JRuby 1.7.17 Released

Tuesday, December 09 2014

The JRuby community is pleased to announce the release of JRuby 1.7.17

JRuby 1.7.17 is our twentieth update release since JRuby 1.7.0. The primary goal of 1.7 point releases is to fill out any missing compatibility issues with Ruby 1.9.3.


  • 56 issues fixed for 1.7.17
  • native crypt()
  • Fixed bad encoding of string interpolated within backticks
  • popen2+ now works properly with env hash
  • improvements to align MRI and JRuby FFI
  • updated stdlib to 1.9.3p392 (+ rexml security fixes)

Github Issues resolved for 1.7.17

  • #2271 - refactor FileResource.inputStream to be easier to use
  • #2264 - Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern
  • #2258 - Encoding issue with backticks
  • #2249 - Improve error message when adding file to X509Store fails
  • #2231 - Was the --indy cli option removed? (
  • #2223 - test Kernel.system on windows
  • #2219 - JRuby Complete does not move asm to other package
  • #2173 - on jboss wildfly when starting a rack application: stat unsupported or native support failed to load
  • #2169 - Upgrade jcraft/jzlib dependency
  • #2123 - Fix for issue 2050 : BigDecimal and nil multiplication
  • #2120 - require 'win32/registry' fails
  • #2115 - Limit searches for service libraries to once per baseName, rather than once per suffix.
  • #2088 - Allow partial but not actual esoteric interpolation sequences to be regexp values
  • #2079 - Error running rspec (LoadError: load error: jopenssl/load -- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/bouncycastle/asn1/DERBoolean)
  • #2078 - Very large retained heap size for org.jruby.RubyRegexp$RegexpCache in JRuby Rails App
  • #2077 - jruby can't be used w/ jdk 9
  • #2075 - Provide better error message when using :: in java_import (fixes #2074)
  • #2074 - java_import does not accept :: for static nested classes
  • #2072 - Old tzdata in JRuby
  • #2068 - Made Exception#set_backtrace compliant with Ruby documentation
  • #2064 - improve handling of non ascii character after backslash
  • #2060 - Instance_eval tramples over block's binding's ivars
  • #2057 - Rubygems broken due to psych problem for 1.7.16 in 1.8 mode
  • #2055 - extensions found on classpath do not load
  • #2042 - Gem class missing in jruby-complete 1.7.16 when running from network folder (Windows only)
  • #2040 - jruby -S irb broken on solaris in 1.7.16 with JDK 7
  • #2032 - JRuby 1.7.16's complete.jar has a path regression from 1.7.15
  • #2017 - load path with jars not working anymore with 1.7.16
  • #2016 - java.library.path on Fedora
  • #2011 - Fix for issue 1695 : BigDecimal and Rational multiplication
  • #2008 - Implemented multi args 'system' method on Windows fix #1074
  • #2006 - Coding Conventions guide uses wrong link for sun java coding standards
  • #2004 - jruby-complete-1.7.16.jar includes /Users directory
  • #2003 - fix enums to return nil on unknown symbol
  • #2002 - tweak include order
  • #1999 - Land master File.readlink fix (084eef9c25860cccdd65b625a877e7e230414175)
  • #1983 - java -jar jruby-complete.jar -S irb doesn't work anymore
  • #1962 - Array() does not coerce according to MRI 1.9 logic
  • #1954 - FFI::Library#enum_value difference between MRI and JRuby
  • #1934 - Deprecate overloaded `setProfile`, prefer `setProfilingMode`
  • #1919 - Call Exception#set_bactrace when raising exception
  • #1875 - __FILE__ is wrong when using PathType.CLASSPATH so require_relative can't work
  • #1870 - Module#ancestors now includes singletons themselves
  • #1869 - ScriptingContainer.parse(PathType.CLASSPATH, "some.rb").run() fails
  • #1791 - scriptingcontainer native memory leak?
  • #1768 - OpenSSL cipher list mismatch
  • #1758 - Binding bug
  • #1752 - warning: Tempfile#unlink or delete called on open file; ignoring
  • #1695 - BigDecimal and Rational multiplication rounds the rational number
  • #1681 - Optimize SipHash using sun.misc.Unsafe
  • #1549 - openssl issue with rails and installed default gems
  • #1547 - Passing environment hash to Open3#popen3 causes IOError
  • #1290 - JRuby 1.7.8 (1.9) Open3 `capture3` bug
  • #1074 - Kernel#system with two parameter on Windows fails
  • #1035 - String#crypt behaving differently that in MRI
  • #957 - Time marshaling is incorrect