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Dart 1.13 brings improved JavaScript interoperability and more

Dart 1.13 is now available. With this release, you can more easily access JavaScript APIs from Dart code. We've also improved secure networking on the server.

Easier JavaScript interoperability

Dart 1.13 provides a new syntax for creating Dart API facades for existing JavaScript libraries. Facades have the benefits you expect from a Dart library: errors, warnings, and code navigation. They also provide the Dart-to-JavaScript compiler the structure needed to provide interoperability with low code size and runtime cost.

Example facade for Chart.js library

Use the js package to create Dart APIs for your favorite JavaScript libraries. We have an example port of the Chart.js library if you'd like to see how to use these new features in your code.

Graph generated with Chart.js and Dart
We're actively working on tools to generate JS facades from other typed-JavaScript implementations. To track progress, subscribe to this GitHub issue.

Improved secure networking

As we mentioned in September, Dart has transitioned to BoringSSL – a streamlined, Google-maintained implementation of OpenSSL. As part of this change we have updated related APIs to use a standard PEM file for certificates and keys. Note: Existing code that uses TLS/SSH on the Dart VM will have to be updated to use the new APIs, as described in TLS/SSL with Dart.

And more...

The SDK changelog has details about all of the updates in Dart 1.13. Get it now.