to debug your webpages in Safari. A Inline Web Inspector that is a real Chrome like DevTool for iOS Safari.

MIHToo Action Extension for Safari is the first App that brings a real Chrome like Inline DevTool for iOS Safari. Now, you can inspector your web pages in iOS Safari and Safari View Controller right on your iPad and iPhone without a desktop computer. You can also remote Web Inspector to debug your webpages in Safari and Safari View Controller.
To open MIHToo Action Extension, just click the Share Button of Safari and select MIHTool, for the first time, you might have to enable it in the more list.
Just like Chrome DevTools, it has Elements,Resources,Network,Timeline and Console panel. And it totaly optimized for touch screen. You can maximize and minimize.
Note: If you can't see any logs in Network or Timeline panel, be sure the record circle switcher is RED.
Web inspector is based on weinre,bug reports please check weinre google group.
MIHTool's weinre server is might not cover your location, which is mean you might have network issue with Web Inspector in Action Extension. But if you open your web page in MIHTool, and switch to another weinre server for the one in App, you can do this with MIHTool Remote control(With HTTP Server).
Web pages that enable Content Security Policy will break Web Inspector.

2.Inline Web inspector(like Chrome DevTool or FireBug):With Elements,Resources,Network,Timeline,Console panel.

Inline Web inspector is an iPad only feature.Which makes you possible to inspector your webpages right on your iPad without a desktop computer.
Just like Chrome DevTools,it has Elements,Resources,Network,Timeline and Console panel.And it totaly optimized for touch screen. You can maximize,minimize,zoom-in and zoom-out.
Note: If you can't see any logs in Network or Timeline panel,be sure the record circle switcher is RED.
Please check this video to see how it works.
Web inspector is based on weinre,bug reports please check weinre google group.
MIHTool's weinre server is might not cover your location, which is mean you might have network issue with Web Inspector. But this can be solve by switch to another weinre server, you can do this with MIHTool Remote control(With HTTP Server).
Web pages that enable Content Security Policy will break Web Inspector.

3.Web inspector remote(weinre):remote to debug and optimize your mobile webpages on your computer(window,mac,linux with chrome).

Web inspector remote makes you possible to inspector your webpages with any remote computer(window,mac,linux,or another iPad) in the same local network.
Just like Chrome DevTools,it has Elements,Resources,Network,Timeline and Console panel.
Note: If you can't see any logs in Network or Timeline panel,be sure the record circle switcher is RED.
Web inspector is based on weinre,bug reports please check weinre google group.
MIHTool's weinre server is might not cover your location, which is mean you might have network issue with Web Inspector. But this can be solve by switch to another weinre server, you can do this with MIHTool Remote control(With HTTP Server).
Web pages that enable Content Security Policy will break Web Inspector.

4.Online Web Inspector.

Online web inspector just works as web inspector remote.But is allows you to inspector your webpages with any online remote computer even they are not in the same local network.
Some time your devices are in the local network but may not be accessed by each other,so web inspector remote won't work for you,but if your devices can access external network,online web inspector will work just fine.

5.HTML editor:view webpage source code with syntax highlighting and formatting;editing source code or creare a new webpage and preview the result.

HTML editor is an iPad only feature.Which makes you possible to view and edit any webpages source code with syntax highlighting right on your iPad.
Sure you can create a new webpage with HTML editor and view the result,you also can format source codes or just share them with your friends.
It totaly optimized for touch screen.And you can remote control to export current webpage's source code.

6.Remote control(With HTTP Server):Remote to,Load URL in MIHTool|Safari;Inject Javascript in current webpage;Clear website data;Get HAR data;Get source code;Get screenshots…

Turn ON MIHTool's HTTP Server you will get a HTTP link like,this link allows you to be able to remote control MIHTool from any remote computer(window,mac,linux,or another iPad) in the same local network.
Open the HTTP link from a remote computer,you will see many commands are available for you.
Almost each feature of MIHTool can be remote control with it's command,such as Load URL in MIHTool|Safari;Web Inspector;Inject Javascript in current webpage;View history;Clear website data;Get HAR data;Get source code;Get screenshots,and so on.
All remote commands are REST like so you can write some auto-run scripts to automatically test your wepages.This is very conveniently for you to control multi devices form a single computer at the same time.

7.Show WebKit Debug Borders(Compositing Render Layers).

Show WebKit Debug Borders(Compositing Render Layers) and Show Webkit Repaint Counter(Paint Rects) is a way for you to optimize your web apps and make them 60FPS performance.
To learn how to optimize web apps please check

8.Show Webkit Repaint Counter(Paint Rects).

9.Emulate iPhone.

Emulate iPhone is an iPad only feature.Which makes you possible to see how your webpages look like on iPhone without an iPhone.

10.User agent switcher.

User agent switcher is an iPad only feature.Which makes you possible to switch other platform's broswer user agent,such as android,pc,and mac.

11.More developer bookmarklets:Firebug,YSlow,PageSpeed,GTmetrix…

12.Evaluating JavaScript in the address bar.

13.Full screen mode(Shake Device To Toggle Full Screen Mode).

14.Disable cache.

15.Clear history,clear cache,clear cookies, clear local storage.

16.Keep awake(Default is ON).

17.HAR Viewer (network traffic).

With HAR Viewer you can see your all of webpages network traffic waterfall, you'll never miss any request's log, it's better then the network panel within the Web Inspector.
You can use HAR Viewer in the iPad version, the remote HAR Viewer is available for both iPad and iPhone.
You can also use remote control to export HAR data and view in Online HAR Viewer(Be sure the "Validate data before processing?" box is un-checked .)

18.Performance API.

An implements of Performance API
The Performance interface represents timing related performance information for the given page.

19.Polyfill Manager(simulate APIs for javaScript to Objective-C communication,demo)

You might build webpages for hybird apps,and your webpages need to communicate to the native app.You can use Polyfill Manager to simulate native app's APIs,so you can debug you webpages before the native app finished,even the native app has not been installed on your device.
Please check this video to see how it works.

20.NPM Modules (To require() any module on npm in web inspector console with browserify)

To require() any module on npm in web inspector console with browserify
Browsers don't have the require method defined, but Node.js does. With Browserify you can write code that uses require in the same way that you would use it in Node.
This feature makes MIHTool more powerful and easier for you to debug and optimize your webpages.

MIHTool helps Front-End Engineers to debug and optimize their webpages on iPad and iPhone

Note: The feature functionality of iPhone version are the same as the iPad version, see also the iPad version for the details.

1.Action Extension for Safari, brings remote Web Inspector to debug your webpages in Safari.

2.Web inspector remote(weinre):remote to debug and optimize your mobile webpages on your computer(window,mac,linux with chrome).

3.Online Web Inspector.

4.Remote control(With HTTP Server):Remote to,Load URL in MIHTool|Safari; View HTTP traffic; Inject Javascript in current webpage;Clear website data;Get HAR data;Get source code;Get screenshots…

5.Show WebKit Debug Borders(Compositing Render Layers).

6.Show Webkit Repaint Counter(Paint Rects).

7.Evaluating JavaScript in the address bar.

8.Disable cache *when the switch button is ON*.

9.Full screen mode(Shake Device To Toggle Full Screen Mode).

10.Keep awake(Default is ON).

11.Performance API.

12.Polyfill Manager(Create a JavaScript to Native bridge, Simulate APIs for javaScript to native communication,demo)

13.NPM Modules (To require() any module on npm in web inspector console with browserify)

MIHTool 是前端工程师在iOS设备上调试和优化页面的得力助手.

1.iOS Safari 扩展, 支持在线远程打开 Web Inspector 调试 Safari 里打开的页面,支持在Safari 里打开类似于 Chrome DevTool 的内嵌 Web inspector 直接调试 Safari 里打开的页面.

有了 MIHTool 的 iOS Safari 扩展, 你可以在线远程调试 Safari 和 Safari View Controller(App 里调 Safari 组件)打开的页面了.
并且 MIHTool 的 iOS Safari 扩展是首个将类 Chrome 的 DevTool 带到 Safari 里的 App, 你可以随时随地用扩展的内嵌 Web inspector 仅用 iPad 或 iPhone 就能直接调试 Safari 里打开的页面了.
要打开 MIHTool 的 iOS Safari 扩展, 只需要点击 Safari 的分享按钮里选 MIHTool 就可以了, 第一次使用需要在更多列表里先启用它。 当你激活它,弹窗的 URL 可以远程调试,如果同时按 "OK" 则可用内嵌的 Web Inspector 直接调试。
与 Chrome DevTools 类似,有 Elements, Resources, Network, Timeline, Console 面板.并且针对触屏进行了优化,可以进行最大化,最小化。 注意: 如果你的Network 或者 Timeline 面板无数据,需要将圆形的录制开关打开成 红色.
Web inspector 是基于 weinre 的,bug 可以报到 weinre google group 上。
MIHTool 的 weinre 服务可能在你所在的地方有延迟,你用扩展的 Web Inspector 体验可能很差,如果你用 MIHTool 里的 Web Inspector 你可以用 MIHTool 的远程控制的 HTTP 服务器切花自己的 weinre 服务,能得到更好的体验。
配置了 Content Security Policy 将无法使用 Web Inspector.

2.内嵌 Web inspector(类似于 Chrome DevTool 或 FireBug):有 Elements,Resources,Network,Timeline,Console 面板.

内嵌 Web inspector 是 iPad 独占的。你可以直接在自己的iPad上调试自己的页面。
与 Chrome DevTools 类似,有 Elements, Resources, Network, Timeline, Console 面板. 并且针对触屏进行了优化,可以进行最大化,最小化,放大缩小。
注意: 如果你的Network 或者 Timeline 面板无数据,需要将圆形的录制开关打开成 红色.
Web inspector 是基于 weinre 的,bug 可以报到 weinre google group 上。
MIHTool 的 weinre 服务可能在你所在的地方有延迟,你用 Web Inspector 体验可能很差,你可以用 MIHTool 的远程控制的HTTP服务器切花自己的 weinre 服务。
配置了 Content Security Policy 将无法使用 Web Inspector.

3.远程打开 Web inspector 调试:在电脑(window,mac,linux,仅需装有chrome)上远程调试手机里的页面.

在网域内通过远程控制的方式打开Web inspector调试你的页面。
与 Chrome DevTools类似,有 Elements,Resources,Network,Timeline,Console 面板.
注意: 如果你的Network 或者 Timeline 面板无数据,需要将圆形的录制开关打开成 红色.
Web inspector 是基于 weinre 的,bug 可以报到 weinre google group 上。
MIHTool 的 weinre 服务可能在你所在的地方有延迟,你用 Web Inspector 体验可能很差,你可以用 MIHTool 的远程控制的HTTP服务器切花自己的 weinre 服务。
配置了 Content Security Policy 将无法使用 Web Inspector.

4.在线远程打开Web Inspector调试.

在线远程打开Web Inspector调试与远程打开Web inspector调试功能一样。但是只要你的设备连网,在外网也能通过 Web Inspector调试。
有时候你内网之间的设备可能无法互相访问,那远程打开Web inspector调试就无效了,这时如果设备连上外网了,就可以通过在线远程打开Web Inspector调试了。

5.HTML 编辑器:查看网页源码;格式化及高亮源码;编辑源码或者新建一个页面并预览结果.

HTML editor 编辑器是iPad独占的功能。查看网页源码;格式化及高亮源码;编辑源码或者新建一个页面并预览结果。


开启 MIHTool 的 HTTP Server 你会得到一个类似 的连接,可以通过局域网内的window,mac,linux,甚至另一台 iPad,访问此连接来远程控制 MIHTool。
远程控制的命令是 REST 风格的,你可以写一些自动化脚本来自动化测试你的页面。实现从一台远程电脑控制多台设备同时调试。

7.显示页面合成渲染层(Compositing Render Layers).

显示页面合成渲染层(Compositing Render Layers) 和 显示元素的重绘渲染数(Paint Rects) 是帮助你优化页面得到 60FPS 的得力助手。

8.显示元素的重绘渲染数(Paint Rects).

9.模拟 iPhone.


10.User agent 切换.

你可以直接在 MIHTool 里切换其他浏览器的 UA,包含有 android,mac,window 相关30多个设备的 UA。





15.清除历史,清除缓存,清除cookie, 清除localstorage.


17.查看当前页面的 HTTP 日志.

通过 HAR Viewer 查看页面HTTP请求的日志。弥补了 Web Inspector 的不足.
iPad 版自带了 HAR Viewer,而 iPhone 和 iPad 都支持远程版本的 HAR Viewer.
你也可以通过远程控制导出 HAR 数据然后放到Online HAR Viewer 查看(需要去掉 "Validate data before processing?" 复选框的勾选.)

18.Performance API.

实现了部分 Performance API

19.Polyfill Manager(模拟javascript与Native App互相调用,demo)

当你在做Hybrid App开发时,你无需等待Native App完成开发,也不必非得使用认证的测试机安装上对应的Native App就能完整(无耦合)的模拟Native接口及回调。
参看此演示 视频

20.NPM Modules (在 web inspector console 里通过 require() 加载 npm 模块)

基于 browserify 在 web inspector console 里通过 require() 加载 npm 模块。
丰富的npm模块将让你在 MIHTool 里调试和优化页面变得更加有趣!简直会有无限的可能。

MIHTool 是前端工程师在iOS设备上调试和优化页面的得力助手.

注: iPhone 版有的功能 iPad 版都有,请参看 iPad 版的详细描述.

1.iOS Safari 扩展, 支持在线远程打开 Web Inspector 调试 Safari 里打开或其他 App 里打开的页面.

2.远程打开Web inspector调试:在电脑(window,mac,linux,仅需有chrome)上远程调试手机里的页面.

3.在线远程打开Web Inspector调试.


5.显示页面合成渲染层(Compositing Render Layers).

6.显示元素的重绘渲染数(Paint Rects).





11.Performance API.

12.Polyfill管理器(模拟javascript与Native App互相调用,demo)

13.NPM Modules (在 web inspector console 里通过 require() 加载 npm 模块)

What devs say about MIHTool

What font-end masters say about MIHTool:

  • MIHTool is a brilliant tool that helps you debug websites on iOS. -- @pbakaus (Google).
  • MIHTool will change your life: A complete inline Web Inspector on iOS with performance profiling. -- @addyosmani (Google).
  • MIHTool: a smart & powerful debug tool for iOS WebView. --‏ @paul_irish (Google).
  • MIHTool: a good tool for debugging websites on iPad and iPhone. -- ‏@smashingmag (Smashing Magazine).

Articles about MIHTool:

Support and bug reports

Community discussion, questions, and informal bug reporting is done on the Google group (Or GitHub). Please feel free to twitter me @unbug ,E-mail: tidelgl@gmail.com.微博 @听奏

Special Thanks
  • Guided by Paul Bakaus (Open Web Developer Advocate at Google)
  • App Icon designed by Rude
Demonstration Videos
Change logs

For iPad
1.*Fix, Address bar update when user input.

For iPhone
1.+Add, Update for iPhone X

MIHTool is now 5 years old!

For iPad 
1. +Add, Romote view HTTP trafic.
2. *Fix, Input lose focus.

For iPhone 
1. +Add, Romote view HTTP trafic.

For iPad 
1. +Add, New toolbars for Inline Web Inspector.
2. !*Fix, Switch weinre not working.

For iPhone 
1. !+Add, Inline Web Inspector for Safari, a Chrome like DevTool (Includes Elements,Resources,Network,Console panel.) for iOS Safari.
2. !*Fix, Switch weinre not working.

For iPad 
1. !+Add, Action Extension for Safari, brings remote Web Inspector to debug your web pages in iOS Safari.
2. !+Add, Inline Web Inspector for Safari, a Chrome like DevTool (Includes Elements,Resources,Network,Timeline,Console panel.) for iOS Safari.
3. !+Add, Split screen.
4. *Fix, host data in HAR.

For iPhone 
1. !+Add, Action Extension for Safari, brings remote Web Inspector to debug your web pages in iOS Safari.
2. *Fix, host data in HAR.

For iPad 
1. !+Add, HTTPS Supports. 
2. !+Add, New inspector UI. 
3. !+Add, More than 45+ UserAgents.
4. !+Add, Emulate iPhone 7 sizes.
5. !*Fix, Source viewer, HAR viewer not working on iOS 9+.
6. *Fix, HAR formats.
7. -Remove, Some bookmarks.
8. !-Remove, No long support iOS 7.

For iPhone 
1. !+Add, HTTPS Supports. 
2. !+Add, New inspector UI. 
3. !+Add, iPhone 6 later device supports.
4. !*Fix, About, History not working on iOS 9+.
5. *Fix, HAR formats.
6. !-Remove, No long support iOS 7.

For iPad
1.+Add,Update inline Web Inspector.
2.+Add,Update Online Web Inspector.
3.+Add,Update remote Web Inspector.
For iPhone
1.+Add,Update Online Web Inspector.
2.+Add,Update remote Web Inspector.

For iPad
1.!+Add,NPM Modules (To require() any module on npm in web inspector console with browserify).
2.!+Add,Remote control to toggle NPM Modules.
For iPhone
1.!+Add,Remote control to toggle NPM Modules. (To require() any module on npm in web inspector console with browserify).

For iPad
1.!*Fix,HAR Viewer cause crash on 64-bit device.
2.!*Fix,Remote control to get HAR from MIHTool Console cause crash on 64-bit device.
For iPhone
1.!*Fix,Remote control to get HAR from MIHTool Console cause crash on 64-bit device.

For iPad
1.+Add,Update HTTP Server.
2.+Add,Update for 64-bit.
3.!-Remove,No long support iOS5.
For iPhone
1.+Add,Update HTTP Server.
2.+Add,Update for 64-bit.
3.!-Remove,No long support iOS5.

For iPad
1.!+Add,Update for iOS7.
2.+Add,New user agent list.
3.*Fix,PageSpeed bookmarklet not works issue.
For iPhone
1.!+Add,Update for iOS7.

For iPad
1.*Fix,Remote control to load url decode issue.
For iPhone
1.*Fix,Remote control to load url decode issue.
2.!*Fix,Portrait and landscape switch issue.

For iPad
1.!+Add,Polyfill Manager(simulate API for javaScript to Objective-C communication,demo)
2.!*Fix,Can not remote control to load HTTPS URL in Chrome.
For iPhone
1.!+Add,Polyfill Manager(simulate API for javaScript to Objective-C communication,demo)
2.!*Fix,Can not remote control to load HTTPS URL in Chrome.

For iPad
1.!+Add,Remote control to switch weinre server.
2.+Add,Remote control to get screenshots.
3.+Add,Remote control to load URL in Mobile Safari
4.+Add,Remote control to load URL in Google Chrome
5.+Add,Double click to edit element style and attributes in inline web inspector
6.!*Fix,Web inspector not working in the latest Chrome Canary.
For iPhone
1.!+Add,Remote control to switch weinre server.
2.+Add,Remote control to get screenshots.
3.+Add,Remote control to load URL in Mobile Safari
4.+Add,Remote control to load URL in Google Chrome
5.!*Fix,Web inspector not working in the latest Chrome Canary.

For iPad
1.!+Add,Remote control to view history.
2.+Add,Remote control to clear history.
3.+Add,Remote control to get source code from MIHTool Console.
4.+Add,Remote control to get generated source Code from MIHTool Console.
5.*Fix,Performance API not work in some cases.
6.*Fix,Apple-Specific Event Meta Tag issue.

For iPhone
1.!+Add,View history.
2.!+Add,Remote control to view history.
3.+Add,Remote control to clear history.
4.+Add,Remote control to get source code from MIHTool Console.
5.+Add,Remote control to get generated source Code from MIHTool Console.
6.+Add,New about page with more options.
7.*Fix,Performance API not work in some cases.
8.*Fix,Apple-Specific Event Meta Tag issue.

For iPad
1.!+Add,Online Web Inspector.
2.+Add,Toggle zoom inline web inspector option.
3.+Add,window.open() and window.close() support.
4.+Add,Update HTTP Server.
5.!*Fix,Inline web inspector can not refresh issue.

For iPhone
1.!+Add,Online Web Inspector.
2.+Add,Update HTTP Server.

For iPad
1.+Add,Keep awake default is ON.
2.!*Fix,HTML editor decode issue.
3.*Fix,Web inspector not show up in some case.

For iPhone
1.+Add,Keep awake default is ON.

For iPad
1.!+Add,HAR Viewer.
2.!+Add,Performance API.
3.!+Add,SSL support.
4.+Add,Read/modify external stylesheets/scripts for Web inspector(include Web inspector remote) and Firebug.
5.+Add,Clear application cache when clear cache.
6.+Add,Remote control to quit MIHTool.
7.+Add,Remote control to toggle Media Playback.
8.+Add,Remote control to view performance API from MIHTool Console.
9.+Add,Remote control to get HAR from MIHTool Console.
10.+Add,HTML Editor performance optimized.
11.+Add,Decent new App Icon (By @Rude).
12.*Fix,Some of Chrome plugins cause web inspector “Failed to load resource ‘Popover.js’” issue.
13.*Fix,Web inspector toolbar blocked by console view when open console view in other panel and minimize web inspector.
14.*Fix,Shortcut buttons of HTML editor lost focus issue.

For iPhone
1.!+Add,Performance API.
2.!+Add,SSL support.
3.+Add,Read/modify external stylesheets/scripts for Web inspector remote.
4.+Add,Clear application cache when clear cache.
5.+Add,Remote control to quit MIHTool.
6.+Add,Remote control to toggle Media Playback.
7.+Add,Remote control to view performance API from MIHTool Console.
8.+Add,Remote control to get HAR from MIHTool Console.
9.+Add,Decent new App Icon (By @Rude).
10.*Fix,Some of Chrome plugins cause web inspector “Failed to load resource ‘Popover.js’” issue.

For iPad
1.!+Add,Inline Web inspector(like Chrome DevTool or FireBug):With Elements,Resources,Network,Timeline,Console panel.
2.!+Add,Web inspector remote(weinre):remote to debug and optimize your mobile webpages on your computer(window,mac,linux with chrome).
3.+Add,Remote control to reload current webpage.
4.+Add,Remote control to toggle disable cache.
5.+Add,Remote control to clear cache.
6.+Add,Remote control to clear cookies.
7.+Add,Remote control to clear local storage.
8.+Add,Remote control to clear all data(Cache,Cookies,Local Storage).
9.+Add,Remote control to toggle full screen mode.
10.+Add,Remote control to toggle keep awake.
11.+Add,Clearly developer tools section.
12.!*Fix,Http server not reconnect after awake from background.

For iPhone
2.!+Add,Web inspector remote(weinre):remote to debug and optimize your mobile webpages on your computer(window,mac,linux with chrome).
3.+Add,Remote control to reload current webpage.
4.+Add,Remote control to toggle disable cache.
5.+Add,Remote control to clear cache.
6.+Add,Remote control to clear cookies.
7.+Add,Remote control to clear local storage.
8.+Add,Remote control to clear all data(Cache,Cookies,Local Storage).
9.+Add,Remote control to toggle full screen mode.
10.+Add,Remote control to toggle keep awake.
11.+Add,Disable cache *when the switch button is ON*.
11.!*Fix,Http server not reconnect after awake from background.
12.-Remove.Clear cache,clear localstorage,clear cookies on restart *when the switch button is ON*.

For iPad
1.+Add,HTTP Server for remote control.
2.+Add,Remote control to load URL in MIHTool.
3.+Add,Remote control to inject Javascript in current webpage:Such as,Inject weinre for web inspector remote.
4.+Add,Emulate iPhone.
5.+Add,Keep Awake.
6.+Add,Share source code option.
7.*Fix,Not update the source code by load a URL from history when preview editing source code issue.
8.*Fix,In HTML editor,page switch issue.
9.*Fix,User agent switch not save issue.

For iPhone
1.+Add,HTTP Server for remote control *when the switch button is ON*.
2.+Add,Remote control to load URL in MIHTool.
3.+Add,Remote control to inject Javascript in current webpage:Such as,Inject weinre for web inspector remote.
4.+Add,Keep Awake *when the switch button is ON*.
5.+Add,Clear cache,clear localstorage,clear cookies on restart *when the switch button is ON*.
6.+Add,Decent UI.

For iPad
1.+Add,View webpage source code.
2.+Add,View webpage generated source code.
3.+Add,HTML editor with syntax highlighting and formatting.
4.+Add,Edit source code with HTML editor and preview the result.
5.+Add,Create a new webpage with HTML editor and preview it.
6.+Add,JS Console development tool.
7.*Fix,URL format issue.
8.*Fix,Disable cache policy issue.

For iPad
1.+Add,Show webkit repaint counter.
2.+Add,More development tools(Firebug,YSlow,WhatFont,PageSpeed,GTmetrix,W3C Markup Validation Service…).
3.+Add,User agent switcher.
4.+Add,Evaluating JavaScript in the address bar.
5.+Add,URL history.
6.+Add,Running in background.
7.+Add,Auto load the last webpage on restart.
8.+Add,Save settings.
9.+Add,Quit the App option(A quick way to restart the App)
10.+Add,Disable cache.
11.+Add,Clear History,clear cache,clear cookies, clear localstorage.
12.+Add,Decent UI and layout.

For iPhone
1.+Add,Show webkit repaint counter.

1.+ add Firebug web development tool for iPad version.
2.* url autofill with “http://” issue fixed.

Hello world! Is this The End of the World? Noooo? Keep calm and carry on coding :)