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Lithium for jQuery

Lithium adds the following useful APIs to be used along with jQuery:

  1. Data type assertion: isDefined,isElement...
  2. Things like bind,inherit,namespace...
  3. Publisher-subscriber pattern that can be used to communicate between loosly coupled modules/components.
  4. Browser detection (which is still useful for fixing certain bugs or for statistics).

Lithium depends on jQuery. Lithium is seperated into modules, so you use only what you need.

Browser support

Latest Chrome,Firefox,Safari,Opera,MS Edge and IE9+.


Lithium is split into 5 modules:

lithium.js - Core (other modules depends on this module).

lithium.pubsub.js - Publisher-Subscriber.

lithium.browser.js - Browser detection.

lithium.dom.js - Advanced DOM utilities

lithium.extras.js - Contains additional utility methods.


Complete API documentation.

Data types

Li.isDefined(val) - Returns true if val isn't undefined.

Li.isElement(o) - Returns true if o is an instance of HTMLElement

Li.isNaN(val) - Returns true if val is NaN.

Similarly Li.isObject, Li.isArray, Li.isFunction, Li.isNumber, Li.isFinite, Li.isBoolean, Li.isString.


  • Li.namespace(string) - Creates a global namespace.


  • Li.extend(base, obj) - Classical inheritence

    var myClass1 = Li.extend(Object, {
          constructor: function (cfg) {
              $.extend(this, cfg);
          prop: "Lithium",
          method: function () { return 1;},
          statics: { //Special property to defined static methods/properties
              staticProp: "prop"
      //Create myClass2 using myClass1 as base class.
      var myClass2 = Li.extend(myClass1, {
          constructor: function (cfg) {
              this.super([cfg]); //call base class constructor
              //alternatively, this.super(arguments);
              //or this.superclass(), cfg);
          //Override 'method'
          method: function () {
              //Add 1 to the result of base class 'method'.
              return 1 + this.super(arugments);
  • Li.forEach(obj [, callback, context]) - forEach on any object. For arrays, Array.forEach is called internally.

  • Li.format(formatString, ...) - A quick string format method

    Li.format('<div class="{0}"></div>, 'box');
    Li.format('<div class="{cls}"></div>, {cls: 'box'});
    //Both returns '<div class="box"></div>'
  • Li.dom(htmlString, ...) - Converts htmlString to DOM, inserts them into a document fragment and returns the fragment.

    Internally this uses Li.format for string formatting.

    var df = Li.dom('<div class="{cls}" data-id="{id}"></div>', {cls: 'box', id: Li.uuid()}); //DocumentFragment
  • Publisher-Subscriber

    //Publisher class
      var Restaurant = Li.extend(Li.Publisher, {
          eventType: ['freefood'], //list of events this class may fire.
          salesOffer: function () {
              this.trigger('freefood', '1.00 PM');
      var HungryMan = Li.extend(Object, {
          constructor: function (name, restaurant) {
     = name;
              //Add listener
              restaurant.on('freefood', function (time) {
                  console.log(name + ' says: Yay! Free food!');
              }, this);
      var someRestaurant = new Restaurant();
      new HungryMan('man1', someRestaurant),
      new HungryMan('man2', someRestaurant);
      //Somewhere in a onclick event we execute...
      someRestaurant.salesOffer(); //...this would call all listeners. In this case it will display..
      //man1 says: Yay! Free food!
      //man2 says: Yay! Free food!
  • Li.lbind(fn [, context, args...]) - Binds context and arguments to a function (like the JS.1.8.1 Function.bind). Argument list is prepended to fn.

    element.onclick = Li.lbind(function (val, e) {
        console.log(this ===  element); //true
        console.log(val); //10
        console.log(e); //If IE9+, you'll get event.
      }, element, 10);
  • Li.rbind - Same as lbind, except that arguments are appended to fn arugment list.

  • Li.uuid([len=10, hypenate=false]) - Returns a random UID with length 'len' and hyphenated if hypenate=true, as string.

  • Li.string.htmlEncode and Li.string.htmlDecode - Encodes/Decodes >,<," and &.

Browser Detection

Li.isIE - will be set when browser is MS IE.
Li.isIE9 - will be set when browser is MS IE 9.
...similar for other browsers and versions
Li.isMobile - True if iPhone, Android, BlackBerry (Phone), Windows Phone or Symbian.

Additionally: - e.g. 'IE'
Li.browser.version - e.g. '9'
Li.browser.OS - e.g. 'Windows'
Li.browser.OSVersion (set if available) - e.g. '6.1'


Useful APIs to be used with jQuery.







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