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Last active December 18, 2015 08:29
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d3.sticker plugin


An API to create "stickers" from DOM elements that can then be repasted and manipulated.

This example shows how you can dynamically create and remove icons using the d3.sticker API

For more data driven examples see:

And a video tutorial:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="sticker.js"></script>
<div id="toolbar">
<div id="sticker1" class="sticker">
<svg width=80 height=80 viewbox="0 0 100 100">
<g id="heart" opacity=0.2>
<path d="M90,16.667V5.556H55.556v11.111H44.444V5.556H10v11.111H7.641H0V50h7.641H10v12.223h11.111v10h11.111v12.222h11.111v10
h13.333v-10h11.11V72.223h0.994h10.117v-10H90V50h2.283H100V16.667 M24.444,29.016v12.096H11.111V29.016V17.778h13.333V29.016z"></path>
<div id="sticker2" class="sticker">
<svg width=80 height=80 viewbox="0 0 100 100">
<g id="postit" opacity = 0.2>
<path d="M99.276,61.623C86.663,47.747,86.507,3.225,86.507,2.778C86.507,1.244,85.263,0,83.729,0H13.572 c-0.71,0-1.358,0.267-1.85,0.705c-0.002,0-0.002,0.001-0.002,0.003c-0.039,0.034-0.076,0.069-0.112,0.106L0.814,11.607 C0.293,12.128,0,12.835,0,13.571V74.28c0,0.015,0,0.029,0,0.044c0,0.002,0,0.002,0,0.002c0,0.001,0,0.001,0,0.003 c0.006,0.359,0.08,0.702,0.21,1.016c0.135,0.329,0.337,0.638,0.604,0.904c0.264,0.265,0.568,0.464,0.893,0.6 c0.33,0.139,0.691,0.215,1.071,0.215h80.555c1.534,0,2.777-1.244,2.777-2.778v-8.016h0.317h10.794c1.101,0,2.096-0.648,2.541-1.655 C100.207,63.609,100.018,62.436,99.276,61.623z M16.35,47.618c1.394,4.868,3.148,9.375,5.329,13.096H16.35V47.618z M5.556,14.722 l5.238-5.238v52.857l-5.238,5.237V14.722z M80.556,71.507H9.484l5.237-5.238h12.341h53.493V71.507z M86.428,60.713H28.344 C18.263,48.113,16.654,15.318,16.397,5.556h64.592c0.215,9.346,1.622,39.436,10.825,55.158H86.428z"></path>
<div id="sticker3" class="sticker">
<svg width=80 height=80 viewbox="0 0 100 100">
<g id="marker" opacity=0.2>
<path d="M99.375,96.315c0-0.485-0.112-0.942-0.314-1.35l-2.013-6.036c-0.149-0.445-0.399-0.852-0.732-1.184l-4.945-4.947 l-2.982-6.961c-0.151-0.354-0.37-0.677-0.643-0.949L69.234,56.377c0.268-1.009,0.018-2.124-0.773-2.916L18.106,3.107 C16.103,1.104,13.44,0,10.606,0s-5.497,1.104-7.5,3.107C1.103,5.11,0,7.773,0,10.606c0,2.833,1.103,5.496,3.107,7.499L53.462,68.46 c0.568,0.568,1.339,0.888,2.143,0.888c0.265,0,0.522-0.047,0.774-0.114l18.51,18.513c0.272,0.271,0.595,0.491,0.948,0.642 l6.967,2.986l2.565,2.565H10.606c-1.674,0-3.03,1.356-3.03,3.03s1.356,3.03,3.03,3.03h84.848c0.873,0,1.654-0.376,2.208-0.966 C98.674,98.543,99.375,97.516,99.375,96.315z M7.392,13.819c-0.858-0.858-1.331-1.999-1.331-3.213c0-1.214,0.473-2.355,1.332-3.214 c0.858-0.859,2-1.332,3.214-1.332c1.214,0,2.355,0.473,3.214,1.332l48.212,48.211l-6.428,6.429L7.392,13.819z M60.961,65.246 l4.285-4.286l17.802,17.802l2.176,5.078l-0.256,0.254l-1.129,1.129l-5.078-2.175L60.961,65.246z"></path>
<svg id="surface">
//this is nice to have
d3.selection.prototype.moveToFront = function() {
return this.each(function() {
//active sticker is kept in this variable
var sticker;
var bbox;
var toolbar ="#toolbar");
var stickers = toolbar.selectAll(".sticker");
function stickerPicker(d,i) {
var el ="svg g").node();
sticker = d3.sticker(el);
console.log("sticker!", sticker);
console.log("el", el)
bbox = el.getBBox();
stickers.classed("selected", false);"selected", true);
stickers.on("click", stickerPicker);
//pick first sticker by default, null, 0);
var svg ="#surface");
svg.on("click", function() {
var mouse = d3.mouse(this);
mouse[0] -= bbox.width/2 + bbox.x;
mouse[1] -= bbox.height/2 + bbox.y;
//place the sticker centered
.attr("transform", "translate(" + mouse + ")");
//we want our ghost to be on top all the time
var ghost;
var mousedown = false;
svg.on("mousedown", function() {
mousedown = true;
svg.on("mouseup", function() {
mousedown = false;
svg.on("mouseenter", function() {
ghost = sticker(svg);{
opacity: 0.4,
stroke: "#000",
"stroke-width": 2,
"stroke-dasharray": "2 2"
svg.on("mouseleave", function() {
mousedown = false;
svg.on("mousemove", function() {
var mouse = d3.mouse(this);
mouse[0] -= bbox.width/2 + bbox.x;
mouse[1] -= bbox.height/2 + bbox.y;
.attr("transform", "translate(" + mouse + ")");
//continuously paste if mouse is held down
if(mousedown) {
.attr("transform", "translate(" + mouse + ")");
(function() {
d3.sticker = function(selector) {
var string;
var node;
var svgElement; //for deserializing svg elements
var sticker = function(selection) {
return sticker.append(selection);
sticker.copy = function(selector) {
node =;
if(!node) return sticker;
//we keep track of svg element
if(d3_isSVG(node)) {
sticker.isSVG = true;
svgElement = node.ownerSVGElement;
node = node.cloneNode(true);
return sticker;
sticker.paste = function() {
if(!node) return;
return node.cloneNode(true);
sticker.node = function(_) {
if(!arguments.length) return node;
node = _;
if(d3_isSVG(node)) {
sticker.isSVG = true;
svgElement = node.ownerSVGElement;
return sticker;
//append a copy of the sticker to the selection
sticker.append = function(selection) {
return {
return this.appendChild(sticker.paste());
//insert a copy of the sticker into a selection similar to the d3 insert API
sticker.insert = function(selection, before) {
if(!string) return selection;
return {
return this.parentNode.insertBefore(sticker.paste(), this);
sticker.string = function(_) {
if(!arguments.length) return string;
string = _;
return sticker;
sticker.serialize = function() {
//Serialize the selected element into a string
string = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(node);
sticker.deserialize = function () {
//check if our element is SVG
if(sticker.isSVG) {
node = d3_makeSVGFragment(string, svgElement);
} else {
node = d3_makeFragment(string);
return node;
sticker.toString = function() {
return string;
if(selector) {
return sticker.copy(selector);
return sticker;
function d3_isSVG(el) {
if(!el) return false
return !!el.ownerSVGElement;// || el.tagName === "svg";
function d3_makeFragment(fragment) {
var range = document.createRange()
return range.createContextualFragment(fragment);
function d3_makeSVGFragment(fragment, svgElement) {
//we need to wrap our element in a temporarary intermediate svg element
//so that the browser knows to instanciate the Node properly.
//for some reason having the range select an svg element isn't enough.
// TODO: Allow optional namespace declarations
var pre = '<svg xmlns= xmlns:xlink=>';
var post = '</svg>';
var range = document.createRange();
var contextFragment = range.createContextualFragment(pre + fragment + post)
var intermediateSvg = contextFragment.childNodes[0]
var node = intermediateSvg.childNodes[0]
return node;
#toolbar {
width: 959px;
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid grey;
#surface {
width: 959px;
height: 399px;
bordeR: 1px solid grey;
.sticker {
float: left;
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
margin: 10px;
border: 1px solid black;
.selected {
border: 1px solid red;
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