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Python 3.5 is on its way

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By Jake Edge
July 15, 2015

It has been nearly a year and a half since the last major Python release, which was 3.4 in March 2014—that means it is about time for Python 3.5. We looked at some of the new features in 3.4 at the time of its first release candidate, so the announcement of the penultimate beta release for 3.5 seems like a good time to see what will be coming in the new release. Some of bigger features are new keywords to support coroutines, an operator for matrix multiplication, and support for Python type checking, but there are certainly more. Python 3.5 is currently scheduled for a final release in September.

As usual, the "What's New In Python 3.5" document is the place to start for information about the release. At this point, it is still in draft form, with significant updates planned over the next couple of months. But there is lots to digest in what's there already.

Type hints

One of the more discussed features for 3.5 only showed up in the first beta back in May: type hints (also known as PEP 484). It provides an way to optionally annotate the types of Python functions, arguments, and variables in a way that can be used by various tools. Type hints have been championed by Python benevolent dictator for life (BDFL) Guido van Rossum and came about rather late in the 3.5 development cycle, so there was always a bit of a question whether it would make the feature freeze that came with the first beta release.

But, just prior to that deadline, BDFL-Delegate Mark Shannon accepted the PEP on May 22, with a nod to some of the opposition to the feature that has arisen:

I have long been aware that as well as a powerful, sophisticated and "production quality" language, Python is also used by many casual programmers, and as a language to introduce children to programming. I also realise that this PEP does not look like it will be any help to the part-time programmer or beginner. However, I am convinced that it will enable significant improvements to IDEs (hopefully including IDLE), static checkers and other tools. These tools will then help us all, beginners included.

Shannon continued by noting that other languages have an operator-overloading feature that often get used in ugly ways, but that Python's is generally used sensibly. That's because of Python's culture, which promotes the idea that "readability matters". He concluded: "Python is your language, please use type-hints responsibly :)".

Matrix multiplication

A new binary operator will be added to Python to support matrix multiplication (specified by PEP 465). "@" is a new infix operator that shares its precedence with the standard "*" operator for regular multiplication. The "@=" operator will perform the matrix multiplication and assignment, as the other, similar operators do.

The @ operator will be implemented with two "dunder" (double underscore) methods on objects: __matmul__() and __rmatmul__() (the latter is for right-side matrix multiplication when the left-side object does not support @). Unsurprisingly, @= is handled with the __imatmul__() method. That is all the new feature defines, since Python does not have a matrix type, nor does the language define what the @ operator actually does. That means no standard library or builtin types are being changed to support matrix multiplication, though a number of different scientific and numeric Python projects have reached agreement on the intended use and semantics of the operator.

Currently, developers of libraries like NumPy have to make a decision about how to implement Python's multiplication operator (*) for matrices. All of the other binary operators (e.g. +, -, /) can only reasonably be defined element-wise (i.e. applying the operation to corresponding elements in each operand), but multiplication is special in that both the element-wise and the specific 2D matrix varieties are useful. So, NumPy and others have resorted to using a method for 2D matrix multiplication, which detracts from readability.

The only other use of @ in Python is at the start of a decorator, so there will be no confusion in parsing the two different ways of using it. Soon, users of NumPy will be able to multiply matrices in a straightforward way using statements like:

    z = a @ b
    a @= b

async and await

Another fast-moving feature adds new keywords for coroutine support to the language. PEP 492 went from being proposed in early April to being accepted and having its code merged in early May. The idea is to make it easier to work with coroutines in Python, as the new async and await keywords don't really add new functionality that couldn't be accomplished with existing language constructs. But they do provide readability improvements, which is one of the main drivers of the addition.

Essentially, functions, for loops, and with statements can be declared as asynchronous (i.e. may suspend their execution) by adding the async keyword:

    async def foo(...):

    async for data in cursor:

    async with lock:
	await foo()

The await statement that can be seen in the with example is similar to the yield from statement that was added to Python 3.3 (described in PEP 380). It suspends execution until the awaitable foo() completes and returns its result.

While async and await will eventually become full-fledged keywords in Python, that won't happen until Python 3.7 in roughly three years. The idea is to allow programmers time to switch away from using those two statement names as variables, which is not allowed for Python keywords. As it turns out, await can only appear in async constructs, so the parser will keep track of its context and treat those strings as variables outside of those constructs. It is a clever trick that allows the language to "softly deprecate" the keywords.

Zip applications

Over the last few years there has been a lot of discussion on python-dev, python-ideas, and elsewhere about how to easily distribute Python programs; the zipapp module (specified in PEP 441) is a step along that path. Partly, the PEP authors simply want to promote a feature that was added back in the Python 2.6 days. It provides the ability to execute a ZIP format file that contains a collection of Python files, including a __main__.py, which is where the execution starts.

Besides just publicizing a "relatively unknown" language feature, the zipapp module would be added to provide some tools to help create and maintain "Python Zip Applications", which is the formal name for these application bundles. The bundles will have a .pyz extension for console applications, while windowed applications (i.e. won't require a console on Windows) will end in .pyzw . The Windows installer will associate those extensions with the Python launcher. It is hoped that .pyz will be connected with Python on Unix-like systems (by way of the MIME-info database), but that is not directly under the control of the Python developers.

The appropriate interpreter (i.e. Python 2 or Python 3) can be associated with the file by prepending a "shebang" line to the ZIP format (which ZIP archivers will simply skip). For example (from the PEP):

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    #  Python application packed with zipapp module
    (binary contents of archive)

In addition, the zipapp module can be directly accessed from the command line. It provides two helper functions (create_archive() and get_interpreter()) but will likely be used as follows:

    $ python -m zipapp dirname
That creates a dirname.pyz file that contains the files in the directory (which must include a __main__.py). There are also command-line options that govern the archive name, the interpreter to use, or the main function to call from a __main__.py that zipapp will generate.

Formatting bytes

The distinction between bytes and strings in Python 3 is one of the defining characteristics of the language. That was done to remove some of the ambiguities and "magic" from handling Unicode that are present in Python 2. "Bytes" are simply immutable sequences of integers, each of which is in the range 0–255, while "bytearrays" are their mutable counterpart. There is no interpretation placed on the byte types; strings, on the other hand, always contain Unicode.

But there are a number of "wire protocols" that combine binary and textual data (typically ASCII), so when writing code to deal with those, it would be convenient to be able to use the Python string formatting operations to do so. Today, though, trying to interpolate an integer value into a bytes type does not work:

    >>> b'%d' % 5
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'bytes' and 'int'

The adoption of PEP 461 will change that. All of the numeric formatting codes, when applied to bytes, will be treated as if they were:

    ('%x' % val).encode('ascii')
Where x is any of the dozen or so numeric formatting codes. In addition, %c will insert a single byte (either from an integer in the 0–255 range or from a byte type of length 1) and %b can be used to interpolate a series of bytes. Neither of those will accept string types since converting a string to bytes requires an encoding, which Python 3 will not try to guess.

In addition, bytes and bytearrays will be getting a hex() method. That will allow turning bytes into hexadecimal strings:

    >>> bytes([92, 83, 80, 255]).hex()

The grab bag

There are, of course, lots more features coming in Python 3.5—way more than we can cover here—but there are some additional ones that caught our eye and we will look at briefly. For example, the ordered dictionary in collections.OrderedDict has been reimplemented in C, which provides a 4–100x performance increase. PEP 485, which has been accepted for 3.5, proposes adding a function to test approximate equality to both the math and cmath modules: math.is_close() and cmath.is_close().

The "system call interrupted" error code on POSIX systems (EINTR, which gets turned into the Python InterruptedError exception) is often unexpected by applications when they are making various I/O calls, so those exceptions may not be handled correctly. It would make more sense to centralize the handling of EINTR. So, in the future, the low-level system call wrappers will automatically retry operations that fail with EINTR (which is a feature that is described in PEP 475).

The process of initializing extension modules (which are implemented as shared libraries), built-in modules, and imported modules is subtly different in ways that can lead to import loops and other problems. PEP 489 was proposed to regularize this process so that all of the different "import-like" mechanisms behave in the same way; it will be part of Python 3.5.

Eliminating .pyo files is the subject of PEP 488 and it will be implemented for the upcoming release. Those files were meant to hold optimized versions of the Python bytecode (unoptimized bytecode is usually placed into .pyc files), but the extension was used for multiple different optimization levels, which meant manually removing all .pyo files to ensure they were all at the same level. In the future, these __pycache__ file names will all end in .pyc, but will indicate both the optimization level and interpreter used in the name, for example: foo.cpython-35.opt-2.pyc.

Lastly, at least for our look, Python 3.5 will add an os.scandir() function to provide a "better and faster directory iterator". The existing os.walk() does unnecessary work that results in roughly 2x the number of system calls required. os.scandir() will return a generator that produces file names as needed, rather than as one big list, and os.walk() will be implemented using the new function. That will result in performance increases of 2–3x on POSIX systems and 8–9x for Windows.

As can be seen, there is lots of good stuff coming in Python 3.5. Over the next few months, testing of the betas and release candidates should hopefully shake out all but the most obscure bugs, leading to a solid 3.5 release in mid-September.

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Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 15, 2015 23:33 UTC (Wed) by hazmat (subscriber, #668) [Link]

2cents, type hints and async and await decorators as keywords are enough to make me switch to go, its noise and sugar at the same time, rest of changelog is solid (grab bag++).

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 6:40 UTC (Thu) by edomaur (subscriber, #14520) [Link]

I seriously cannot agree with the word "noise". It's really usefull, and it will help tooling to get somewhat more efficient. I am not an irreductible fan of the Python syntax (for example I hate the comprehension semantic) and there is some warts in it, but having async spelled loud and type hint is something I am waiting for since 1.5.2, to say the least...

And Go, well, has also some really bad semantic sugar ( ":=" ???? ) and does seems to walk a path similar to Python, only ten-year later. (except for the compiler)

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 7:09 UTC (Thu) by k8to (guest, #15413) [Link]

I expect to encounter a lot of python with type hints that are unnecessary. People often write python that will work with many types without even realizing it, and I think doing this habitually is a big part of writing good pythonic code.

There's obviously a potential upside as well, though my experiences with tools that try to reason about python have been pretty poor overall. Typehinting isn't nearly enough, and I suspect the practical gains aren't that big.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 8:43 UTC (Thu) by edomaur (subscriber, #14520) [Link]

Perhaps, but still it's type hint and not type enforcement, and it will add some useful informations for decorators and others. I like the fact that it's more explicite than saying nothing about the kind of expected result type. Anyway, it's still Python.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 12:20 UTC (Thu) by smitty_one_each (subscriber, #28989) [Link]

I write a lot of *cough*VBA*cough*, and find that being explicit about data types, even when unnecessary, is a net win.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 22, 2015 15:23 UTC (Wed) by k8to (guest, #15413) [Link]

VBA is definitely not python.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 23, 2015 14:50 UTC (Thu) by mister_m (guest, #72633) [Link]

I don't think anyone is going to dispute that, but it certainly doesn't invalidate the point the user above you was making.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 16:34 UTC (Thu) by iabervon (subscriber, #722) [Link]

I see a lot of Python that will run with many types, but much less that will work ['c', 'o', 'r', 'r', 'e', 'c', 't', 'l', 'y'] with an unexpected type. Even for code that doesn't have any clear problems with other types, it's useful information to find out that the author hasn't considered the possibility of getting the type you're using, and certainly won't have tested it.

I think it really comes down to whether the type annotation system is able to express what the code cares about, rather than particular concrete types. If people use Mapping[str, int] rather than just dict, it'll probably actually be helpful.

For that matter, it would be super-helpful if objects like Mapping where able to do some basic type checks, so that easy-to-write code could raise an informative TypeError instead of an uninformative AttributeError, and people wouldn't write the code that's easy and informative but overly limiting.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 17, 2015 22:18 UTC (Fri) by mathstuf (subscriber, #69389) [Link]

Could one write a class which inspects the type that is expected of it and then act as that type? I'm thinking mock objects or things of an evilness on par with q[1] (or at least the things it does to make "import q; q(); @q def foo(): pass" work).


Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 18, 2015 4:33 UTC (Sat) by iabervon (subscriber, #722) [Link]

The type checks would work by checking whether the object has the expected attributes, and whether the functions which are the values of those attributes may be called with the expected parameters, so the same tricks that allow mock objects to work would cause the type checks to detect that they work.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 17:29 UTC (Thu) by dashesy (guest, #74652) [Link]

Plus, Type hints can go to a separate file, so no additional visual noise, they will help IDEs to catch some class of bugs, and they do not enforce anything, net positive.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 7:06 UTC (Thu) by kleptog (subscriber, #1183) [Link]

> Applications relying on the fact that system calls are interrupted with InterruptedError will hang. The authors of this PEP don't think that such applications exist, since they would be exposed to other issues such as race conditions (there is an opportunity for deadlock if the signal comes before the system call). Besides, such code would be non-portable.

The case this will probably break is the use of alarm() to escape out of a blocking read(), so I think it's a bit of a stretch to say such applications don't exist. I've written such programs in the past, though this kind of thing is too simple for production generally. I just wonder how you could emulate the old behaviour. The PEP suggests signal.set_wakeup_id() but you can't use that in a library because the main program might be using it. Ofcourse you can't use alarm() in a library anyway for the same reason.

AFAICT there is no simple way to emulate the old behaviour, each such site will require manual fixing, assuming you can even find all the places this change will break.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 7:54 UTC (Thu) by pbonzini (subscriber, #60935) [Link]

> The case this will probably break is the use of alarm() to escape out of a blocking read(), so I think it's a bit of a stretch to say such applications don't exist. I've written such programs in the past, though this kind of thing is too simple for production generally.

Indeed, isn't it racy?

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 23:02 UTC (Thu) by wahern (subscriber, #37304) [Link]

alarm is racy because it might fire before you enter the syscall, but you could just use setitimer, which sets an interval timer.

Of course, these things are horrible hacks. But they were very common once upon a time, and perhaps still useful in situations where you're stuck with a FILE handle instead of a socket descriptor.

It's not that you can't poll on the FILE handle (you can through fileno, assuming it's accessible), but that you don't control the buffering layer. Even if poll returns read readiness _and_ you only wanted to read a single byte, read readiness isn't any kind of a guarantee that there'll be something to actually read. Especially on Linux, which will wakeup a sleeping process on an incoming packet before checking the CRC. You would think CRC errors are rare, but, for example, in high-traffic UDP environments (think DNS server), naive applications that didn't think to put their UDP socket in non-blocking mode can easily stall the process.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 17, 2015 7:16 UTC (Fri) by kleptog (subscriber, #1183) [Link]

Right, for any kind of real application you need to do the whole non-block, select, read, retry loop just to ensure you don't get stuck on some weird corner case. But when you're writing code for some coding competition you generally don't do these kinds of push ups due to time pressure, though you could just cut/paste a read_with_timeout() function from somewhere (where all the versions using alarm() will now no longer work). The web is full of bad examples here if you look for them, though fortunately they don't get a lot of votes on stackoverflow.

But like you say you can only do that on network sockets, select() on a real file always returns true, even if the actual read() is going to block for 5 seconds due to other stuff going on. Which means you really need to use the whole clusterf*k that is async I/O. Or threads (which is probably what people do in practice).

I've wondered if it'd be possible to make disk I/O look more like network I/O. (pseudocode)

sendmsg(fd, "", 0, { id=1, op=READ, pos=CURRENT_POS, len=1000 })
select(... wait for fd to be readable ...)
recvmsg(fd, &databuffer, 1000, &msghdr)
if(msghdr.id == 1)

Then it would integrate far more naturally in many coding frameworks and also AIUI match much more closely with how disks actually work these days.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 20, 2015 2:53 UTC (Mon) by zev (subscriber, #88455) [Link]

Perhaps I'm just being dense, but how do setitimer(2) and alarm(2) differ in terms of raciness here? Seems like setitimer's signal could fire before the syscall just as easily as alarm's could.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 21, 2015 0:29 UTC (Tue) by zlynx (guest, #2285) [Link]

But with itimer if you miss the signal another one will be along soon.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 21, 2015 2:35 UTC (Tue) by zev (subscriber, #88455) [Link]

Ah, true...so still (I would say) racy, but in a clumsily-safe way I guess.

That said, alarm(2) is documented as being async-signal-safe, so presumably your SIGALRM handler could re-arm itself just as well, no? (It just wouldn't happen automatically.)

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 28, 2015 9:53 UTC (Tue) by vstinner (subscriber, #42675) [Link]

I'm not sure that you understood the behaviour of the PEP 475: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0475/

The following code hangs on Python 3.5, whereas it fails with OSError(4, "Interrupted system call") on Python 2.7 and Python 3.4:

import os, signal
def noop(signum, frame): pass
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, noop)
os.read(0, 100)

The following code displays "interrupted" on all Python versions:

import os, signal
def noop(signum, frame): raise KeyboardInterrupt # <~~~ HERE
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, noop)
try: os.read(0, 100)
except KeyboardInterrupt: print("interrupted")

The difference is that the Python signal handler of the second example raises an exception.

So to be clear: it is still possible to interrupt blocking syscalls (like syscalls on I/O), as it was before. But your Python signal handler must raise an exception.

The code is not magic. When the alarm is trigerred, the C signal handler is called which sets a flag "SIGALRM was trigerred". Then read() fails with EINTR. Python calls the Python signal handler. If the Python signal handler does not raise an exception, read() is retried. Otherwise, os.read() fails with the exception raised by the Python signal handler.

C code of the _Py_read() function used by os.read(): https://hg.python.org/cpython/file/e01289b08ca8/Python/fi...

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 16, 2015 17:38 UTC (Thu) by dashesy (guest, #74652) [Link]

Addition of matrix multiplication is a great feature! So long I wish I did not need `np.dot` all over the place for readability of math formula (`A @ B @ C` is much cleaner than `np.dot(A, np.dot(B, C))`. However, comparing it to MATLAB, I wonder why not use ` . ` and `.=` yes the former requires the space but PEP8 already requires the space so why not make is the rule. Then I could write `A . B . C`, dot notation is much more common in math, while @ brings in all sort of wrong connotations.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 17, 2015 8:12 UTC (Fri) by tdalman (guest, #41971) [Link]

I think that '.' would cause more confusion and harm than good in Python. '@' does not clash with any other operation, so I find it a good choice (also, I remember some discussions that non-ascii characters should be avoided ...).

Which wrong connotations do you expect by using '@' ?

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 17, 2015 16:13 UTC (Fri) by dashesy (guest, #74652) [Link]

Even though it is another language, first thing to come to my mind was Perl's arrays. For the sake of argument, yet another unorthodox idea is to use ascii ` x ` with surrounding spaces, like `A x B` and `A x= 3` or even a construct like `A >< B` and `A ><= 3`. The way to read the statement `A @ B` is A at[sign] B, which may hurt readability of matrix multiplication because @ is so well-known and familiar. That said, this usage is foreign and given time I hope it will sink in and may become the new norm.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 18, 2015 3:21 UTC (Sat) by njs (subscriber, #40338) [Link]

This was bikeshedded extensively on python-ideas last year -- I'm afraid at this point you're a bit too late :-).

FWIW I've found that the @ notation grew on me pretty quickly, and that it's *really nice* to have an operator that unambiguously means matrix multiplication -- I've already found myself reaching for it in talks and such.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 17, 2015 19:05 UTC (Fri) by zuki (subscriber, #41808) [Link]

Probably because that syntax is already taken ;)

>>> x = 1
>>> x . numerator

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 17, 2015 19:13 UTC (Fri) by zuki (subscriber, #41808) [Link]

Oh, this caused me to re-read the PEP, and encounter this gem:

> APL apparently used +.× , which by combining a multi-character token, confusing attribute-access-like . syntax, and a unicode character, ranks somewhere below U+2603 SNOWMAN on our candidate list.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 24, 2015 15:00 UTC (Fri) by kata198 (guest, #103726) [Link]

Because dot is the access operator. And spaces are ignored syntax:

>>> datetime.\
... datetime.\
... now()
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 24, 10, 59, 46, 7099)

>>> datetime . datetime .now()
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 24, 11, 0, 12, 950078)

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 18, 2015 15:30 UTC (Sat) by tack (guest, #12542) [Link]

As far as I remember, the new async/await stuff isn't just syntax. They allow for asynchronous context managers and async iterators which I understand isn't possible with tulip.

Also, just wanted to give a tip of the hat to zipped applications. Ever since I discovered them not long ago (I think it was when poking at the youtube-dl app), I've used them extensively. Not just useful for bundling code, but also data. For example, an embedded webserver and all the static files (javascript, images, etc.) can be bundled inside a single downloadable file. (I use this for personal projects as well as work projects where it's common for me to include supporting Java jars to be spawned by Python.)

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 21, 2015 22:05 UTC (Tue) by sjj (subscriber, #2020) [Link]

Now I want a tool that intelligently "compiles" a .pyz application. Figure out assets and libraries not in the standard library, go build the zip and done.

Type hints

Posted Jul 23, 2015 9:25 UTC (Thu) by swilmet (subscriber, #98424) [Link]

Python's readability comes partly, if not primarily, because the types are not written.

But writing the type explicitly is a way to self-document the code. Knowing the type of a variable is important to understand the code, to know what the variable represents and which methods can be called on it. It is even more important for function parameters, because for those it takes more time to look at a possible assignment (one has to go through the function calls to find where the parameter is assigned).

For the author of the software, this may not be a problem, because she/he knows well the code and the variable name is sufficient to know which class it represents. But it isn't true (1) when working again on the code after a pause of say, one year (2) for someone discovering the code (3) for a really big codebase.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 24, 2015 1:29 UTC (Fri) by sstewartgallus (guest, #99898) [Link]

PEP 0475 states:

> os.close , close() methods and os.dup2() are a special case: they will ignore EINTR instead of retrying. The reason is complex but involves behaviour under Linux and the fact that the file descriptor may really be closed even if EINTR is returned.

I knew close was a clusterfuck but I didn't know that the shit invaded dup2 as well. This is disconcerting.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 24, 2015 2:17 UTC (Fri) by mathstuf (subscriber, #69389) [Link]

Well, IIRC, Linux's close never returns EINTR, so the point is moot. Can dup2? dup3?

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 24, 2015 14:58 UTC (Fri) by kata198 (guest, #103726) [Link]

EINTR The dup2() or dup3() call was interrupted by a signal; see signal(7).

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 24, 2015 15:35 UTC (Fri) by mathstuf (subscriber, #69389) [Link]

The manpage for close says the same thing; I'm wondering if the implementation will ever actually return EINTR.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 26, 2015 19:04 UTC (Sun) by nix (subscriber, #2304) [Link]

It has to. If you dup2() over an open file descriptor, it has to close it. Thus the close() disaster area invades that part of it too :( if you always close() by hand before dup2()ing (and ensure that no other thread open()s that fd in the middle) you are safe from this -- but language implementations can hardly rely on the user always doing this!

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 26, 2015 21:35 UTC (Sun) by mathstuf (subscriber, #69389) [Link]

Well, you have a race condition if you're using threads in that case. I guess you could open("/dev/null") and dup over that if you really wanted to be safe as possible there (since I imagine its cleanup phase is basically a no-op versus, say, a socket).

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 25, 2015 7:50 UTC (Sat) by tuna (guest, #44480) [Link]

The fact that no one has posted anything about 2.7 being better makes me think that Python 3.x has "won" and will be the future for all python devs.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 31, 2015 13:00 UTC (Fri) by ceplm (subscriber, #41334) [Link]

I don't think there are many people (aside from Armin, I guess ;)) who would say that python 2.* is better. Unfortunately, there are still too many of us who have to use it (ehm, RHEL-7).

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Jul 31, 2015 19:45 UTC (Fri) by Cyberax (✭ supporter ✭, #52523) [Link]

I still think that 2.7 is actually better with the respect to str/unicode mess in Python 3.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Sep 14, 2015 7:35 UTC (Mon) by MKesper (subscriber, #38539) [Link]

I absolutely see 2.x as a mess in that area.
Could the new PEP461 be of help to you?

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Sep 15, 2015 8:07 UTC (Tue) by Otus (subscriber, #67685) [Link]

And I think that was the only mess that was justified. None of the other incompatible changes should have been done.

Python 3 is catching up to 2 in my book with these reintroduced features.

Python 3.n+1 on RHEL by way of Software Collections

Posted Sep 13, 2015 18:44 UTC (Sun) by scottt (guest, #5028) [Link]

I think more people who use Python on RHEL should give Software Collections a try. It certainly helped on the systems I maintain.

Python 3.5 is on its way

Posted Sep 14, 2015 10:55 UTC (Mon) by pboddie (subscriber, #50784) [Link]

Python 2.x will now no longer change significantly. For those who get more out of library enhancements than language enhancements and are able to separate the two (rather than pretend that the former can only be delivered with a large dose of the latter), that's a considerable advantage.

It's also interesting to note that various compiler-related performance enhancements are likely to be supported in Python 2.x because Intel apparently have an interest in maintaining support for it: another area in which Python 2.x was neglected because "it isn't the future" until someone finally synchronised with reality.

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